41 research outputs found

    Specificity of Comedy in Contemporary Kazakh Prose (E. Tursunov’s Short Story Cycle)

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    The relevance of this article lies in the need to construct a comprehensive history of the development of comedy in contemporary Kazakhstani literature, of which the works of Ermek Tursunov are an integral part. The author explores various approaches to the study of irony, satire, and humor, including philosophical (G. Hegel, F. Schlegel), cultural (A. Bergson, B. Dzemidok, M. M. Bakhtin, D. S. Likhachev, Y. Borev, A. M. Panchenko, N. V. Ponyrko, V. Ya. Karasev), and philological (V. Tyupa, V. Propp, M. Yu. Asanina, I. A. Obukhova, S. A. Dubrovskaya). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that Tursunov’s stories are analyzed for the first time in the declared aspect. The research has established that, firstly, irony becomes an important means of comedy in Tursunov’s collection of stories “Karashanyrak”. Secondly, non-direct speech ironically exposes the hero’s surrounding world (“How Kazakhs believed in omens”). Thirdly, there is an orientation towards Chekhov’s humorous tradition (“How Kazakhs received guests”, “How brides became wives”). Fourthly, the writer’s humor relies on national Kazakhstani traditions of comedy embodied in folklore (“How Kazakhs organized noisy performances”). Finally, one of the ways of constructing a comedic plot in Tursunov’s stories is through the synthesis of an anecdote with elements of satire. This study offers new insights into the role of comedy in contemporary Kazakhstani literature and contributes to the broader understanding of humor as a literary device

    Болезнь Бехчета: репродуктивная функция и беременность

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    The problem of fertility and pregnancy outcomes in rheumatic diseases (RDs) is discussed by both rheumatologists and obstetricians. The present paper considers the problems of reproductive function and pregnancy outcomes in patients with Behcet's disease (BD).The study of the circulating level of anti-MЯllerian hormone (AMH) opened a new page in the evaluation of ovarian function and fertility in different diseases, including RDs. The evaluation of AMH as a marker of ovarian reserve substantially simplified its estimate and the determination of the contribution of the disease itself to patients' infertility.Examination of the obstetric histories of patients with BD demonstrated different pregnancy outcomes. Our studies of familial aggregation in BD showed that there were large families in certain ethnic groups, which allowed us to evaluate, on the basis of obstetric histories, both reproductive function and pregnancy outcomes, and not one pregnancy, but several pregnancies, which is important in the study of fertility.Data on the impact of pregnancy on BD, and vice versa, are scarce and contradictory; described as both an exacerbation of BD during gestation and improvement of disease symptoms. There is evidence for an exacerbation of BD in the third trimester of pregnancy only in the women who had painful genital ulcers. At the same time, a number of works have not reveal the impact of either BD on the outcome of gestation or that of pregnancy on the course of BD.It is concluded that there is a need for further investigations of fertility, pregnancy and its outcomes in BD. Проблема фертильности и исходов беременности при ревматических заболеваниях (РЗ) обсуждается как ревматологами, так и акушерами. В настоящей статье нами рассмотрены проблемы репродуктивной функции и исходы беременности у пациенток с болезнью Бехчета (ББ).Изучение циркулирующего уровня АМГ открыло новую страницу в оценке овариальной функции и фертильности при разных заболеваниях, в том числе при РЗ. Определение АМГ как маркера овариального резерва существенно упростило его оценку и определение вклада самого заболевания в инфертильность пациенток.Изучение акушерского анамнеза у пациенток с ББ продемонстрировало разные исходы беременности. Наши исследования, посвященные семейной агрегации при ББ, показали, что в определенных этнических группах есть многодетные семьи, что позволяет оценить на основе акушерского анамнеза как репродуктивную функцию, так и исходы беременности, причем не единственной, а нескольких беременностей, что важно при исследовании фертильности.Сведения о влиянии беременности на ББ и наоборот немногочисленны и противоречивы: описано как обострение ББ в период гестации, так и улучшение симптомов заболевания. Есть данные об обострении ББ в III триместре беременности только у тех женщин, которые имели болезненные язвы гениталий. В то же время в ряде работ не отмечено влияния ни ББ на исход гестации, ни беременности на течение ББ.Сделан вывод о необходимости дальнейшего изучения фертильности, беременности и ее исходов при ББ.

    Современное состояние проблемы системной красной волчанки в Казахстане

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    Objective: to analyze the provision of medical, including rheumatology, care in Kazakhstan, to study the incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and to develop a registry of patients with this condition.Material and methods. The investigators analyzed the guidelines for the organization of medical, including rheumatology, care in the republic and the official statistical materials of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period 2012 to 2017. Articles were searched to select activity indices, organ damages and to assess the quality of life and treatment programs in order to create a registry of patients with SLE.Results and discussion. The paper presents the basic principles of providing medical, including rheumatology, care in the republic. It gives data on the issues of providing SLE patients with medicines in outpatient and inpatient settings. It also analyzes trends in the incidence of SLE in the population of Kazakhstan in 2012 to 2017. There were 4,448 SLE patients, including 3,986 women; a comparative analysis of indicators demonstrated a 62.8% increase in the incidence of SLE from 2012 to 2017. The purpose and objectives of the registry of patients with SLE were substantiated.Conclusion. An analysis of morbidity rates suggests that SLE remains to be significant in the republic. The incidence of SLE has been noted to increase in the period from 2012 to 2017; there is a female preponderance (89.6%). The application of the SLE registry in clinical practice will be able to improve the diagnosis of the disease in the early stage and to prevent possible complications. Цель исследования – анализ оказания медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в Казахстане, изучение показателей заболеваемости и разработка регистра пациентов с системной красной волчанкой (СКВ).Материал и методы. Проводился анализ руководящих документов по организации медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в республике и официальных статистических материалов Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан (МЗ РК) за период с 2012 по 2017 г. Выполнен поиск статей для отбора индексов активности, повреждения органов, оценки качества жизни и программы терапии с целью создания регистра пациентов с СКВ.Результаты и обсуждение. Представлены основные принципы оказания медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в республике. Приведены данные по вопросам обеспечения пациентов с СКВ лекарственными средствами на амбулаторном и стационарном этапе. Проведен анализ динамики заболеваемости СКВ населения Казахстана за период с 2012 по 2017 г. Число пациентов с СКВ составило 4448 человек (из них женщин – 3986), сравнительный анализ показателей за период с 2012 по 2017 г. продемонстрировал увеличение заболеваемости на 62,8%. Обосновываются цель и задачи регистра пациентов с СКВ.Заключение. Анализ показателей заболеваемости свидетельствуют о сохранении значимости СКВ в республике. Отмечены прирост заболеваемости СКВ в период с 2012 по 2017 г., преобладание лиц женского пола (89,6%). Использование регистра пациентов с СКВ в клинической практике позволит улучшить диагностику заболевания на раннем этапе и предотвратить возможные осложнения.

    Қылмыс объектісі жөнінде. К вопросу объекта преступлений.

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    Мақалада қылмыс объектісі ұғымына байланысты қылмыстық құқықта қалыптасқан теорияларға жалпы шолу жасалынған. Сонымен қатар, қылмыстық заңнаманы жетілдіру мақсатында қылмыстық кодекстің жаңа Концепциясының негізі ретінде қылмыс объектісі болып танылатын мүддені ескерудің маңыздылығы айтылады. В данной статье автором обобщается концептуальный подход объекта преступления. А также указывается, что необходимо важно учесть в основу Концепции уголовного кодекса РК объекта преступления как интересы социальных субъектов


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    Navigating Precision Oncology: Insights from an Integrated Clinical Data and Biobank Repository Initiative across a Network Cancer Program

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    Advancing cancer treatment relies on the rapid translation of new scientific discoveries to patient care. To facilitate this, an oncology biobank and data repository program, also referred to as the “Moonshot” program, was launched in 2021 within the Integrated Network Cancer Program of the Allegheny Health Network. A clinical data program (CDP) and biospecimen repository were established, and patient data and blood and tissue samples have been collected prospectively. To date, the study has accrued 2920 patients, predominantly female (61%) and Caucasian (90%), with a mean age of 64 ± 13 years. The most common cancer sites were the endometrium/uterus (12%), lung/bronchus (12%), breast (11%), and colon/rectum (11%). Of patients diagnosed with cancer, 34% were diagnosed at stage I, 25% at stage II, 26% at stage III, and 15% at stage IV. The CDP is designed to support our initiative in advancing personalized cancer research by providing a comprehensive array of patient data, encompassing demographic characteristics, diagnostic details, and treatment responses. The “Moonshot” initiative aims to predict therapy responses and clinical outcomes through cancer-related biomarkers. The CDP facilitates this initiative by fostering data sharing, enabling comparative analyses, and informing the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods

    Impact of bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, and acetazolamide on hepatic and renal SLC26A4 expression

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    SLC26A4 encodes pendrin, a transporter exchanging anions such as chloride, bicarbonate, and iodide. Loss of function mutations of SLC26A4 cause Pendred syndrome characterized by hearing loss and enlarged vestibular aqueducts as well as variable hypothyroidism and goiter. In the kidney, pendrin is expressed in the distal nephron and accomplishes HCO(3)(-) secretion and Cl(-) reabsorption. Renal pendrin expression is regulated by acid-base balance. The liver contributes to acid-base regulation by producing or consuming glutamine, which is utilized by the kidney for generation and excretion of NH(4)(+), paralleled by HCO(3)(-) formation. Little is known about the regulation of pendrin in liver. The present study thus examined the expression of Slc26a4 in liver and kidney of mice drinking tap water without or with NaHCO(3) (150 mM), NH(4)Cl (280 mM) or acetazolamide (3.6 mM) for seven days. As compared to Gapdh transcript levels, Slc26a4 transcript levels were moderately lower in liver than in renal tissue. Slc26a4 transcript levels were not significantly affected by NaHCO(3) in liver, but significantly increased by NaHCO(3) in kidney. Pendrin protein expression was significantly enhanced in kidney and reduced in liver by NaHCO(3). Slc26a4 transcript levels were significantly increased by NH(4)Cl and acetazolamide in liver, and significantly decreased by NH(4)Cl and by acetazolamide in kidney. NH(4)Cl and acetazolamide reduced pendrin protein expression significantly in kidney, but did not significantly modify pendrin protein expression in liver. The observations point to expression of pendrin in the liver and to opposite effects of acidosis on pendrin transcription in liver and kidney

    Mapping Plague Risk Using Super Species Distribution Models and Forecasts for Rodents in the Zhambyl Region, Kazakhstan

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    Abstract One of the most extensive natural plague centers, or foci, is located in Central Asia, in particular, the Zhambyl region in Southern Kazakhstan. Here, we conducted plague surveillance from 2000 to 2020 in the Zhambyl region in Kazakhstan and confirmed 3,072 cases of infected wild animals. We used Species Distribution Modeling by employing MaxEnt, and identified that the natural plague foci are primarily located in the Moiynqum, Betpaqdala, and Tauqum Deserts. The Zhambyl region's central part, including the Moiynqum and Sarysu districts, has a high potential risk of plague outbreak for the rural towns and villages. Since the phenomenon of climate change has been identified as a determinant that affects the rodent populations, thereby elevating the likelihood of an outbreak of plague, we investigated the potential dissemination routes of the disease under the changing climate conditions, thus creating Species Distribution Forecasts for the rodent species in southern part of Kazakhstan for the year 2100. By 2100, in case of increasing temperatures, the range of host species is likely to expand, leading to a higher risk of plague outbreaks. The highest risk of disease transmission can be expected at the outer limits of the modeled total distribution range, where infection rates are high, but antibody presence is low, making many species susceptible to the pathogen. To mitigate the risk of a potential plague outbreak, it is necessary to implement appropriate sanitary‐epidemiological measures and climate mitigation policies