37,625 research outputs found
Vacuum structure and effective potential at finite temperature: a variational approach
We compute the effective potential for theory with a squeezed
coherent state type of construct for the ground state. The method essentially
consists in optimising the basis at zero and finite temperatures. The gap
equation becomes identical to resumming the infinite series of daisy and super
daisy graphs while the effective potential includes multiloop effects and
agrees with that obtained through composite operator formalism at finite
temperature.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, No figures, to appear in Jou. of Phys.G(Nucl. and
Part. Phys.
A Variational Approach to Bound States in Quantum Field Theory
We consider here in a toy model an approach to bound state problem in a
nonperturbative manner using equal time algebra for the interacting field
operators. Potential is replaced by offshell bosonic quanta inside the bound
state of nonrelativistic particles. The bosonic dressing is determined through
energy minimisation, and mass renormalisation is carried out in a
nonperturbative manner. Since the interaction is through a scalar field, it
does not include spin effects. The model however nicely incorporates an
intuitive picture of hadronic bound states in which the gluon fields dress the
quarks providing the binding between them and also simulate the gluonic content
of hadrons in deep inelastic collisions.Comment: latex, revtex, 22 page
Spin-Charge Decoupling and Orthofermi Quantum Statistics
Currently Gutzwiller projection technique and nested Bethe ansatz are two
main methods used to handle electronic systems in the infinity limit. We
demonstrate that these two approaches describe two distinct physical systems.
In the nested Bethe ansatz solutions, there is a decoupling between the spin
and charge degrees of freedom. Such a decoupling is absent in the Gutzwiller
projection technique. Whereas in the Gutzwiller approach, the usual
antisymmetry of space and spin coordinates is maintained, we show that the
Bethe ansatz wave function is compatible with a new form of quantum statistics,
viz., orthofermi statistics. In this statistics, the wave function is
antisymmetric in spatial coordinates alone. This feature ultimately leads to
spin-charge decoupling.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex Journal_ref: A slightly abridged version of this
paper has appeared as a brief report in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 63, 132405 (2001
An Assessment of Knowledge and Practices Regarding Tuberculosis in the Context of RNTCP Among Non Allopathic Practitioners in Gwalior District
Introduction: India has the highest TB burden accounting for one-fifth of the global incidence with an estimated 1.98 million cases. Non- allopathic practitioners are the major service providers especially in rural and peri-urban areas, treating not just patients of diarrhea, respiratory infections and abdominal Pain but also of tuberculosis. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of sign and symptoms of TB and its management as per the RNTCP guidelines and to assess the practicing pattern regarding tuberculosis. Material & Methods: The present was carried out among the registered non allopathic practitioners providing their services in Gwalior District during the study period. A total of 150 non allopathic practitioners of various methods from both government and private sectors were interviewed using a pre-designed, pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. The information was collected on the General profile of the participant, knowledge about signs and symptoms of TB and its management, practices commonly adopted in the management and their views on involvement of non allopathic practitioners in RNTCP programme. Result: The average score of government practitioners was 7.3 compared to 4.6 by private practitioners. There was a statistically significant difference between the two group on issue related to the management of TB patients as per the RNTCP guidelines. Government practitioners relied mostly on sputum examination for diagnosis and follow up compared to private practitioners who chose other modalities like X-ray, blood examination for this work. Conclusion: There is a gap in knowledge and practices of practitioners of both the sectors. Some serious efforts were required to upgrade the knowledge of non allopathic practitioners if the government is serious about controlling tuberculosis in India
Color superconducting 2SC+s quark matter and gapless modes at finite temperatures
We investigate the phase diagram of color superconducting quark matter with
strange quarks (2SC+s quark matter) in beta equliibrium at zero as well as
finite temperatures within a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The variational method
as used here allows us to investigate simultaneous formation of condensates in
quark--antiquark as well as in diquark channels. Color and electric charge
neutrality conditions are imposed in the calculation of the thermodynamic
potential. Medium dependance of strange quark mass plays a sensitve role in
maintaining charge neutrality conditions. At zero temperature the system goes
from gapless phase to usual BCS phase through an intermediate normal phase as
density is increased. The gapless modes show a smooth behaviour with respect to
temperature vanishing above a critical temperature which is larger than the BCS
transition temperature. We observe a sharp transition from gapless
superconducting phase to the BCS phase as density is increased for the color
neutral matter at zero temperature. As temperature is increased this however
becomes a smooth transition.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure
Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Pion Wave Function
We consider here chiral symmetry breaking through nontrivial vacuum structure
with quark antiquark condensates. We then relate the condensate function to the
wave function of pion as a Goldstone mode. This simultaneously yields the pion
also as a quark antiquark bound state as a localised zero mode in vacuum. We
illustrate the above with Nambu Jona-Lasinio model to calculate different
pionic properties in terms of the vacuum structure for breaking of exact or
approximate chiral symmetry, as well as the condensate fluctuations giving rise
to mesons.Comment: latex, revtex, 16 page
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