557 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Junior High School Teacher-Made Tests for the Students in Enrekang

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    The research aimed at finding out information about the preparation of constructing teacher-made tests in Enrekang, the quality of English teacher-made test according to item analysis, and the level cognitive domain of the teacher-made test. The test quality was determined after it was used in school examination test. This research employed survey research using descriptive method. The researcher analyzed the data and then described the research finding quantitatively. The population of this research was the teachers who teach in ninth grade at junior high schools in Enrekang. This research applied simple random sampling technique by taking four different schools as sampel. The results of analysis show preparation that junior high school teachers follow in constructing teacher-made tests in Enrekang is divided into five main parts. In preparing the test, the procedures were considering tests’ materials and proportion of each topic, choosing to check the item bank that match to syllabus and indicators, or preparing test specification. In writing test, teachers’ procedures were re-writing chosen test item from internet and textbook, re-writing items that was used before and allowing the other teachers to verify it, combining items from item bank and text book, or making new item. While in analyzing a test, the procedures used by the teachers were analyzing and revising test based on its item difficulty, predicting the item difficulty and revising the test, or doing nothing to analyze the test. About the timing in preparing the test, there are three out of five teachers who need only one week to construct multiple choice tests. Besides, there are two out of five teachers who need two weeks to construct multiple choice tests. While the teachers have different ways in providing test based on students’ ability. Moreover, the item analysis shows that no test is perfectly good. It was found that almost all tests need to be revised. It was also found that there were only three categories works in all tests based on the cognitive domain of the test namely knowledge, comprehension, and application categories. There was no item belong to analysis, synthesis, and evaluation categories

    Regenerasiprotoplas Tanaman Terung Dan Ketahanan Regeneran Terhadappenyakit Bakterilayu*[regeneration of Eggplant Protoplast and the Resistance to Bacterial Wilt]

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    Protoplasts regeneration was studied on 3 cultivars of eggplant (pupel, green, ang white fruits) and the regenerant were tested for their resistance to bacterial wilt. The researh was conducted in different steps, including protoplast isolation, protoplast purification, protoplast culture, cell suspention dilution, shoot regeneration, plantlet aclimatization, and testing for the resistant to bacterial wilt. Observations were made for protoplast number of each cultivar, protoplast cell wal formation, cell division, number of cell colony, microcalli, and shoot, percent of plantlet survival, in acclimatization, and the resistance of regenerants to bacterial wilt. Data was analized by calculating the average, percentage, and standart deviation. Results show that the combination of 0.5% cellulase Onozuka RS, 0.5% macerozyme R-10, 0.05% MES, and 9,1% mannitol in CPW solution was able to isolateds alot of sprotoplast (10 ) in each cultivars. The first culture incubation with out lighty in both (KM8P and VKM) media and reach which 0,2 mg/1 2,4-D, 0,5 mg/1 zeathin, 1 mg/1 IAA, promoted the formation of cell wall and cell division developed to microcalli. Regeneration media of MS, applied with vitamin MW, 0,1 mg/1 NAA, and 2 mg/1 zeathine produced 13 shoots.. From 21 regenerants acclimatized only 15 regenerants survive. There were differences among the regenerants in their resistance to bacterial wilt,3 regenerants resistant, 2 regenerant recovery (tolerant) and 10 regenerants were susceptibel

    Analisis Relevansi Pekerjaan Lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi di Fkip Universitas Tanjungpura

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    This study aims to determine the relevance of graduate study program How Economic Education between education and employment so that their expertise can support graduate education in their work. The method used in this study is a qualitative course of a study, the research instrument is the researcher himself. Subjects were graduates Prodi Economic Education class of 2010 smpai 2014 and Determining the sample using purposive sampling technique that is adapted to the purpose of research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation, while data processing techniques using data analysis techniques domain. The results of the research that the relevance of the work study program Economic Education as much as 60% in the category appropriate to support graduate educational expertise in their work and 40% in the category is not appropriate because it does not support the expertise in education pekerjaann

    Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Proyek Akhir Politeknik Jambi

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    Final Project is a compulsory subject to be resolved as a condition of graduation Politekni Jambi in academics. Administrative management of the final project at the Politeknik Jambi still considered less than optimal in terms of time. This information system modeling can be improved continuously over time can develop in a sustainable and thus can help improve the terms of service for the Politeknik Jambi. The final goal of this research, generating an information system modeling the final project is used as a reference in building information systems that include project activities end environment Politeknik Jambi, to assist existing problems, in accordance with the standards set. Keywords: information systems, modelling, final projec

    Potential Development of Liquid Smoke From Oil Palm Solid Waste as Biofungicides

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    This research investigated the potential utilization of solid waste from palm oil industry for liquid smoke production in Aceh Province, Indonesia. The liquid smoke can be applied as bio fungicides in agricultural field. Preliminary experiment on the use of liquid smoke as fungicide at Colletotrichum capsisi fungus which causes anthracnose disease on red pepper was also conducted. The survey on the existing potential/availability of palm oil mill in Aceh shows that there are 30 palm oil mills in eight districts with a total of production capacity 1020 ton/hour. Assuming that 10% of palm oil kernel shells are pyrolized into liquid smoke, Aceh province could produce about 23,868 ton of liquid smoke per year. The preliminary test result towards Colletotrichum capsisi fungus shows that the liquid smoke can be used as fungicides


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    In deepwater exploration, wellbore pressure stability must be maintained to avoid a catastrophic accident such as blowout. Accounting for the factors contributing to wellbore pressure is beneficial to ensuring the stability of the wellbore. In this study, a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) is used to simulate the surge and swab pressure in concentric and eccentric annular geometry using Power-Law fluid. The study fully utilises the CFD software: ANSYS 15.0 and the Fluid Flow (CFX) model to analyse the major factors that affects surge/swab pressure. These include; tripping pipe velocity, wellbore geometry, fluid rheology, pipe eccentricity, flow regime and whether the pipe is closed or open. The model geometries were designed with ANSYS workbench and meshed with tetrahedron elements for concentric annulus and hexahedron elements for eccentric annulus. Grid independent study was performed to compute an optimum mesh size to reduce the computational time to run the simulations. The simulation results are compared with the experimental results both for concentric and eccentric annulus using four (4) different types of test fluids (1.00% PAC-A, 0.75% PAC-A, 1.00% PAC-B, and 0.75% PAC-B)

    Analisis dan Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Monitoring Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi

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    Setiap Perguruan Tinggi di wajibkan untuk melaksanakan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) begitu juga Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi dalam menjalankan SPMInya baru berfokus pada kegiatan akademik. Fokus utamanya adalah pada kegiatan pelaksanaan perkuliahan di Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi yang masih terkendala dengan pelaksanaan monitoring kehadiran Dosen dalam mengajar. Kurang maksimal dalam melaksanakan monitoring kehadiran dosen, sehingga dapat merugikan pihak Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi baik dalam segi mutu dan finansial. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu pemodelan sistem informasi monitoring kehadiran dosen yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membangun sistem informasi yang mencakup kegiatan SPMI dilingkungan Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi, guna membantu permasalahan yang ada, sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Keluaran dari standar tersebut dapat ditingkatkan secara terus menerus dari waktu ke waktu serta dapat berkembang secara berkelanjutan. Dengan begitu dapat membantu meningkatkan baik dalam segi mutu maupun finansial bagi pihak Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi
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