204 research outputs found

    Mechanism of membrane tube formation induced by adhesive nanocomponents

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    We report numerical simulations of membrane tubulation driven by large colloidal particles. Using Monte Carlo simulations we study how the process depends on particle size, concentration and binding strength, and present accurate free energy calculations to sort out how tube formation compares with the competing budding process. We find that tube formation is a result of the collective behavior of the particles adhering on the surface, and it occurs for binding strengths that are smaller than those required for budding. We also find that long linear aggregates of particles forming on the membrane surface act as nucleation seeds for tubulation by lowering the free energy barrier associated to the process

    Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks

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    We study the effects of osmotic shocks on lipid vesicles via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations by explicitly considering the solute in the system. We find that depending on their nature (hypo- or hypertonic) such shocks can lead to bursting events or engulfing of external material into inner compartments, among other morphology transformations. We characterize the dynamics of these processes and observe a separation of time scales between the osmotic shock absorption and the shape relaxation. Our work consequently provides an insight into the dynamics of compartmentalization in vesicular systems as a result of osmotic shocks, which can be of interest in the context of early proto-cell development and proto-cell compartmentalisation

    Physical modelling of multivalent interactions in the nuclear pore complex

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    In the nuclear pore complex (NPC), intrinsically disordered proteins (FG Nups) along with their interactions with more globular proteins called nuclear transport receptors (NTRs) are vital to the selectivity of transport into and out of the cell nucleus. While such interactions can be modelled at different levels of coarse graining, in-vitro experimental data have been quantitatively described by minimal models that describe FG Nups as cohesive homogeneous polymers and NTRs as uniformly cohesive spheres, where the heterogeneous effects have been smeared out. By definition, these minimal models do not account for the explicit heterogeneities in FG Nup sequences, essentially a string of cohesive and non-cohesive polymer units, and at the NTR surface. Here, we develop computational and analytical models that do take into account such heterogeneity in a minimal fashion, and compare them to experimental data on single-molecule interactions between FG Nups and NTRs. Overall, we find that the heterogeneous nature of FG Nups and NTRs does play a role in determining equilibrium binding properties, but is of much greater significance when it comes to unbinding and binding kinetics. Using our models, we predict how binding equilibria and kinetics depend on the distribution of cohesive blocks in the FG Nup sequences and of the binding pockets at the NTR surface, with multivalency playing a key role. Finally, we observe that single-molecule binding kinetics has a rather minor influence on the diffusion of NTRs in polymer melts consisting of FG-Nup-like sequences

    Arm positioning and work with video display terminals

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    Proučavani su radni položaji ruku kakve imaju operateri tokom rada uz videoterminale. Istraživanje je provedeno fotoanalizom i izradom biomehaničkih modela za koje su upotrijebljeni antropometrijski podaci o visini ispitanika i njihovoj ukupnoj tjelesnoj masi. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka određene su mase svih promatranih ispitanika te je formuliran biomehanički model koji odgovara radnim položajima: neutralnom položaju, srednjim radnim položajima i položaju s ispruženim rukama. Ergonomska analiza rada, provedena kvantifikacijom težine položaja ruku za vrijeme rada, upućuje na to da je potrebno uložiti mnogo veći napor kada su ruke ispružene nego kada su u neutralnom položaju.The positioning of the subject\u27s arms during work with video display terminals was observed employing biomechanical model construction based on anthropometric data concerning the subject\u27s height and total body mass. Segmental masses were determined for each subject under study and a biomechanical model corresponding to the working arm positioning, i.e. to the neutral position, medium working position and the position with arms stretched out, was formulated. Ergonomic work analysis, realized by quantifying the work weight based on arm position during work showed that more effort is required with the arms stretched out than in the neutral position

    PLCγ1 promotes phase separation of T cell signaling components.

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    The T cell receptor (TCR) pathway receives, processes, and amplifies the signal from pathogenic antigens to the activation of T cells. Although major components in this pathway have been identified, the knowledge on how individual components cooperate to effectively transduce signals remains limited. Phase separation emerges as a biophysical principle in organizing signaling molecules into liquid-like condensates. Here, we report that phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1) promotes phase separation of LAT, a key adaptor protein in the TCR pathway. PLCγ1 directly cross-links LAT through its two SH2 domains. PLCγ1 also protects LAT from dephosphorylation by the phosphatase CD45 and promotes LAT-dependent ERK activation and SLP76 phosphorylation. Intriguingly, a nonmonotonic effect of PLCγ1 on LAT clustering was discovered. Computer simulations, based on patchy particles, revealed how the cluster size is regulated by protein compositions. Together, these results define a critical function of PLCγ1 in promoting phase separation of the LAT complex and TCR signal transduction

    Intrinsically disordered nuclear pore proteins show ideal-polymer morphologies and dynamics

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    In the nuclear pore complex, intrinsically disordered nuclear pore proteins (FG Nups) form a selective barrier for transport into and out of the cell nucleus, in a way that remains poorly understood. The collective FG Nup behavior has long been conceptualized either as a polymer brush, dominated by entropic and excluded-volume (repulsive) interactions, or as a hydrogel, dominated by cohesive (attractive) interactions between FG Nups. Here we compare mesoscale computational simulations with a wide range of experimental data to demonstrate that FG Nups are at the crossover point between these two regimes. Specifically, we find that repulsive and attractive interactions are balanced, resulting in morphologies and dynamics that are close to those of ideal polymer chains. We demonstrate that this property of FG Nups yields sufficient cohesion to seal the transport barrier, and yet maintains fast dynamics at the molecular scale, permitting the rapid polymer rearrangements needed for transport events

    Durotaxis of Passive Nanoparticles on Elastic Membranes

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    The transport of macromolecules and nanoscopic particles to a target cellular site is a crucial aspect in many physiological processes. This directional motion is generally controlled via active mechanical and chemical processes. Here we show, by means of molecular dynamics simulations and an analytical theory, that completely passive nanoparticles can exhibit directional motion when embedded in nonuniform mechanical environments. Specifically, we study the motion of a passive nanoparticle adhering to a mechanically nonuniform elastic membrane. We observe a nonmonotonic affinity of the particle to the membrane as a function of the membrane’s rigidity, which results in the particle transport. This transport can be both up or down the rigidity gradient, depending on the absolute values of the rigidities that the gradient spans across. We conclude that rigidity gradients can be used to direct average motion of passive macromolecules and nanoparticles on deformable membranes, resulting in the preferential accumulation of the macromolecules in regions of certain mechanical properties

    Influence of membrane-cortex linkers on the extrusion of membrane tubes

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    The cell membrane is an inhomogeneous system composed of phospholipids, sterols, carbohydrates, and proteins that can be directly attached to underlying cytoskeleton. The protein linkers between the membrane and the cytoskeleton are believed to have a profound effect on the mechanical properties of the cell membrane and its ability to reshape. Here, we investigate the role of membrane-cortex linkers on the extrusion of membrane tubes using computer simulations and experiments. In simulations, we find that the force for tube extrusion has a nonlinear dependence on the density of membrane-cortex attachments: at a range of low and intermediate linker densities, the force is not significantly influenced by the presence of the membrane-cortex attachments and resembles that of the bare membrane. For large concentrations of linkers, however, the force substantially increases compared with the bare membrane. In both cases, the linkers provided membrane tubes with increased stability against coalescence. We then pulled tubes from HEK cells using optical tweezers for varying expression levels of the membrane-cortex attachment protein Ezrin. In line with simulations, we observed that overexpression of Ezrin led to an increased extrusion force, while Ezrin depletion had a negligible effect on the force. Our results shed light on the importance of local protein rearrangements for membrane reshaping at nanoscopic scales

    From functional food to medicinal product: Systematic approach in analysis of polyphenolics from propolis and wine

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    In the last decade we have been working on standardization of propolis extract and determination of active constituents of wine those are rich in polyphenolics and have nutritional as well as therapeutic value. Here we are summarizing our results and providing overview on systematic approach how to analyse natural products rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids