19 research outputs found


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    Currently there has been a wide discussion on further interpretation of the GDP as a basic indicator of economic development and the need for considering adding several other indicators specifying its performance capabilities. The experience of analytical studies of socio-economic level of the country shows that traditional macroeconomic indicators cover sustainable development as a whole with an emphasis on a particular aspect failing to characterize the existing situation of sustainable development amidst globalization in an integrated manner, moreover - from the point of view of its effective regulation. To solve this issue reproduction approach needs to be applied.Growth rate of GDP at the comparable prices less added value in the point of blank turnover of economics, which represents the difference between the factual volume of exploited material resources and minimum of resource-intensiveness of final consuming produce, can be suggested as an alternative criterion of social progress. The received indicator may be called - the rate of effective GDP growth. It is possible to include the growth rate of the effective per capita GDP into the target group of indicators of sustainable development for the period of up to 2030, categorizing them as «gray». It can also be applied in addition to GDP, and included into the category of indicators responsible for measuring the progress in ensuring sustainable development.Due to the regional specifics of the arid zone with the irrigated agriculture for addressing the problem of appropriate statistical valuation of water usage effectiveness in all sectors it would be reasonable to use the indicators of capital and current expenditures on melioration per irrigated square, including the expenditures on the introduction and exploitation of water-saving irrigation technologies.В настоящее время широко дискутируется вопрос о дальнейшей интерпретации показателя валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП) в качестве главного индикатора экономического развития и необходимости рассмотрения ряда других показателей, дополняющих ВВП и уточняющих его функциональные возможности. Как свидетельствует опыт аналитических исследований социально-экономического развития страны, применяемые в настоящее время некоторые традиционные макроэкономические показатели отражают устойчивое развитие в целом с акцентом на тех или иных его аспектах. Однако они не в состоянии комплексно охарактеризовать сложившуюся ситуацию устойчивого развития в условиях глобализации, тем более с точки зрения ее эффективного регулирования. Здесь для решения вопроса более приемлем воспроизводственный подход.В качестве альтернативного критерия, отражающего социальный прогресс, можно предложить темп роста ВВП в сопоставимых ценах за вычетом добавленной стоимости в части холостого оборота экономики, представляющего собой разницу между фактическим объемом эксплуатируемых материальных ресурсов и минимальной ресурсоемкостью продукции конечного потребления. Данный показатель можно назвать темпом роста эффективного ВВП. Представляется возможным включение темпа роста эффективного ВВП на душу населения в целевую группу показателей в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года, с отнесением его к «серой» категории. Его можно также применять в дополнение к ВВП или включить в группу других показателей для измерения прогресса в обеспечении устойчивого развития.В связи с региональной спецификой аридной зоны с орошаемым земледелием для решения задачи адекватной статистической оценки эффективности водопользования во всех секторах было бы целесообразным использовать показатель капитальных и текущих расходов на мелиорацию в расчете на единицу площади орошаемых земель, включая затраты на внедрение и эксплуатацию водосберегающих технологий полива

    Перераспределение ресурсов с учетом холостого оборота экономики: статистическая оценка, анализ и регулирование

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    Redistribution of resources with regard to blank turnover of economy:statistical estimate, analysis and regulation. The paper reveals capacities of modern statistics to deliberately search for an effective mechanism of regulation of investment activities and counteracting negative trends in increasing the resource intensity of the national economy. The importance of the relevant information and data base, allowing to monitor the implementation of the investment regulation mechanism is underlined. Such a mechanism should ensure the balance of interests of economic entities, as well as the creation of such conditions under which the investment of capital for economic entities in developed regions would be uncontroversially beneficial compared to an unregulated development option, taking into account the damage from environmental imbalance. The article explains indices of adequate estimation of results of such regulation characterizing the degree of investment redistribution and possibilities of their optimal redistribution.Автор развивает концепцию холостого оборота экономики, трактуемого как превышение (в стоимостном выражении) фактического объема эксплуатируемых за определенный период ресурсов над минимальной потребностью в них при производстве конечного продукта в условиях сложившейся ее ресурсоемкости. Раскрываются возможности современной статистики в целенаправленном поиске эффективного механизма регулирования инвестиционной деятельности и противодействия негативным тенденциям повышения ресурсоемкости национальной экономики. Подчеркивается значение соответствующей информационно-статистической базы, позволяющей отслеживать реализацию механизма регулирования инвестиций. Такой механизм должен обеспечивать баланс интересов экономических субъектов, а также создание таких условий, при которых вложение капитала для хозяйствующих субъектов развитых регионов было бы безальтернативно выгодным по сравнению с нерегулируемым  вариантом развития,принимая во внимание ущерб от экологического дисбаланса.  В  статье приводится обоснование показателей адекватной оценки результатов такого регулирования,характеризующих степень перераспределения инвестиций и возможности их оптимального перераспределения

    Reproductive features of the biology of some ticks of the family Ixodidae Murray, 1877 widespread in the southeast of the North Caucasus

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    The purpose of the research is study of some reproductive characteristics of the biology of ticks of the family Ixodidae which are widespread in the southeast of the North Caucasus.Materials and methods. In 2000–2010, 9 series of experiments were carried out in the conditions of the plain belt in Dagestan. The first, second, and third series of experiments were intended to find out the duration of the tick searching for a place to fix on the animal, the duration of the skin incised and the proboscis inserted into the wound, and the engorgement duration; and the fourth series was intended to clarify the tick wintering on the animal. Such experiments were performed on two-year-old calf bulls on the Educational and Experimental Farm of the Dagestan State Agrarian University with Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Hyalomma detritum, H. scupense, and H. anatolicum in 2000. Five hungry adult female ticks were placed onto all 5 calf bulls in the middle third of the neck. We conducted experiments on searching for a place for egg-laying, egg-laying duration in the environment, number of eggs in a clutch, duration of the larva formed and the hatching rate, distance of the larvae from the hatching place, and larvae death rate in five specially equipped sites of pastures of 1 m2 . Five adult female ticks of B. annulatus, R. bursa, H. detritum, H. scupense, and H. anatolicum were placed after engorgement in each biological site.Results and discussion. Ixodid ticks perform their natural physiological functions associated with feeding and reproduction with significant time fluctuations. The search for a place to fix on the animal took 4–8 hours; the skin incised and proboscis inserted in the wound took 2–5 hours; the engorgement took 4–6 hours; the search for an egg-laying place took 10– 22 hours; the egg-laying duration in the environment was 18–23 hours; the number of eggs in a clutch was 4–13K; the duration of the larva formed and the hatching rate was 10–15 days and 58.0–75% respectively; the distance of the larva from the hatching place was 0.5–1.5 m; death rate of the larva in captivity was 100%; and the tick wintering on the animal was near the neck, ears, in the dewlap, the flank and the udder. These features are typical for the analyzed tick species in the southeast of the North Caucasus and, probably, for other taxa of these genera

    Dominant gastrointestinal strongylatosis in sheep in the context of the altitudinal zonation in Dagestan

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    The purpose of the research is to study the epizootology of the dominant gastrointestinal strongylatosis in sheep in different natural zones of Dagestan.Materials and methods. In 2005–2021, 180 forestomachs of the thin and thick sections of the digestive tract and 600 fecal samples from sheep at the altitude (above 2000 m above sea level) were studied based on dissection results. The study was performed by season among young animals aged up to 1 year, from 1 to 2 years and 3 years and older. The study used methods of complete helminthological dissection per K. I. Skryabin, larvae cultivation in a thermostat at 27 оC, and flotation with a saturated ammonium nitrate solution by Kotelnikov-Khrenov and Berman-Orlov.Results and discussion. Helminth infections are recorded among sheep annually on lowland, moist, steppe pastures of the plains and foothills in various combinations of multiple infections with the prevalence of 11.2–18.7% and the infection intensity of 18.5–186.4 sp./animal. In the mountain zone at altitudes above 2000 m above sea level, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of helminthosis pathogens were sharply limited. On these lands, dicrocoeliosis, monieziosis, larval echinococcosis, chabertiosis, haemonchosis, and nematodirosis were recorded in sheep with the prevalence of 3.2–10.4% and the infection intensity of 2.4–6.3 sp./animal. Gastrointestinal Strongylata dominate in sheep on all types of pastures in the lowland, foothill, and mountain zones: Chabertia ovina, Bunostomum trigоnocephalum, Trichostrongylus axei, T. capricola, T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus, Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus filicollis, N. helvetianus, N. oiratianus, and N. spathiger

    Mixed gastrointestinal strongylatosis and anoplocephalatosis of sheep in the context of the vertical zonality of Dagestan

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    The purpose of the research is to study mixed infections of gastrointestinal strongylates and Anoplocephala sp. in sheep in the context of the vertical zonality of Dagestan.Materials and methods. In 2000-2020, 360 collections of the digestive tract of sheep and 600 fecal samples were studied in the plain, foothill, and mountain belts of Dagestan. The material was analyzed in young animals up to 1 year old, animals from 1 year to 2 years old, and animals over three years old. The study was performed in all four seasons. The work used methods of full helminthological dissection according to K. I. Skrjabin, sequential washing of feces with a saturated ammonium nitrate solution according to G. A. Kotelnikov, V. M. Khrenov and Berman-Orlov, as well as larvae cultivation in a thermostat.Results and discussion. Mixed helminth infections were recorded in sheep in all natural and climatic zones of Dagestan. The greatest species diversity, high rates of infection prevalence (IP 15.0–43.3%) and infection intensity (II 16–3860 sp.) were observed at gastrointestinal Strongylata and Anoplocephalata infections in the plain belt. Of the pathogens in the plain and foothill belts, mixed infections were dominated by Chabertia, Bunostoma, Trichostrongylidae, Haemonchus, and Nematodirus; and from Anoplocephala – moniezia. The IP and II rates were significantly lower, 25–8.3% and 43–32 sp., respectively, in the mountain belt at an altitude of over 2500 m above the sea level. Lambs in the first year of age were infected with Chabertia, Bunostoma (B. trigonocephalum), Trichostrongylidae (T. axei and T. vitrinus), Haemonchus and Nematodirus (N. spathiger) in the plain and foothill belts. In the second year of age, sheep older than three years were infected with T. axei, T. capricola, T. vitrinus, T. colubriformis, O. ostertagi, O. circumcincta, O. occidentalis, O. antipini, O. leptospicularis, C. punctata, C. oncophora, N. filicollis and N. abnormalis with IP of 2.5–8.3% and II of 1–11 sp., in addition to the dominant species. We recorded M. expansa, M. benedeni, T. giardia and A. centripunctata (IP 2.5–30.0%, and II 1–48 sp.). In the mountain belt over 2500 m above the sea level, lambs were infected with Ch. ovina, B. trigonocephalum, T. axei, H. contortus, N. spathiger (IP 8.3–11.6%, II 3–32 sp.) and M. expansa (IP 2.5–5.0%, II 1–29 sp.). Young animals in the second year of age and sheep over three years old had mixed infections with the species as indicated in lambs (IP 3.5–8.3%, II 3–29 sp.)

    Biodiversity of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep on pastures of different ecological types in lowland Dagestan

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    The purpose of the research is to study biodiversity of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep grazing on pastures of different ecological types in lowland Dagestan.Materials and methods. In 2004–2020, biodiversity was studied of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep on lowland wet, steppe, saline, semi-desert, and shrub pastures in lowland Dagestan. In total, 360 collections of gastrointestinal tract were dissected and 500 fecal samples from sheep were examined. The studies were performed in all seasons by age groups: lambs, young animals from one to two years old and sheep from three years old and older. The work used methods of complete helminthological dissection according to K. I. Skrjabin, sequential washing, flotation with a saturated ammonium nitrate solution according to G. A. Kotelnikov and V. M. Khrenov, and larvae cultivation in a thermostat.Results and discussion. The biodiversity of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep in lowland Dagestan was represented by 31 species, including the genus Chabertia, 1 species, 2 genus Bunostomum species, 3 genus Oesophagostomum species, 5 genus Trichostrongylus species, 6 genus Ostertagia species, 1 genus Maramastrongylus species, 2 genus Marschallagia species, 1 genus Haemonchus species, 3 genus Cooperia species, and 7 genus Nematodirus species. The Strongylata prevalence (the IP) in sheep was 100% with the infection intensity (the II) of 1–3860 parasites. The prevalence of infection with individual species varied as follows: 1.6% with M. schikobalovi, 44.1% with B. trigonocephalum with the II of 1 specimen of O. columbianum and 3860 specimens of H. contortus. The biodiversity was dominated by Ch. ovina, B. trigonocephalum, T. axei, T. capricola, T. colubriformis, T. skrjabini, T. vitrinus, H. contortus, N. filicollis, N. helvetianus and N. spathiger in terms of the prevalence. The IP of 1.6–10.0% and the II of 1–23 specimens were recorded in B. phlebotomum, and in species Oesophagostomum, Ostertagia, Maramastrongylus, Marschallagia, Cooperia, N. oiratianus, N. abnormalis, N. dogeli and N. andreevi. Rich species diversity and high rates of the prevalence (17.5–44.1%) and intensity of infection (1–3860 specimens) were observed in strongylates on lowland wet and plain steppe pastures

    Biodiversity of oribatid mites in the ecosystems of Dagestan and their infection with Moniezia sp. procercoids

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    The purpose of the research is studying the oribatid mite biodiversity on the Dagestan pastures in terms of altitudinal zonation and their infection with Moniezia sp. procercoids.Materials and methods. Oribatid mites were collected in different seasons of 1990–2020 on different types of pastures of the plain, foothill, and mountain belts of Dagestan. A total of 16,000 specimens of oribatid mites were collected. 120 sets of lamb intestines were dissected. Oribatid mites were collected using the Tulgren funnel. The method of complete helminthological dissection according to K. I. Skrjabin was used in the work.Results and discussion. On low-lying wet pastures of the flat belt, up to 5800 oribatid specimens were recorded per 1 m² with 38.0% prevalence of infection (PI) with moniezia cysticercoids; 675 specimens were collected on the steppe lands with the PI of 12.5%, up to 140 specimens were collected on salt marshes with the PI 0.9%, and 52 specimens were collected in the semi-deserts with the PI 0.4%. In the foothill steppes, 1,300 oribatids specimens were found per 1 m² with their procercoid infeсtion up to 18.0%, 2100 specimens with 16.0% were collected along river valleys, and 120 specimens with the PI of 0.5% on mountain plateaus. Lambs on low-lying wetlands of the lowland belt were infected with Moniezia sp. by 72.0% with the infection intensity (II) of 8-116 specimens, on steppe pastures by 67.5% at the II of 5–36 specimens, on salt marshes by 18.0% with the II of 2–8 specimens, and in semi-deserts by 12.0% with the II of 2–5 specimens. In the foothill steppes, lambs were infected with Moniezia sp. by 68.0% with the II of 9–64 specimens, along river valleys by 69.0% with the II of 11–62 specimens, and on mountain plateaus by 12.0% with the II of 2–4 specimens

    Репродуктивные особенности биологии некоторых клещей семейства Ixodidae Murray, 1877, широко распространённых на юго-востоке Северного Кавказа

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    The purpose of the research is study of some reproductive characteristics of the biology of ticks of the family Ixodidae which are widespread in the southeast of the North Caucasus.Materials and methods. In 2000–2010, 9 series of experiments were carried out in the conditions of the plain belt in Dagestan. The first, second, and third series of experiments were intended to find out the duration of the tick searching for a place to fix on the animal, the duration of the skin incised and the proboscis inserted into the wound, and the engorgement duration; and the fourth series was intended to clarify the tick wintering on the animal. Such experiments were performed on two-year-old calf bulls on the Educational and Experimental Farm of the Dagestan State Agrarian University with Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Hyalomma detritum, H. scupense, and H. anatolicum in 2000. Five hungry adult female ticks were placed onto all 5 calf bulls in the middle third of the neck. We conducted experiments on searching for a place for egg-laying, egg-laying duration in the environment, number of eggs in a clutch, duration of the larva formed and the hatching rate, distance of the larvae from the hatching place, and larvae death rate in five specially equipped sites of pastures of 1 m2 . Five adult female ticks of B. annulatus, R. bursa, H. detritum, H. scupense, and H. anatolicum were placed after engorgement in each biological site.Results and discussion. Ixodid ticks perform their natural physiological functions associated with feeding and reproduction with significant time fluctuations. The search for a place to fix on the animal took 4–8 hours; the skin incised and proboscis inserted in the wound took 2–5 hours; the engorgement took 4–6 hours; the search for an egg-laying place took 10– 22 hours; the egg-laying duration in the environment was 18–23 hours; the number of eggs in a clutch was 4–13K; the duration of the larva formed and the hatching rate was 10–15 days and 58.0–75% respectively; the distance of the larva from the hatching place was 0.5–1.5 m; death rate of the larva in captivity was 100%; and the tick wintering on the animal was near the neck, ears, in the dewlap, the flank and the udder. These features are typical for the analyzed tick species in the southeast of the North Caucasus and, probably, for other taxa of these genera.Цель исследований – изучить некоторые репродуктивные особенности биологии клещей семейства Ixodidae, широко распространенных на юго-востоке Северного Кавказа.Материалы и методы. В 2000–2010 гг. проведено 9 серий опытов в условиях равнинного пояса Дагестана. Первая, вторая, третья серия опытов – по выяснению продолжительности поиска клещом места для фиксации на теле животного, продолжительность надреза кожи и внедрение хоботка в рану, продолжительность акта кровонасыщения, четвертая серия – выяснение зимовки клеща на теле животного. Указанные опыты поставлены на бычках двухгодовалого возраста на ферме учебно-опытного хозяйства Дагестанского ГАУ в 2000 г. с Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Hyalomma detritum, H. scupense, H. anatolicum. Всем 5 бычкам подсаживали по 5 экз. голодных самок имаго клещей в области средней трети шеи. Опыты по поиску места для кладки яиц, продолжительности кладки яиц во внешней среде, числу яиц в кладке, продолжительности формирования личинки и процент их выхода, пространственному удалению личинок от места выхода из яйца, проценту гибели личинок проведены в пяти специально оборудованных площадках площадью по 1 м² пастбищ. В каждую биоплощадку подсажены по 5 экз. сытых после кровонасыщения самок B. annulatus, R. bursa, H. detritum, H. scupense, H. anatolicum.Результаты и обсуждение. Естественные физиологические функции, связанные с питанием и репродукцией, иксодовые клещи совершают со значительными временными колебаниями. Поиск места для фиксации на теле животного составил 4–8 ч, надрез кожи и внедрение хоботка в рану – 2–5, акт кровонасыщения – 4–6, поиск места для кладки яиц – 10–22, продолжительность кладки яиц во внешней среде – 18–23 ч, число яиц в кладке – 4–13 тыс., продолжительность формирования личинки и процент выхода 10–15 сут и 58,0–75%, пространственное удаление личинки от места выхода из яйца – 0,5–1,5 м, процент гибели личинки в неволе – 100%, зимовка клеща на теле животного - около шеи, ушей, в области подгрудка, паха и вымени. Указанные особенности типичны для анализируемых видов клещей в регионе юго-востока Северного Кавказа и, вероятно, для других таксонов этих родов

    Биоразнообразие стронгилят пищеварительного тракта у овец на пастбищах разных экологических типов равнинного Дагестана

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    The purpose of the research is to study biodiversity of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep grazing on pastures of different ecological types in lowland Dagestan.Materials and methods. In 2004–2020, biodiversity was studied of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep on lowland wet, steppe, saline, semi-desert, and shrub pastures in lowland Dagestan. In total, 360 collections of gastrointestinal tract were dissected and 500 fecal samples from sheep were examined. The studies were performed in all seasons by age groups: lambs, young animals from one to two years old and sheep from three years old and older. The work used methods of complete helminthological dissection according to K. I. Skrjabin, sequential washing, flotation with a saturated ammonium nitrate solution according to G. A. Kotelnikov and V. M. Khrenov, and larvae cultivation in a thermostat.Results and discussion. The biodiversity of gastrointestinal strongylates in sheep in lowland Dagestan was represented by 31 species, including the genus Chabertia, 1 species, 2 genus Bunostomum species, 3 genus Oesophagostomum species, 5 genus Trichostrongylus species, 6 genus Ostertagia species, 1 genus Maramastrongylus species, 2 genus Marschallagia species, 1 genus Haemonchus species, 3 genus Cooperia species, and 7 genus Nematodirus species. The Strongylata prevalence (the IP) in sheep was 100% with the infection intensity (the II) of 1–3860 parasites. The prevalence of infection with individual species varied as follows: 1.6% with M. schikobalovi, 44.1% with B. trigonocephalum with the II of 1 specimen of O. columbianum and 3860 specimens of H. contortus. The biodiversity was dominated by Ch. ovina, B. trigonocephalum, T. axei, T. capricola, T. colubriformis, T. skrjabini, T. vitrinus, H. contortus, N. filicollis, N. helvetianus and N. spathiger in terms of the prevalence. The IP of 1.6–10.0% and the II of 1–23 specimens were recorded in B. phlebotomum, and in species Oesophagostomum, Ostertagia, Maramastrongylus, Marschallagia, Cooperia, N. oiratianus, N. abnormalis, N. dogeli and N. andreevi. Rich species diversity and high rates of the prevalence (17.5–44.1%) and intensity of infection (1–3860 specimens) were observed in strongylates on lowland wet and plain steppe pastures.Цель исследований: изучить биоразнообразие стронгилят пищеварительного тракта у овец, выпасающихся на пастбищах равнинного Дагестана разного экологического типа.Материалы и методы. В 2004–2020 гг. исследовано биоразнообразие стронгилят пищеварительного тракта у овец на низинных увлажненных, степных, солончаковых, полупустынных, кустарниковых пастбищах равнинного Дагестана. Всего вскрыт о 360 комплектов желудочно-кишечного тракта и исследовано 500 проб фекалий овец. Исследования проведены во все сезоны года по возрастным группам – ягнята, молодняк от одного до двух лет и овцы от трех лет и старше. В работе использованы методы полного гельминтологического вскрытия по К. И. Скрябину, последовательного промывания, флотации с насыщенным раствором аммиачной селитры по Г. А. Котельникову, В. М. Хренову и культивирования личинок в термостате.Результаты и обсуждение. Биоразнообразие стронгилят пищеварительного тракта у овец в равнинном Дагестане представлено 31 видом, в том числе рода Chabertia – 1, Bunostomum – 2, Oesophagostomum – 3, Trichostrongylus – 5, Ostertagia – 6, Maramastrongylus – 1, Marschallagia – 2, Haemonchus – 1, Cooperia – 3, Nematodirus – 7. Экстенсивность инвазии (ЭИ) овец стронгилятами составила 100% при интенсивности инвазии (ИИ) 1–3860 экз. ЭИ отдельными видами варьирует: 1,6% M. schikobalovi, 44,1% B. trigonocephalum при ИИ 1 экз. – O. columbianum и 3860 экз. – H. contortus. В биоразнообразии по экстенсивности инвазии доминируют Ch. ovina, B. trigonocephalum, T. axei, T. capricola, T. colubriformis, T. skrjabini, T. vitrinus, H. contortus, N. filicollis, N. helvetianus, N. spathiger. Показатели ЭИ 1,6–10,0% и ИИ 1–23 экз. зарегистрированы у B. phlebotomum, у видов Oesophagostomum, Ostertagia, Maramastrongylus, Marschallagia, Cooperia, N. oiratianus, N. abnormalis, N. dogeli, N. andreevi. Богатое видовое разнообразие и высокие показатели экстенсивности (17,5–44,1%) и интенсивности инвазии (1–3860 экз.) отмечены у стронгилят на низинных увлажненных, равнинных степных пастбищах

    Биоразнообразие орибатидных клещей в экосистемах Дагестана и их зараженность процеркоидами мониезий

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    The purpose of the research is studying the oribatid mite biodiversity on the Dagestan pastures in terms of altitudinal zonation and their infection with Moniezia sp. procercoids.Materials and methods. Oribatid mites were collected in different seasons of 1990–2020 on different types of pastures of the plain, foothill, and mountain belts of Dagestan. A total of 16,000 specimens of oribatid mites were collected. 120 sets of lamb intestines were dissected. Oribatid mites were collected using the Tulgren funnel. The method of complete helminthological dissection according to K. I. Skrjabin was used in the work.Results and discussion. On low-lying wet pastures of the flat belt, up to 5800 oribatid specimens were recorded per 1 m² with 38.0% prevalence of infection (PI) with moniezia cysticercoids; 675 specimens were collected on the steppe lands with the PI of 12.5%, up to 140 specimens were collected on salt marshes with the PI 0.9%, and 52 specimens were collected in the semi-deserts with the PI 0.4%. In the foothill steppes, 1,300 oribatids specimens were found per 1 m² with their procercoid infeсtion up to 18.0%, 2100 specimens with 16.0% were collected along river valleys, and 120 specimens with the PI of 0.5% on mountain plateaus. Lambs on low-lying wetlands of the lowland belt were infected with Moniezia sp. by 72.0% with the infection intensity (II) of 8-116 specimens, on steppe pastures by 67.5% at the II of 5–36 specimens, on salt marshes by 18.0% with the II of 2–8 specimens, and in semi-deserts by 12.0% with the II of 2–5 specimens. In the foothill steppes, lambs were infected with Moniezia sp. by 68.0% with the II of 9–64 specimens, along river valleys by 69.0% with the II of 11–62 specimens, and on mountain plateaus by 12.0% with the II of 2–4 specimens.Цель исследований: изучить биоразнообразие орибатидных клещей на пастбищах Дагестана в разрезе высотной поясности и их зараженность процеркоидами мониезий.Материалы и методы. Проведены сборы орибатидных клещей в 1990–2020 гг. в разные сезоны года на разных типах пастбищ равнинного, предгорного, горного поясов Дагестана. Всего собрано 16 000 экз. орибатидных клещей. Вскрыто 120 комплектов кишечника ягнят. Орибатидных клещей собирали аппаратом Тульгрена. В работе использован метод полного гельминтологического вскрытия по К. И. Скрябину.Результаты и обсуждение. На низинных увлажненных пастбищах равнинного пояса на 1 м2 зарегистрировано до 5800 экз. орибатид при экстенсивности инвазии (ЭИ) цистицеркоидами мониезий 38,0%, на степных угодьях – 675 экз. при ЭИ 12,5%, на солончаковых – до 140 экз. и ЭИ 0,9%, полупустынях – 52 экз. и ЭИ 0,4%. В предгорных степях на 1 м² обнаружены 1300 экз. орибатид при их зараженности процеркоидами до 18,0%, по долинам рек – 2100 экз. и 16,0 %, на горных плато – 120 экз. при ЭИ 0,5%. На низинных увлажненных угодьях равнинного пояса ягнята заражены мониезиями на 72,0% при интенсивности инвазии (ИИ) 8–116 экз., на степных пастбищах – на 67,5% при ИИ 5–36 экз., на солончаках – на 18,0% при ИИ 2–8 экз., полупустынях – на 12,0% при ИИ 2–5 экз. В предгорных степях ягнята инвазированы мониезиями на 68,0% при ИИ 9–64 экз., по долинам рек – на 69,0% при ИИ 11–62 экз., на горных плато – на 12,0% при ИИ 2–4 экз