698 research outputs found

    Large X-ray Flares from LMC X-4: Discovery of Milli-hertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations and QPO-modulated Pulsations

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    We report the discovery of milli-hertz (mHz) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) and QPO-modulated pulsations during large X-ray flares from the high-mass X-ray binary pulsar LMC X-4 using data from the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The lightcurves of flares show that, in addition to ~74 mHz coherent pulsations, there exist two more time-varying temporal structures at frequencies of ~0.65-1.35 and ~2-20 mHz. These relatively long-term structures appear in the power density spectra as mHz QPOs and as well-developed sidebands around the coherent pulse frequency as well, indicating that the amplitudes of the coherent pulsation is modulated by those of the mHz QPOs. One interesting feature is that, while the first flare shows symmetric sidebands around the coherent pulse frequency, the second flare shows significant excess emission in the lower-frequency sidebands due to the ~2-20 mHz QPOs. We discuss the origin of the QPOs using a combination of the beat-frequency model and a modified version of the Keplerian-frequency model. According to our discussion, it seems to be possible to attribute the origin of the ~0.65-1.35 and ~2-20 mHz QPOs to the beating between the rotational frequency of the neutron star and the Keplerian frequency of large accreting clumps near the corotation radius and to the orbital motion of clumps at Keplerian radii of 2-10 times 10^9 cm, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, including 4 figures; accepted by ApJ Letter

    Spin-independent origin of the strongly enhanced effective mass in a dilute 2D electron system

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    We have accurately measured the effective mass in a dilute two-dimensional electron system in silicon by analyzing temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the low-temperature limit. A sharp increase of the effective mass with decreasing electron density has been observed. Using tilted magnetic fields, we have found that the enhanced effective mass is independent of the degree of spin polarization, which points to a spin-independent origin of the mass enhancement and is in contradiction with existing theories

    Stabilizing role of platelet P2Y(12) receptors in shear-dependent thrombus formation on ruptured plaques

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    Background: In most models of experimental thrombosis, healthy blood vessels are damaged. This results in the formation of a platelet thrombus that is stabilized by ADP signaling via P2Y(12) receptors. However, such models do not predict involvement of P2Y(12) in the clinically relevant situation of thrombosis upon rupture of atherosclerotic plaques. We investigated the role of P2Y(12) in thrombus formation on (collagen-containing) atherosclerotic plaques in vitro and in vivo, by using a novel mouse model of atherothrombosis. Methodology: Plaques in the carotid arteries from Apoe(-/-) mice were acutely ruptured by ultrasound treatment, and the thrombotic process was monitored via intravital fluorescence microscopy. Thrombus formation in vitro was assessed in mouse and human blood perfused over collagen or plaque material under variable conditions of shear rate and coagulation. Effects of two reversible P2Y(12) blockers, ticagrelor (AZD6140) and cangrelor (AR-C69931MX), were investigated. Principal Findings: Acute plaque rupture by ultrasound treatment provoked rapid formation of non-occlusive thrombi, which were smaller in size and unstable in the presence of P2Y(12) blockers. In vitro, when mouse or human blood was perfused over collagen or atherosclerotic plaque material, blockage or deficiency of P2Y(12) reduced the thrombi and increased embolization events. These P2Y(12) effects were present at shear rates >500 s(-1), and they persisted in the presence of coagulation. P2Y(12)-dependent thrombus stabilization was accompanied by increased fibrin(ogen) binding. Conclusions/Significance: Platelet P2Y(12) receptors play a crucial role in the stabilization of thrombi formed on atherosclerotic plaques. This P2Y(12) function is restricted to high shear flow conditions, and is preserved in the presence of coagulation

    Testing Hydrodynamic Models of LMC X-4 with UV and X-ray Spectra

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    We compare the predictions of hydrodynamic models of the LMC X-4 X-ray binary system with observations of UV P Cygni lines with the GHRS and STIS spectrographs on the Hubble Space Telescope. The hydrodynamic model determines density and velocity fields of the stellar wind, wind-compressed disk, accretion stream, Keplerian accretion disk, and accretion disk wind. We use a Monte Carlo code to determine the UV P Cygni line profiles by simulating the radiative transfer of UV photons that originate on the star and are scattered in the wind. The qualitative orbital variation predicted is similar to that observed, although the model fails to reproduce the strong orbital asymmetry (the observed absorption is strongest for phi>0.5). The model predicts a mid-eclipse X-ray spectrum, due almost entirely to Compton scattering, with a factor 4 less flux than observed with ASCA. We discuss how the model may need to be altered to explain the spectral variability of the system.Comment: 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Holographic and Wilsonian Renormalization Groups

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    We develop parallels between the holographic renormalization group in the bulk and the Wilsonian renormalization group in the dual field theory. Our philosophy differs from most previous work on the holographic RG; the most notable feature is the key role of multi-trace operators. We work out the forms of various single- and double-trace flows. The key question, `what cutoff on the field theory corresponds to a radial cutoff in the bulk?' is left unanswered, but by sharpening the analogy between the two sides we identify possible directions.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures. v2: Minor clarifications. Added reference

    Platelet glycoprotein VI cluster size is related to thrombus formation and phosphatidylserine exposure in collagen-adherent platelets under arterial shear

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    Background: Collagen-induced platelet activation is predominantly mediated by glycoprotein (GP) VI through formation of receptor clusters that coincide with the accumulation of signaling molecules and are hypothesized to drive strong and sustained platelet activation. Objectives: To determine the importance of GPVI clusters for thrombus formation in whole blood under shear. Methods: We utilized whole blood microfluidics and an anti-GPVI nanobody (Nb), Nb28, labeled with AlexaFluor 488, to assess the distribution of GPVI on the surface of platelets adhering to a range of collagen-like substrates with different platelet activation potentials. Results: Automated analysis of GPVI surface distribution on platelets supported the hypothesis that there is a relationship between GPVI cluster formation, thrombus size, and phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure. Substrates that supported the formation of macroclusters also induced significantly bigger aggregates, with increased amounts of PS-exposing platelets in comparison to substrates where no GPVI clusters were detected. Furthermore, we demonstrate that only direct inhibition of GPVI binding, but not of downstream signaling, is able to disrupt cluster formation. Conclusion: Labeled anti-GPVI Nb28 permits visualization of GPVI clustering under flow conditions. Furthermore, whilst inhibition of downstream signaling does not affect clustering, it does prevent thrombus formation. Therefore, GPVI macroclustering is a prerequisite for thrombus formation and platelet activation, namely, PS exposure, on highly GPVI-dependent collagen surfaces

    Models of X-ray Photoionization in LMC X-4: Slices of a Stellar Wind

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    We show that the orbital variation in the UV P Cygni lines of the X-ray binary LMC X-4 results when X-rays photoionize nearly the entire region outside of the X-ray shadow of the normal star. We fit models to HST GHRS observations of N V and C IV P Cygni line profiles. Analytic methods assuming a spherically symmetric wind show that the wind velocity law is well-fit by v~(1-1/r)^beta, where beta is likely 1.4-1.6 and definitely <2.5. Escape probability models can fit the observed P Cygni profiles, and provide measurements of the stellar wind parameters. The fits determine Lx/Mdot=2.6+/-0.1 x10^43 erg/s/Msun yr, where Lx is the X-ray luminosity and Mdot is the mass-loss rate of the star. Allowing an inhomogeneous wind improves the fits. IUE spectra show greater P Cygni absorption during the second half of the orbit than during the first. We discuss possible causes of this effect.Comment: 56 pages, 12 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Effective Conformal Theory and the Flat-Space Limit of AdS

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    We develop the idea of an effective conformal theory describing the low-lying spectrum of the dilatation operator in a CFT. Such an effective theory is useful when the spectrum contains a hierarchy in the dimension of operators, and a small parameter whose role is similar to that of 1/N in a large N gauge theory. These criteria insure that there is a regime where the dilatation operator is modified perturbatively. Global AdS is the natural framework for perturbations of the dilatation operator respecting conformal invariance, much as Minkowski space naturally describes Lorentz invariant perturbations of the Hamiltonian. Assuming that the lowest-dimension single-trace operator is a scalar, O, we consider the anomalous dimensions, gamma(n,l), of the double-trace operators of the form O (del^2)^n (del)^l O. Purely from the CFT we find that perturbative unitarity places a bound on these dimensions of |gamma(n,l)|<4. Non-renormalizable AdS interactions lead to violations of the bound at large values of n. We also consider the case that these interactions are generated by integrating out a heavy scalar field in AdS. We show that the presence of the heavy field "unitarizes" the growth in the anomalous dimensions, and leads to a resonance-like behavior in gamma(n,l) when n is close to the dimension of the CFT operator dual to the heavy field. Finally, we demonstrate that bulk flat-space S-matrix elements can be extracted from the large n behavior of the anomalous dimensions. This leads to a direct connection between the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in d-dimensional CFTs and flat-space S-matrix elements in d+1 dimensions. We comment on the emergence of flat-space locality from the CFT perspective.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figures. v2: JHEP published versio

    Quasi-Periodic Occultation by a Precessing Accretion Disk and Other Variabilities of SMC X-1

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    We have investigated the variability of the binary X-ray pulsar, SMC X-1, in data from several X-ray observatories. We confirm the ~60-day cyclic variation of the X-ray flux in the long-term monitoring data from the RXTE and CGRO observatories. X-ray light curves and spectra from the ROSAT, Ginga, and ASCA observatories show that the uneclipsed flux varies by as much as a factor of twenty between a high-flux state when 0.71 second pulses are present and a low-flux state when pulses are absent. In contrast, during eclipses when the X-rays consist of radiation scattered from circumsource matter, the fluxes and spectra in the high and low states are approximately the same. These observations prove that the low state of SMC X-1 is not caused by a reduction in the intrinsic luminosity of the source, or a spectral redistribution thereof, but rather by a quasi-periodic blockage of the line of sight, most likely by a precessing tilted accretion disk. In each of two observations in the midst of low states a brief increase in the X-ray flux and reappearance of 0.71 second pulses occurred near orbital phase 0.2. These brief increases result from an opening of the line of sight to the pulsar that may be caused by wobble in the precessing accretion disk. The records of spin up of the neutron star and decay of the binary orbit are extended during 1991-1996 by pulse-timing analysis of ROSAT, ASCA, and RXTE PCA data. The pulse profiles in various energy ranges from 0.1 to >21 keV are well represented as a combination of a pencil beam and a fan beam. Finally, there is a marked difference between the power spectra of random fluctuations in the high-state data from the RXTE PCA below and above 3.4 keV. Deviation from the fitted power law around 0.06 Hz may be QPO.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 33 pages including 11 figure
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