29 research outputs found


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    The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures.The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures

    Влияние температуры замораживания и хранения на стабильность жировой эмульсии в сливках

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    The article presents the results of a study of frozen cream, the purpose of which was to assess the feasibility of using various freezing and storage modes to obtain a product with a stable fat phase. The objects of the study were cream samples of various fat contents (30%, 40% and 50%). Freezing was carried out at three temperature conditions (–50 °C, —25 °C and –18 °C) followed by storage for 4 months in refrigerators maintaining temperatures of –18 °C, —25 °C and –50 °C. Before and after low-temperature treatment, the state of the fat phase of the cream and the size of ice crystals were assessed using a microscopic method. Destabilization of fat dispersion was determined by the content of destabilized fat. It has been confirmed that with increasing mass fraction of fat in cream, the degree of destabilization increases. The amount of destabilized fat in cream samples with 30, 40 and 50% fat content before freezing was 14.3%, 20.0% and 32.0%, respectively. According to the research results, it has been revealed that when the freezing temperature decreases from –18 °C to –50 °C, there is no noticeable reduction in the amount of destabilized fat. The degree of destabilization decreased when cream was moved from lower to more gentle temperature conditions. At a storage temperature of –18 °C for cream previously frozen at –50 °C and –25 °C, the amount of destabilized fat in the cream was lower by 8.0–14.0% and 20.0–25.0%, respectively, in comparison with samples frozen and stored at the same temperature. When conducting microstructural studies, it has been revealed that freezing at a lower temperature with a change in storage temperature allows obtaining ice crystals with a smoother surface, which cause less damage to the membranes of fat globules.В статье представлены результаты исследования замороженных сливок, целью которого была оценка целесообразности применения различных режимов замораживания и хранения для получения продукта со стабильной жировой фазой. Объектами исследования являлись сливки различной жирности — 30%, 40% и 50%. Замораживание проводили при трех температурных режимах (минус 50 °C, минус 25 °C и минус 18 °C) с последующим хранением в течение 4 месяцев в холодильных камерах с поддержанием температур минус 18 °C, 25 °C и 50 °C. До и после низкотемпературной обработки оценивали состояние жировой фазы сливок и размер кристаллов льда микроскопическим методом. Дестабилизацию жировой дисперсии определяли по содержанию дестабилизированного жира. Было подтверждено, что с увеличением массовой доли жира в сливках степень дестабилизации возрастает. Количество дестабилизированного жира в сливках 30, 40 и 50%-ной жирности до замораживания составляло 14,3%, 20,0% и 32,0% соответственно. По результатам исследований было выявлено, что при снижении температуры замораживания с минус 18 °C до минус 50 °C не происходит заметного сокращения количества дестабилизированного жира. Степень дестабилизации уменьшалась при перемещении сливок с более низких в более щадящие температурные условия. При температуре хранения минус 18 °C сливок, предварительно замороженных при минус 50 °C и минус 25 °C, количество дестабилизированного жира в сливках было меньше соответственно на 8,0–14,0% и 20,0–25,0% в сравнении с образцами, замороженными и хранимыми при одной и той же температуре. При проведении микроструктурных исследований было выявлено, что замораживание при более низкой температуре с изменением температурного режима хранения позволяет получить кристаллы льда с более гладкой поверхностью, которые вызывают меньшее повреждение оболочек жировых шариков

    Некоторые вопросы подготовки статьи к публикации с позиции доказательной медицины

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    To process a material and to prepare it to be published is a most topical problem in the context of evidence-based medicine. The paper lays down basic requirements for paper in this context. It considers all the constituents: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and their discussion, references. Particular emphasis is laid on the description of methods of biomedical studies.Проблема обработки материала и подготовки его к публикации с позиций доказательной медицины является весьма актуальной. В работе изложены основные требования к статьям с этих позиций. Рассмотрены все составляющие статьи: реферат, введение, материалы и методы, результаты и их обсуждение, библиография. Особое внимание уделено описанию методов биомедицинских исследований

    Эндотоксикоз у больных с острыми отравлениями психотропными препаратами

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    A hundred and twenty-one patients with acute severe and critical intoxication with psychotropic agents were examined to assess the prognostic value of the laboratory parameters of endotoxicosis in this acute condition. Analysis of 24 laboratory parameters in the groups of survivors (n = 92) and dead patients (n = 29) indicated that these groups significantly differed only in 5 parameters: effective albumin concentration (EAC), total albumin concentration, serum creatinine concentration, serum urea concentration, and erythrocytic sedimentation rate. Statistical analysis of each parameter identified groups with a poor prognosis of the disease. In these groups, the death rate was significantly higher (p <0.05) than the apri-ori rate estimated as the average mortality rate in the whole study under examination. EAC demonstrated the highest prognostic value. The findings may serve as the basis for developing new methods to make an individual assessment of the health status of patients with acute intoxications with psychotropic drugs in the resuscitative period.С целью оценки прогностической ценности лабораторных показателей эндотоксикоза при острых отравлениях психотропными препаратами был обследован 121 больной тяжелой и крайне тяжелой степени заболевания. Анализ 24 лабораторных показателей в группах выживших (n=92) и умерших (n=29) пациентов показал, что эти группы достоверно различались только по пяти показателям: «эффективная концентрация альбумина» и «общая концентрация альбумина», концентрация креатинина и мочевины сыворотки и СОЭ. При статистическом анализе каждого показателя выделяли группы с прогностически неблагоприятным течением заболевания. В этих группах частота летальных исходов была достоверно более высокой (

    Доказательная медицина и реаниматология: виды клинических исследований

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    The paper considers whether current methods of analysis of research and clinical studies can be used in reanimatology, one of the most important areas of medicine. It also discusses the basic types of clinical studies, their evidence, advantages, and disadvantages. The annex gives some most frequently used statistical criteria and a glossary of terms that are also specific to evidence-based medicine.В статье рассматривается возможность использования современных методов анализа научных и клинических исследований в области реаниматологии — одного из важнейших направлений в медицине. Обсуждаются основные виды клинических исследований, их доказательность, достоинство и недостатки. В приложении даны некоторые наиболее часто используемые статистические критерии и словарь терминов, специфичных для и доказательной медицины

    Albumin and mammalian cell culture: implications for biotechnology applications

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    Albumin has a long historical involvement in design of media for the successful culture of mammalian cells, in both the research and commercial fields. The potential application of albumins, bovine or human serum albumin, for cell culture is a by-product of the physico-chemical, biochemical and cell-specific properties of the molecule. In this review an analysis of these features of albumin leads to a consideration of the extracellular and intracellular actions of the molecule, and importantly the role of its interactions with numerous ligands or bioactive factors that influence the growth of cells in culture: these include hormones, growth factors, lipids, amino acids, metal ions, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to name a few. The interaction of albumin with the cell in relation to these co-factors has a potential impact on metabolic and biosynthetic activity, cell proliferation and survival. Application of this knowledge to improve the performance in manufacturing biotechnology and in the emerging uses of cell culture for tissue engineering and stem cell derived therapies is an important prospect