241 research outputs found

    Maximum-likelihood coherent-state quantum process tomography

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    Coherent-state quantum process tomography (csQPT) is a method of completely characterizing a quantum-optical "black box" by probing it with coherent states and performing homodyne measurements on the output [M. Lobino et al, Science 322, 563 (2008)]. We present a technique for csQPT that is fully based on statistical inference, specifically, quantum expectation-maximization. The method relies on the Jamiolkowski isomorphism and iteratively reconstructs the process tensor in the Fock basis directly from the experimental data. This approach permits incorporation of a priori constraints into the reconstruction procedure, thereby guaranteeing that the resulting process tensor is physically consistent. Furthermore, our method is easier to implement and requires a narrower range of coherent states than its predecessors. We test its feasibility using simulations on several experimentally relevant processes.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Linear-optical processing cannot increase photon efficiency

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    We answer the question whether linear-optical processing of the states produced by one or multiple imperfect single-photon sources can improve the single-photon fidelity. This processing can include arbitrary interferometers, coherent states, feedforward, and conditioning on results of detections. We show that without introducing multiphoton components, the single-photon fraction in any of the single-mode states resulting from such processing cannot be made to exceed the efficiency of the best available photon source. If multiphoton components are allowed, the single-photon fidelity cannot be increased beyond 1/2. We propose a natural general definition of the quantum-optical state efficiency, and show that it cannot increase under linear-optical processing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A bridge between the single-photon and squeezed-vacuum state

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    The two modes of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quadrature entangled state generated by parametric down-conversion interfere on a beam splitter of variable splitting ratio. Detection of a photon in one of the beam splitter output channels heralds preparation of a signal state in the other, which is characterized using homodyne tomography. By controlling the beam splitting ratio, the signal state can be chosen anywhere between the single-photon and squeezed state

    Remote preparation of a single-mode photonic qubit by measuring field quadrature noise

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    An electromagnetic field quadrature measurement, performed on one of the modes of the nonlocal single-photon state a∣1,0>−b∣0,1>a|1,0>-b|0,1>, collapses it into a superposition of the single-photon and vacuum states in the other mode. We use this effect to implement remote preparation of arbitrary single-mode photonic qubits conditioned on observation of a preselected quadrature value. The quantum efficiency of the prepared qubit can be higher than that of the initial single photon

    Interconvertibility of single-rail optical qubits

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    We show how to convert between partially coherent superpositions of a single photon with the vacuum using linear optics and postselection based on homodyne measurements. We introduce a generalized quantum efficiency for such states and show that any conversion that decreases this quantity is possible. We also prove that our scheme is optimal by showing that no linear optical scheme with generalized conditional measurements, and with one single-rail qubit input can improve the generalized efficiency.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Versatile Digital GHz Phase Lock for External Cavity Diode Lasers

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    We present a versatile, inexpensive and simple optical phase lock for applications in atomic physics experiments. Thanks to all-digital phase detection and implementation of beat frequency pre-scaling, the apparatus requires no microwave-range reference input, and permits phase locking at frequency differences ranging from sub-MHz to 7 GHz (and with minor extension, to 12 GHz). The locking range thus covers ground state hyperfine splittings of all alkali metals, which makes this system a universal tool for many experiments on coherent interaction between light and atoms.Comment: 4.5 pages, 5 figures v3: fixed error in schematic: R10 connects to other end of C

    A Monolithic Filter Cavity for Experiments in Quantum Optics

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    By applying a high-reflectivity dielectric coating on both sides of a commercial plano-convex lens, we produce a stable monolithic Fabry-Perot cavity suitable for use as a narrow band filter in quantum optics experiments. The resonant frequency is selected by means of thermal expansion. Owing to the long term mechanical stability, no optical locking techniques are required. We characterize the cavity performance as an optical filter, obtaining a 45 dB suppression of unwanted modes while maintaining a transmission of 60%.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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