9 research outputs found

    Outcome of Pregnancy and Labour in a Patient with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Clinical Case)

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    Background. Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) is a malignant disease of lymphoid tissue, which is characterised by the appearance of giant Reed—Berezovsky—Sternberg cells in the lymph nodes affected by the pathological process. These cells can be detected through microscopic examination. Currently, HL is one of the most treatable oncological diseases. In recent years, the recovery rate in patients suffering from this pathology has increased (70–90%), almost reaching the recovery rate in patients starting treatment at the early stages. Given the above, the quality of life in these patients during remission is becoming more important, since most of them are women of childbearing age planning to have children. In this connection, it is of great importance to study the course of pregnancy and labour, along with their effect on the possibility of a relapse, in such patients.Aim. In this paper, we set out to analyse the course of pregnancy and childbirth in a patient suffering from HL.Materials and methods. We studied the medical records (including medical history and pregnancy records) of a patient whose pregnancy occurred in the setting of a severe oncological pathology – HL in remission. The patient underwent a thorough examination and the baby was successfully delivered.Result. The outcome of pregnancy and childbirth for the patient and foetus was studied in the setting of a severe oncological pathology (HL in remission).Conclusion. The pregnancy of a woman suffering from a serious oncological pathology (HL in remission) was prolonged to full-term and successfully completed. The patient was able to experience the joy of motherhood for the third time

    Production of Aspergillus oryzae RCAM 01133 biomass with increased protein and polysaccharides content using by-products of food industry

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    The biomass of filamentous fungi is a promising source of protein and carbohydrate. It can be used as an unconventional substrate in technologies for obtaining food and feed ingredients. The studies show that the fungus Aspergillus oryzae synthesizes an insufficient level of protein in the process of solid-state fermentation. The aim of the research was to develop conditions for the production of fungal biomass with a high content of protein and polysaccharides on the basis of solid-state fermentation using by-products of food industry as inexpensive substrate for biomass production. Wheat bran, soybean meal, distilled dry grains with solubles, and brewer’s spent grain were used as raw material. Results of fermentation show that the protein content was 73.4% and 82.0%, which is more than 3 times higher than in fungus grown by submerged fermentation. The studies of the biosynthesis properties of the selected strain A. oryzae RCAM 01133 confirmed the high biological value of microbial biomass cultivated using food by-products. Fermentation of micromycete on culture media containing soybean meal and DDGS provided an increase of protein content by 1.45 times. Maximum increase of amino acids was observed for isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, and glutamic acid. The increased content of synthesized polysaccharides related to media containing wheat bran and DDGS. The highest concentrations of polysaccharides were 27.9% and 32.9%, respectively

    Runoff variations in Lake Balkhash Basin, Central Asia, 1779-2015, inferred from tree rings

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    Long highly-resolved proxies for runoff are in high demand for hydrological forecasts and water management in arid Central Asia. An accurate (R2 = 0.53) reconstruction of October-September discharge of the Ili River in Kazakhstan, 1779–2015, is developed from moisture-sensitive tree rings of spruce sampled in the Tian Shan Mountains. The fivefold extension of the gauged discharge record represents the variability of runoff in the Lake Balkhash Basin for the last 235 years. The reconstruction shows a 40 year long interval of low discharge preceded a recent high peak in the first decade of the 2000s followed by a decline to more recent levels of discharge not seen since the start of the gauged record. Most reconstructed flow extremes (± 2σ) occur outside the instrumental record (1936–2015) and predate the start of large dam construction (1969). Decadal variability of the Ili discharge corresponds well with hydrological records of other Eurasian internal drainages modeled with tree rings. Spectral analysis identifies variance peaks (highest near 42 year) consistent with main hemispheric oscillations of the Eurasian climatic system. Seasonal comparison of the Ili discharge with sea-level-pressure and geopotential height data suggests periods of high flow likely result from the increased contribution of snow to runoff associated with the interaction of Arctic air circulation with the Siberian High-Pressure System and North Atlantic Oscillation

    Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 у детей. Клиническое представление 46 случаев, диагностированных в России

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    Background. Glutaric aciduria type 1 is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the GCDH gene, which encodes the enzyme glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase. Metabolic crisis in type 1 glutaric aciduria is an acute life‑threatening condition that requires careful diagnosis with a number of other conditions and the immediate initiation of pathogenetic therapy.Materials and methods. Clinical manifestations, neuroimaging characteristics of the disease were studied in 46 patients with diagnosed glutaric aciduria type 1 confirmed by biochemical and molecular genetic methods. Methods: gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, Sanger sequencing, chromosomal microarray analysis of the exon level.Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of anamnestic and clinical data was carried out, and the nature and age of disease manifestation, provoking factors, a spectrum of clinical manifestations and neuroimaging data were assessed.Conclusion. How initiated treatment prevents progression of neurological symptom relief and patient adaptation. With the help of the goal, it is necessary to inform pediatricians, neurologists and neuroradiologists about this feature of the course of glutaric aciduria type 1 in order to increase the clinical alertness of this disease.Введение. Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 – аутосомно‑рецессивное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене GCDH, кодирующем фермент глутарил‑КоА дегидрогеназу. Метаболический криз при глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 – это острое жизнеугрожающее состояние, требующее тщательной дифференциальной диагностики с рядом других состояний и незамедлительного начала патогенетической терапии.Материалы и методы. Клинические проявления, нейровизуализационные характеристики болезни изучены у 46 пациентов с подтвержденным биохимическими и молекулярно‑генетическими методами диагнозом глутаровой ацидурии типа 1. Методы: газовая хроматография с масс‑спектрометрией, тандемная масс‑спектрометрия, секвенирование по Сэнгеру, хромосомный микроматричный анализ экзонного уровня.Результаты и обсуждение. Проведен ретроспективный анализ анамнестических данных, клинических, а также оценены характер и возраст манифестации болезни, провоцирующие факторы, спектр клинических проявлений и нейровизуализационные данные.Заключение. При отсутствии массового неонатального скрининга крайне важное значение имеет ранняя диагностика болезни, так как своевременно начатое лечение поможет предотвратить прогрессирование неврологической симптоматики и способствовать адаптации пациентов. С этой целью необходимо информировать врачей‑педиатров, неврологов и нейрорадиологов об особенностях протекания глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 для повышения клинической настороженности в отношении данного заболевания


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    Сephalohematoma – one of the forms of birth trauma, which occurs in 1 % to 4 % according to different authors. It’s believed that cephalohematoma arises not only in obstructed labor, but in physiological childbirth too. Analysis of occurrence of cephalohematoma was held among 60 newborns. To decrease this pathology appointment of drugs, that affect blood clotting, must be more careful, and correction of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, must be in timely manner


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    Aim. To study anamnestic data and characteristics of gestation course and labor of patients with preterm rupture of membranes and ill-timed discharge of amniotic fluid.Materials and methods. Analysis of 68 case reports. 48 case reports of women with preterm discharge of amniotic fluid (PDAF) at full-term pregnancy were included into the study group, 20 case reports of women with timely discharge of amniotic fluid at full-term pregnancy (TDAF) − control group.Results. The prevalence of abortion, miscarriage, gynecological and extragenital pathology in past medical history was revealed in patients with ill-timed discharge of amniotic fluid. In women with this pathology an operative maternity aid and medical induction of labor were often applied.Conclusion. Our results indicate the need to consider the impact of not only individual risk factors on pathologic rupture of membranes and discharge of amniotic fluid, but the complex influence of risk factors. The findings also suggested that careful pre-conceptional preparation and the timely detection and prevention of complications in pregnancy, and treatment of extragenital pathology, can lead to a decrease in serious complications such as preterm rupture of membranes and thereby reduce the percentage of operative maternity aid


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    Retrospective analysis of the favorable course of pregnancy and childbirth of a woman with congenital pathology – achondroplasia. During pregnancy clinical and immunological studies, ultrasound scans, cardiotocography were held. Pregnancy ended by giving birth to a healthy newborn by caesarean section

    Pregnancy and childbirth course with uterine myoma. Clinical case

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    A prospective analysis of a multiple uterine myoma patient's favorable pregnancy and childbirth has been carried out, as well as an analysis of this patient's second six-month pregnancy and its outcome after delivering by cesarean section and removing myoma nodes. After successful second delivery by cesarean section, the woman was discharged home with a baby in a satisfactory condition. Reproductive function is preserved