11,005 research outputs found

    Noise characterization for resonantly-enhanced polarimetric vacuum magnetic-birefringence experiments

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    In this work we present data characterizing the sensitivity of the Bir\'{e}fringence Magnetique du Vide (BMV) instrument. BMV is an experiment attempting to measure vacuum magnetic birefringence (VMB) via the measurement of an ellipticity induced in a linearly polarized laser field propagating through a birefringent region of vacuum in the presence of an external magnetic field. Correlated measurements of laser noise alongside the measurement in the main detection channel allow us to separate measured sensing noise from the inherent birefringence noise of the apparatus. To this end we model different sources of sensing noise for cavity-enhanced polarimetry experiments, such as BMV. Our goal is to determine the main sources of noise, clarifying the limiting factors of such an apparatus. We find our noise models are compatible with the measured sensitivity of BMV. In this context we compare the phase sensitivity of separate-arm interferometers to that of a polarimetry apparatus for the discussion of current and future VMB measurements

    Reflection high-energy electron diffraction analysis of polycrystalline films with grain size and orientation distributions

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    We report a computationally efficient algorithm to calculate reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) intensities from well-textured, small-grained polycrystalline films in the kinematic limit. We also show how the intensity maps of the spots in a RHEED pattern from such a film can be quantitatively analyzed to determine the film's average grain size, as well as its in-plane orientation and texture distributions. We find that the in-plane orientation and texture distribution widths of these films can be determined to within 1 degree and that the average lateral grain size can be measured to within a fraction of a nanometer after suitable calibration of our technique

    Investigation of reliability attributes and accelerated stress factors on terrestrial solar cells

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    Major effort during this reporting period was devoted to two tasks: improvement of the electrical measurement instrumentation through the design and construction of a microcomputer controlled short interval tester, and better understanding of second quadrant behavior by developing a mathematical model relating cell temperature to electrical characteristics. In addition, some preliminary work is reported on an investigation into color changes observed after stressing


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    This paper analyzes the determinants of variation across industries in levels of intra-industry trade (IIT) for a sample of 36 U.S. processed food and beverage industries in 1987, previous studies of intra-industry trade having focused on industry characteristics in the manufacturing sectors. The determinants predicted by IIT theory are measures of product differentiation, economies of scale, and imperfect competition; the results of this analysis indicate that IIT variation across the food and beverage industries is positively related to product differentiation, U.S. total trade, similarity of tariff barriers among trade partners, and economies of scope, but negatively related to industry concentration.International Relations/Trade,

    [TiII] and [NiII] emission from the strontium filament of eta Carinae

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    We study the nature of the [TiII] and [NiII] emission from the so-called strontium filament found in the ejecta of eta Carinae. To this purpose we employ multilevel models of the TiII and NiII systems which are used to investigate the physical condition of the filament and the excitation mechanisms of the observed lines. For the TiII ion, for which no atomic data was previously available, we carry out ab initio calculations of radiative transition rates and electron impact excitation rate coefficients. It is found that the observed spectrum is consistent with the lines being excited in a mostly neutral region with an electron density of the order of 10710^7 cm−3^{-3} and a temperature around 6000 K. In analyzing three observations with different slit orientations recorded between March~2000 and November~2001 we find line ratios that change among various observations, in a way consistent with changes of up to an order of magnitude in the strength of the continuum radiation field. These changes result from different samplings of the extended filament, due to the different slit orientations used for each observation, and yield clues on the spatial extent and optical depth of the filament. The observed emission indicates a large Ti/Ni abundance ratio relative to solar abundances. It is suggested that the observed high Ti/Ni ratio in gas is caused by dust-gas fractionation processes and does not reflect the absolute Ti/Ni ratio in the ejecta of \etacar. We study the condensation chemistry of Ti, Ni and Fe within the filament and suggest that the observed gas phase overabundance of TiComment: 14 paginas, 12 figure

    Similarities and contrasts in tectonic and volcanic style and history along the Colorado plateaus-to-basin and range transition zone in Western Arizona: Geologic framework for tertiary extensional tectonics

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    The overall temporal and spatial relations between middle Tertiary volcanism and tectonism from the Basin and Range province onto the edge of the Colorado Plateaus province suggest that a single magnetic-tectonic episode affected the entire region more or less simultaneously during this period. The episode followed a post-Laramide (late Eocene through Oligocene) period of 25 million years of relative stability. Middle Tertiary volcanism did not migrate gradually eastward in a simple fashion onto the Colorado Plateau. In fact, late Oligocene volcanism appears to be more voluminous near the Aquarius Mountains than throughout the adjacent Basin and Range province westward to the Colorado River. Any model proposed to explain the cause of extension and detachment faulting in the eastern part of the Basin and Range province must consider that the onset of volcanism appears to have been approximately synchronous from the Colorado River region of the Basin and Range across the transition zone and onto the edge of the Colorado Plateaus

    The HATNet and HATSouth Exoplanet Surveys

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    The Hungarian-made Automated Telescope Network (HATNet) has been in operation since 2003, with the key science goal being the discovery and accurate characterization of transiting extrasolar planets (TEPs) around bright stars. Using six small, 11\,cm\ aperture, fully automated telescopes in Arizona and Hawaii, as of 2017 March, it has discovered and accurately characterized 67 such objects. The HATSouth network of telescopes has been in operation since 2009, using slightly larger, 18\,cm diameter optical tubes. It was the first global network of telescopes using identical instrumentation. With three premier sites spread out in longitude (Chile, Namibia, Australia), the HATSouth network permits round-the-clock observations of a 128 square arcdegree swath of the sky at any given time, weather permitting. As of this writing, HATSouth has discovered 36 transiting exoplanets. Many of the altogether ~100 HAT and HATSouth exoplanets were the first of their kind. They have been important contributors to the rapidly developing field of exoplanets, motivating and influencing observational techniques, theoretical studies, and also actively shaping future instrumentation for the detection and characterization of such objects.Comment: Invited review chapter, accepted for publication in "Handbook of Exoplanets", edited by H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, Springer Reference Work

    Gamma ray observations of the galactic center and some possible point sources

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    Observations of galactic center radiation and possible point sources obtained by gamma ray telescope flown on three balloon flight

    Observation of gamma rays with a 4.8 hour periodicity from CYG X-3

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    Energetic (E35 MeV) Gamma rays were observed from Cyg X-3 with the SAS-2 Gamma ray telescope. They are modulated at the 4.8 sup h period observed in the X-ray and infrared regions, and within the statistical error are in phase with this emission. The flux above 100 MeV has an average value of (4.4 + or - 1.1)x 10 to the -6 power/sq cm/sec. If the distance to Cyg X-3 is 10 kpcs, this flux implies a luminosity of more than 10 to the 37th power ergs/s if the radiation is isotropic and about 10 to the 36th power ergs/s if the radiation is restricted to a cone of one steradian, as it might be in a pulsar
