225 research outputs found

    String Picture of Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    A nonrelativistic Bose gas is represented as a grand-canonical ensemble of fluctuating closed spacetime strings of arbitrary shape and length. The loops are characterized by their string tension and the number of times they wind around the imaginary time axis. At the temperature where Bose-Einstein condensation sets in, the string tension, being determined by the chemical potential, vanishes, the system becomes critical, and the strings proliferate. A comparison with Feynman's description in terms of rings of cyclicly permuted bosons shows that the winding number of a loop corresponds to the number of particles contained in a ring.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; references adde

    Self-Duality in Superconductor-Insulator Quantum Phase Transitions

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    It is argued that close to a Coulomb interacting quantum critical point, the interaction between two vortices in a disordered superconducting thin film separated by a distance rr changes from logarithmic in the mean-field region to 1/r1/r in the region dominated by quantum critical fluctuations. This gives support to the charge-vortex duality picture of the observed reflection symmetry in the current-voltage characteristics on both sides of the transition.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, 2nd version: title (slightly) changed and text accordingl

    Induced quantum numbers in the (2+1)-dimensional electron gas

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    A gas of electrons confined to a plane is examined in both the relativistic and nonrelativistic case. Using a (0+1)-dimensional effective theory, a remarkably simple method is proposed to calculate the spin density induced by an uniform magnetic background field. The physical properties of possible fluxon excitations are determined. It is found that while in the relativistic case they can be considered as half-fermions (semions) in that they carry half a fermion charge and half the spin of a fermion, in the nonrelativistic case they should be thought of as fermions, having the charge and spin of a fermion.Comment: 19 pages, REVTE

    Instabilities of the AA-stacked graphene bilayer

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    Tight-binding calculations predict that the AA-stacked graphene bilayer has one electron and one hole conducting bands, and that the Fermi surfaces of these bands coincide. We demonstrate that as a result of this degeneracy, the bilayer becomes unstable with respect to a set of spontaneous symmetry violations. Which of the symmetries is broken depends on the microscopic details of the system. We find that antiferromagnetism is the more stable order parameter. This order is stabilized by the strong on-site Coulomb repulsion. For an on-site repulsion energy typical for graphene systems, the antiferromagnetic gap can exist up to room temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Gauge-invariant critical exponents for the Ginzburg-Landau model

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    The critical behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau model is described in a manifestly gauge-invariant manner. The gauge-invariant correlation-function exponent is computed to first order in the 4−d4-d and 1/n1/n-expansion, and found to agree with the ordinary exponent obtained in the covariant gauge, with the parameter α=1−d\alpha=1-d in the gauge-fixing term (∂μAμ)2/2α(\partial_\mu A_\mu)^2 /2 \alpha.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Electron Quasiparticles Drive the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Homogeneously Disordered Thin Films

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    Transport data on Bi, MoGe, and PbBi/Ge homogeneously-disordered thin films demonstrate that the critical resistivity, RcR_c, at the nominal insulator-superconductor transition is linearly proportional to the normal sheet resistance, RNR_N. In addition, the critical magnetic field scales linearly with the superconducting energy gap and is well-approximated by Hc2H_{c2}. Because RNR_N is determined at high temperatures and Hc2H_{c2} is the pair-breaking field, the two immediate consequences are: 1) electron-quasiparticles populate the insulating side of the transition and 2) standard phase-only models are incapable of describing the destruction of the superconducting state. As gapless electronic excitations populate the insulating state, the universality class is no longer the 3D XY model. The lack of a unique critical resistance in homogeneously disordered films can be understood in this context. In light of the recent experiments which observe an intervening metallic state separating the insulator from the superconductor in homogeneously disordered MoGe thin films, we argue that the two transitions that accompany the destruction of superconductivity are 1) superconductor to Bose metal in which phase coherence is lost and 2) Bose metal to localized electron insulator via pair-breaking.Comment: This article is included in the Festschrift for Prof. Michael Pollak on occasion of his 75th birthda

    Superconductor-insulator transition driven by local dephasing

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    We consider a system where localized bound electron pairs form an array of "Andreev"-like scattering centers and are coupled to a fermionic subsystem of uncorrelated electrons. By means of a path-integral approach, which describes the bound electron pairs within a coherent pseudospin representation, we derive and analyze the effective action for the collective phase modes which arise from the coupling between the two subsystems once the fermionic degrees of freedom are integrated out. This effective action has features of a quantum phase model in the presence of a Berry phase term and exhibits a coupling to a field which describes at the same time the fluctuations of density of the bound pairs and those of the amplitude of the fermion pairs. Due to the competition between the local and the hopping induced non-local phase dynamics it is possible, by tuning the exchange coupling or the density of the bound pairs, to trigger a transition from a phase ordered superconducting to a phase disordered insulating state. We discuss the different mechanisms which control this occurrence and the eventual destruction of phase coherence both in the weak and strong coupling limit.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRB (05-Feb04

    Collective Excitations, Nambu-Goldstone Modes and Instability of Inhomogeneous Polariton Condensates

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    We study non-equilibrium microcavity-polariton condensates (MPCs) in a harmonic potential trap theoretically. We calculate and analyze the steady state, collective-excitation modes and instability of MPCs. Within excitation modes, there exist Nambu-Goldstone modes that can reveal the pattern of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of MPCs. Bifurcation of the stable and unstable modes is identified in terms of the pumping power and spot size. The unstable mechanism associated with the inward supercurrent flow is characterized by the existence of a supersonic region within the condensate.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Critical Exponents of the Superconducting Phase Transition

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    We study the critical exponents of the superconducting phase transition in the context of renormalization group theory starting from a dual formulation of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. The dual formulation describes a loop gas of Abrikosov flux tubes which proliferate when the critical temperature is approached from below. In contrast to the Ginzburg-Landau theory, it has a spontaneously broken global symmetry and possesses an infrared stable fixed point. The exponents coincide with those of a superfluid with reversed temperature axis.Comment: Postscript file. For related work see www adress http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleiner_re.html in our homepage http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleinert.htm
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