839 research outputs found

    Terahertz dynamics of a topologically protected state: quantum Hall effect plateaus near cyclotron resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction

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    We measure the Hall conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas formed at a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction in the terahertz regime close to the cyclotron resonance frequency by employing a highly sensitive Faraday rotation method coupled with electrical gating of the sample to change the electron density. We observe clear plateau-and step-like features in the Faraday rotation angle vs. electron density and magnetic field (Landau-level filling factor), which are the high frequency manifestation of quantum Hall plateaus - a signature of topologically protected edge states. The results are compared to a recent dynamical scaling theory.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Exciton Diamagnetic Shifts and Valley Zeeman Effects in Monolayer WS2_2 and MoS2_2 to 65 Tesla

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    We report circularly-polarized optical reflection spectroscopy of monolayer WS2_2 and MoS2_2 at low temperatures (4~K) and in high magnetic fields to 65~T. Both the A and the B exciton transitions exhibit a clear and very similar Zeeman splitting of approximately -230~μ\mueV/T (g4g\simeq -4), providing the first measurements of the valley Zeeman effect and associated gg-factors in monolayer transition-metal disulphides. These results complement and are compared with recent low-field photoluminescence measurements of valley degeneracy breaking in the monolayer diselenides MoSe2_2 and WSe2_2. Further, the very large magnetic fields used in our studies allows us to observe the small quadratic diamagnetic shifts of the A and B excitons in monolayer WS2_2 (0.32 and 0.11~μ\mueV/T2^2, respectively), from which we calculate exciton radii of 1.53~nm and 1.16~nm. When analyzed within a model of non-local dielectric screening in monolayer semiconductors, these diamagnetic shifts also constrain and provide estimates of the exciton binding energies (410~meV and 470~meV for the A and B excitons, respectively), further highlighting the utility of high magnetic fields for understanding new 2D materials.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Magneto-Optics of Exciton Rydberg States in a Monolayer Semiconductor

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    We report 65 tesla magneto-absorption spectroscopy of exciton Rydberg states in the archetypal monolayer semiconductor WSe2_2. The strongly field-dependent and distinct energy shifts of the 2s, 3s, and 4s excited neutral excitons permits their unambiguous identification and allows for quantitative comparison with leading theoretical models. Both the sizes (via low-field diamagnetic shifts) and the energies of the nsns exciton states agree remarkably well with detailed numerical simulations using the non-hydrogenic screened Keldysh potential for 2D semiconductors. Moreover, at the highest magnetic fields the nearly-linear diamagnetic shifts of the weakly-bound 3s and 4s excitons provide a direct experimental measure of the exciton's reduced mass, mr=0.20±0.01 m0m_r = 0.20 \pm 0.01~m_0.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. Updated version (25 jan 2018) now includes detailed supplemental discussion of Landau levels, Rydberg exciton energies, exciton mass, Dirac Hamiltonian, nonparabolicity, and dielectric effect

    Magneto-reflection spectroscopy of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in pulsed magnetic fields

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    We describe recent experimental efforts to perform polarization-resolved optical spectroscopy of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in very large pulsed magnetic fields to 65 tesla. The experimental setup and technical challenges are discussed in detail, and temperature-dependent magneto-reflection spectra from atomically thin tungsten disulphide (WS2_2) are presented. The data clearly reveal not only the valley Zeeman effect in these 2D semiconductors, but also the small quadratic exciton diamagnetic shift from which the very small exciton size can be directly inferred. Finally, we present model calculations that demonstrate how the measured diamagnetic shifts can be used to constrain estimates of the exciton binding energy in this new family of monolayer semiconductors.Comment: PCSI-43 conference (Jan. 2016; Palm Springs, CA

    Hole-LO phonon interaction in InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We investigate the valence intraband transitions in p-doped self-assembled InAs quantum dots using far-infrared magneto-optical technique with polarized radiation. We show that a purely electronic model is unable to account for the experimental data. We calculate the coupling between the mixed hole LO-phonon states using the Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian, from which we determine the polaron states as well as the energies and oscillator strengths of the valence intraband transitions. The good agreement between the experiments and calculations provides strong evidence for the existence of hole-polarons and demonstrates that the intraband magneto-optical transitions occur between polaron states

    Revealing exciton masses and dielectric properties of monolayer semiconductors with high magnetic fields

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    In semiconductor physics, many essential optoelectronic material parameters can be experimentally revealed via optical spectroscopy in sufficiently large magnetic fields. For monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, this field scale is substantial --tens of teslas or more-- due to heavy carrier masses and huge exciton binding energies. Here we report absorption spectroscopy of monolayer MoS2_2, MoSe2_2, MoTe2_2, and WS2_2 in very high magnetic fields to 91~T. We follow the diamagnetic shifts and valley Zeeman splittings of not only the exciton's 1s1s ground state but also its excited 2s2s, 3s3s, ..., nsns Rydberg states. This provides a direct experimental measure of the effective (reduced) exciton masses and dielectric properties. Exciton binding energies, exciton radii, and free-particle bandgaps are also determined. The measured exciton masses are heavier than theoretically predicted, especially for Mo-based monolayers. These results provide essential and quantitative parameters for the rational design of opto-electronic van der Waals heterostructures incorporating 2D semiconductors.Comment: updated; now also including data on MoTe2. Accepted & in press, Nature Commu