205 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of corporate governance and firm value: Evidence from KSE-100 Index

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    This paper investigates the impact of corporate governance on firm value measured by Tobin's Q. Different corporate governance proxies i.e. board size, board independence, audit committee and CEO duality are interacted with firm value. A sample of 91 nonfinancial firms listed on KSE was selected over the period 2010-2014. The findings of the study show that board size and CEO duality had negative impacts on firm value. Moreover, board size, non-executive directors and audit committee had positive and significant impacts on firm value. Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    A Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Transition Metal Diborides

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    AbstractThe diborides are members of a broad class of materials known as the boron-rich solids, which consist of extended networks of covalently bonded boron (B) atoms stabilized through donation of electrons from the metal atoms. Although the structures of the diborides are unique, their physical properties are somewhat similar to those of nitrides and carbides; they are extremely hard and have very high melting points. They are attractive for the same types of applications as super hard, refractory materials, such as in composites and in hard coatings. The proposal presents an overview of some of the important properties of transition metal diborides (TMB2), as these are of interest for fundamental reasons as well as for practical applications. Keywords: TMB2; AlB2; Physical propertie

    A study of adverse drug reaction profile of tuberculosis patients attending DOTS center at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar memorial hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

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    Background: Tuberculosis is second leading cause of death in the world. The causative organism is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The objective was to study the adverse reactions of the patients attending the DOTS center and to assess their causality and severity of reported ADRs.Methods: Present study was a prospective observational study carried at the DOTS center of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India between August 2011 to July 2012 (One year). The patients were monitored for adverse drug reactions. The assessment of ADRs were based upon the WHO assessment scale, Naranjo scale, European A.B.O scale.Results: Total number of patients attending DOTS center was 816. The number of males (428) exceeded that of females (388). Majority of patients in this study belonged to 21-30 years (26.96%) next 31-40 years (25.24%) and 41-50 years (16.5%) of age group. Prevalence of ADRs were more in males (57%) than in females 32 (43%). Majority of ADRs reported were moderate 33 (35.22%) followed by 29 (46,77%) were mild, no severe ADRs reported. According to severity of ADRs seen were gastritis 28 (45%) followed by 10 (16% ) rashes , 10 (16,12%) of arthralgia, 3 (4.83%) of hepatitis, 6 (9.7%) of peripheral neuropathy, 2 (3%) onsets of ADRs after starting anti-tubercular drug were 12 (19.35%) in 0-1 week followed by 19 (30%) ADRs showed onset in 1-2 week and 2-3 week, 8 (13%) in 3-4 week 3 (5%) in 4-5 week and 1 (2%) in 5-6 week.Conclusions: The casual link between the ADRs and the suspected anti-tubercular drug by Naranjo scale definitely relationship was established between the anti-tubercular drug and ADRs in 7 (11.25%) patient while 22 (35.45%) probable and 33 (53.22%) ADRs were categorized as possible

    Rationality verses irrationality in fixed dose combinations: at a tertiary teaching hospital of rural Chhattisgarh, India

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    Background: Rational drug prescribing can be defined as appropriate drugs prescribed in the right dose, at correct time intervals and for a sufficient duration. Irrational drug use is a common problem in many countries of the world.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted, total 300 patients attending various outpatient departments of tertiary health care rural hospital in Rajnandgaon district were interviewed and their prescriptions were analysed.Results: Total 350 drugs were prescribed 60 (17.14%) were prescribed by generic name and the rest 290 (82.86%) were prescribed by brand name. Only 18 (5.14%) drugs were not prescribed from hospital formulary. 264 (75.43%) drugs were dispensed from hospital pharmacy. On the basis of rationality score 53% prescriptions were rational, 30% semi rational and 17% irrational.Conclusions: In a rural hospital, where hospital formulary is based on WHO Essential medicine list, hundred percent utilization of hospital pharmacy service doctors and patients would ensure rational prescribing benefits of the patients coming from rural and uneducated background

    Assessment of knowledge of pharmacotherapeutics amongst medical undergraduates of a tertiary care teaching hospital of Chhattisgarh, India: a questionnaire based study

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    Background: Knowledge of pharmacology forms the basis of rational pharmacotherapy practice. Teaching the medical students about systematic application of pharmacology in patients’ care forms an essential component. It facilitates the medical students to develop a methodical approach in solving patients’ clinical problems.Methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted, at Government Medical College Rajnandgaon involving second year MBBS students. Total 100 students participated in the study.Results: Hundred percent of the students responded that pharmacology was presently taught to them, seventy nine percent of them agreed with the fact that pharmacology was preferred to pass the MBBS, eighty eight percent of them responded that in pharmacokinetics was the least preferred topic, ninety seven of them were not aware of the essential drug list. Their suggestions regarding the change in teaching methodology was recorded.Conclusions: This study concludes that efforts are needed to develop a curriculum that encompasses important aspects of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics along with incorporation of the useful suggestions by the undergraduate students

    Pressure-volume Relationship for Platinum and Aluminium

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    Platinum and Aluminium are widely used as a pressure calibration standard. The present proposal which intends to compare the efficiency of the four equations under close examination reports the V/VO versus P values derived from the new modified forms of Murnaghan equation NMME1, NMME2, Birch equation (BE) and Freund-Ingalls (FIE) obtained for the best agreement with the experimental data of Mc Queen et.al


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    Background: Vaginal discharge is very common problem among females. Alteration in balance of normal vaginal organisms can cause the overgrowth of the bacteria that creates vaginal discharge. It is common among sexually active women yet there still remain gaps in our knowledge of this infectious disorder. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of bacterial vaginosis (BV), vaginal candidiasis (VC), vaginal trichomoniasis and Group B streptococcus in women complaining of vaginal discharge in our setup. Method: A total of 100 women of reproductive age group with the complaint of vaginal discharge were included in the study. After filling proforma patients were examined by speculum examination and two high vaginal swabs (HVS) were collected aseptically from each patient. One swab was used for making wet mount for clue cells, pus cells and for motility of Trichomonas vaginalis. The other swab was used to check pH and Amine test. The growth was confirmed by Gram staining in each case. Results: Gardnerrella vaginalis were isolated in 28%, Group B streptococcus in 5% and T. vaginolis in 4% of women. Conclusion: Gardnerella vaginalis causing BV is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in otherwise healthy women of reproductive age group in our setup

    Effects of nano-carbon reinforcement on the swelling and shrinkage behaviour of soil

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    In this study, the performance of two types of nanocarbons (NCs), namely carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanofibers (CNFs), on the three-dimensional shrinkage and swelling properties of three clayey soils were investigated. The specimens of soil mixed with clay with bentonite contents of 0, 10 and 20% by weight of dry soil. NC contents of 0.05, 0.075, 0.10 and 0.20% were chosen to investigate the influence of different NC types, CNTs and CNFs. All soil specimens were compacted under maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content conditions by using standard compaction tests. The physical and mechanical characteristics of the reinforced samples were then determined. These included the desiccation cracking area, used to determine the crack intensity factor (CIF), as well as the shrinkage and swelling. The CIF for the soil specimens without NCs were higher than the soil specimens with NC additives. These results show that NCs decrease the development of desiccation cracks on the surface of compacted samples. The shrinkage and swelling tests showed that the rate of volume changing of the compacted soil specimens reduced with the increasing of NCs
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