9 research outputs found

    Header for SPIE use Local measurement of venous saturation in tissue with non-invasive, near-infrared respiratory-oximetry

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    ABSTRACT We present preliminary results of non-invasive, near-infrared measurements of venous saturation (SvO 2 ) on the leg muscle of three anesthetized piglets. We have quantified the local SvO 2 by analyzing the optical spectrum of the amplitude of the absorption oscillations synchronous with breathing. To induce a variation in the muscle SvO 2 , we performed measurements during a protocol involving a cyclic change in the fraction of oxygen inspired by the piglet over the range 10-100% (by volume). In all three piglets, we have found a good agreement between the SvO 2 values measured non-invasively with nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and those measured invasively by the analysis of venous blood samples