129 research outputs found

    Разработка генератора холодной плазмы для нуклеопластики

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    В настоящей работе мы исследовали низкотемпературную плазму и ее параметры для разработки генератора холодной плазмы для нуклеопластики. На первом этапе нашей исследовательской работы мы изучили более 20-ти патентов на приборы, основной функцией которых являлось образование холодной плазмы в электролитах. Мы выявили наиболее приемлемые параметры разрабатываемого нами генератора, а также следующие особенности: 1.Плазма формируется в электролите. 2.Для нуклеопластики используется малый размер электрода. 3.Необходимость возбуждения и удержания режима плазмы. 4.Для режима плазмы требуется меньше мощность, чем для нагрева проводящей ткани от прохождения переменного тока высокой частоты

    Jargon in sport discourse: formation and functioning

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    The paper discusses the major ways of sport jargon formation and the peculiarities of its functioning. Jargonisms come into the Russian word-stock through both borrowings from other languages (mostly English) and discourses. Among the productive means of word-stock enrichment are metaphorization, author’s word-building, blending and other

    Mythologizing History in South Korea

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    AbstractThe South Korea as the any other country has some nationalistic influence in history interpretation. In the question of mythologizing history the Korean nationalism uses the standard myths which we can find in the official history of any country, for example in Russia history. Some Korea historical myths are enough famous especially among Korean studies scholars. This paper attempts to find out the most wide spreading historical myths, analyze them and show their influence on the day-by-day life of Koreans. The analysis includes such myths as the myth of the very ancient history of Korean state (the myth of Dangun), the myth of the territorial ambitions, the myth of the foreign influence absence, etc. Also we pay attention to the image of enemy in Korean historical myths. We conclude that the process of mythologizing history in Korea is using for nationalism propaganda inside and outside of South Korea. The South Korean government institutions monitor all textbooks on Korean history in the goal to support the “right” interpretation of historical events

    Modern Hypertext Poetry: Aspects of Relations between Author’s Text and In-ternet Resources

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    The article is devoted to the referential relations between the author’s text and Internet resources in modern hypertext poetry. The relevance of the research is related to the general interest of philology in intermediate phenomena, the increasing role of Internet communication in poetic discourse, and the introduction of elements of digital culture into the poetic language. The novelty is seen in the appeal to currently little-studied non-utilitarian hypertext works. Aspects of research of referential relations between a verbal text and network resources in  relation to a literary text are defined. The research material was poems, cycles of poems, books of modern poets that contain links that the reader can use to make the transition to the continuation / addition of the text on the Internet. The following aspects of the analysis are highlighted: the location and form of the hyperlink, the range of the hypertext “jump,” the type and genre of the media “target,” the state of the resource to which the link leads, the degree of immersion of the recipient in the hypertext structure. Examples of implementation of  hypertext transitions are analyzed, conclusions are drawn about the expressive possibilities of hyperlink organization of works of poetic discourse


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    Vladimir school of number theory was studied quasiperiodic tilings for a long time. The uniform distribution problem of fractional parts on the torus come from here. It is important to find exact estimates of the remainder for this distribution. The paper is devoted to the important problem of number theory: bounded remainder sets. Relevance of the problem caused by the transition from the classical numerical and functional arithmetic structures to nonlinear arithmetic structures. Dynamical systems on bounded remainder sets generate balanced words,similar to words Sturmian and Rauzy words. Balanced words are important, for dynamical systems, coding theory,theory of communications and optimization problems, theory of languages and linguistics, recognition theory, statistical physics, etc. The purpose of our research is construction of multidimensional bounded remainder sets and finding exact estimates of the remainder for this sets. The solution to this problem we start from two-dimensional case. We construct three classes of three-parameter two-dimensional bounded remainder sets. For their construction, we use hexagonal toric development. Now we know bounded remainder intervals, obtained by Hecke, and two-dimensional bounded remainder sets. There is the question: can we construct a new multi-dimensional sets using known sets? We construct four classes of four-parameter threedimensional bounded remainder sets. We used for this the multiplication of toric developments. By multiplication of Hecke’s intervals and two-dimensional hexagonal developments we obtain three-dimensional hexagonal Fedorov’s prisms-developments. For all described sets we give exact estimates of the remainder and prove generalization of Hecke’s theorem to the multidimensional case. Also we obtain average values of the remainders, and fined sets with minimal value of the remainder. This paper is an expository of the author’s main results on bounded remainder sets.  Владимирская школа теории чисел долгое время занималась иссле­ дованием квазипериодических разбиений. Постепенно отсюда появилась задача о равномерном распределении точек на торе, при этом возникала необходимость в точных оценках остаточных членов этого распределения. Область исследования работы относится к разделу теории чисел, за­ нимающемуся изучением множеств ограниченного остатка. Актуальность для теории чисел изучения множеств ограниченного остатка и их много­ мерных динамических модификаций обусловлена современной тенденцией перехода от классических арифметических числовых и функциональных структур к нелинейным арифметическим структурам. Динамические си­ стемы на множествах ограниченного остатка порождают хорошо сбалан­ сированные слова, аналогичные словам Штурма и Рози. Значимость же сбалансированных слов объясняется их многочисленными применениями в таких областях, как динамические системы, теория кодов, теория ком­ муникации и задачи оптимизации, теория языков и лингвистика, теория распознавания и статистическая физика. Целью работы является построение новых многомерных множеств ог­ раниченного остатка и нахождение точных оценок остаточного члена для этих множеств. Естественно было начать решение с двухмерного тора. В результате были построены три семейства трехпараметрических двумер­ ных множеств ограниченного остатка на основе гексагональных развер­ ток думерного тора. Теперь в распоряжении автора находятся одномер­ ные и двумерные множества ограниченного остатка. Возникает вопрос: нельзя ли на основе уже известых множеств, построить новые множества больших размерностей. Так, с использованием произведения торических разверток, строятся четыре семейства четырехпараметрических трехмер­ ных множеств ограниченного остатка, на основе гексагональных призм­ разверток трехмерного тора, полученных при умножении полуинтервалов Гекке и двумерных гексагональных разверток. Для всех построенных мно­ жеств определены точные оценки остаточного члена и доказана многомер­ ная теорема Гекке, найдены средние значения отклонений, а в двумерном случае построена оптимизация границ отклонений. В статье приведен обзор основных результатов автора по множествам ограниченного остатка

    Problems of the English Abbreviations in Medical Translation

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    AbstractThe article deals with the attempt to verify the prevalence of abbreviation-related problems in medical translation over other problematic lexical groups. Medical abbreviations appear extremely fast in modern English, evidenced by abbreviations that are not registered in dictionaries. As a result, the main problem of medical abbreviations translation is that the same abbreviations may have different meanings, depending on the disease, anatomy, or procedure being discussed. The aim of the paper is to study general and nationally specific features of the English medical abbreviations, to survey extra- and intralinguistic requisites of their formation, to determine regularities of medical abbreviations usage in modern English, to analyze peculiarity of classification of abbreviations. Special attention was also given to investigating some basic procedures applicable in translating them. We used such research methods as the method of component analysis of meaning based on dictionary definitions, the method of contextual analysis of the abbreviations, identifying their situational relevance. We also collected and processed nonregistered English medical abbreviations. Continuous sampling of the studied units of scientific and medical texts identified corpus examples. Material for the study was selected from articles, periodical literature on medicine and its related branches of science, from encyclopedic dictionaries. In conclusion, ordering of abbreviation in medicine can be achieved through a more thorough study of medical abbreviations, their proper use in medical professionals training and by means of modeling, which fixes the most convenient, concise and succinct clichés in medical discourse

    A Book of Poems in Internet Space: an Intermedial Aspect

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    The work was carried out in line with the current idea of the Internet as a global media that interacts with various sign systems and influences the structural and compositional features of the verbal text. The relevance of the study is due to the formation of the concept of intermediality in the context of a new cultural direction, called “metavirtualism”. The aim of the article is to characterize the principles underlying the structure and composition of the network poetic “book”. Russian-language poetic cycles are considered, the structural and compositional features and expressive means of which are associated with Internet technologies. Such aspects as the type of intermediality and ways of organizing the structure and composition of the network “book” are analyzed; the reader’s way of getting acquainted with the work and the degree of freedom of this way; manifestation of the category of ephemerality. It is concluded that technological poetry, paradoxically, strengthens traditional book forms, but also has an independent value, visualizing poetic images and metaphors. Internet technologies can be “embedded” into the structure and composition of a poetry book at various levels: it can be relative autonomy; interaction at the level of a conceptual metaphor explicated with the help of Internet media (Google maps); almost complete fusion of media

    Dialectics and Implications of Natural Neurotropic Autoantibodies in Neurological Disease and Rehabilitation

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    The role of natural idiotypic (Id-Abs) and anti-idiotypic (AId-Abs) autoantibodies against neuro-antigens observed in different neurological disorders is not fully understood. In particular, limited experimental evidence has been provided concerning the qualitative and quantitative serological response after acute injuries of the central nervous system or during chronic mental diseases. In this study, we analyzed the specific Id-Abs and AId-Abs serological reactivities against 4 neuro-antigens in a large population of patients with ischemic stroke, schizophrenia, as well as healthy individuals. Patients with ischemic stroke were tested at different time points following the acute stroke episode and a correlation was attempted between autoantibodies response and different patterns of functional recovery. Results showed variable and detectable Id-Abs and AId-Abs in different proportions of all three populations of subjects. Among patients with different functional recovery after ischemic stroke, a difference in time-related trends of Id-Abs and AId-Abs was encountered. Our observations suggest that changes in the production of natural neurotropic Abs may engender a positive homeostatic, beside a possible pathogenic effect, in specific neurological disorders

    Technological Aspect of Terminological Training of Professional Workers

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    This paper deals with the content-process and the result components of terminological training of specialists. We specified the notion of terminological training of professional workers as a gradual formation of genetic and complementary result components: (1) terminological literacy, (2) terminological competence, and (3) terminological culture. We separated three directions of terminological training: (1) informational (learning terminology of the field of studies); (2) practical (learning the methods of applying terminology for solving various tasks); and (3) reflective (developing motivation for learning terminology during continuous self-learning). Moreover, the study demonstrates how digital technologies can be used for effective terminological training in education. We developed a technology of terminological training that includes three stages of scaffolding (demonstration, guided practice, and independent practice) that correspond to the constituents of the result component (informational, practical, and reflective). The scientific novelty of this study lies in the use of scaffolding in terminological training within education. As a result of these interactions, students should be able to master terminological literacy, terminological competence, and terminological culture