11,531 research outputs found

    Precision microwave dielectric and magnetic susceptibility measurements of correlated electronic materials using superconducting cavities

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    We analyze microwave cavity perturbation methods, and show that the technique is an excellent, precision method to study the dynamic magnetic and dielectric response in the GHzGHz frequency range. Using superconducting cavities, we obtain exceptionally high precision and sensitivity for measurements of relative changes. A dynamic electromagnetic susceptibility ζ~(T)=ζ′+iζ′′\tilde{\zeta}(T)=\zeta ^{\prime}+i\zeta ^{\prime \prime} is introduced, which is obtained from the measured parameters: the shift of cavity resonant frequency δf\delta f and quality factor QQ. We focus on the case of a spherical sample placed at the center of a cylindrical cavity resonant in the TE011TE_{011} mode. Depending on the sample characteristics, the magnetic permeability μ~\tilde{\mu}, the dielectric permittivity ϵ~\tilde{\epsilon} and the complex conductivity σ~\tilde{\sigma} can be extracted from ζ~H\tilde{\zeta}_{H}. A full spherical wave analysis of the cavity perturbation is given. This analysis has led to the observation of new phenomena in novel low dimensional materials.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Stability of a Fully Magnetized Ferromagnetic state in Repulsively Interacting Ultracold Fermi Gases

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    We construct a variational wave function to study whether a fully polarized Fermi sea is energetically stable against a single spin flip. Our variational wave function contains sufficient short-range correlation at least to the same level as Gutzwiller's projected wave function. For Hubbard lattice model and continuum model with pure repulsive interaction, we show a fully polarized Fermi sea is generally unstable even when the repulsive strength becomes infinite. While for a resonance model, ferromagnetic state is possible if the s-wave scattering length is positive and sufficiently large, and the system is prepared in scattering state orthogonal to molecular bound state. However, we can not rule out the possibility that more exotic correlation can destabilize the ferromagnetic state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Antiferromagnetism of Fermions in Optical Lattices with Half-filled p-band

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    We study Fermi gases in a three-dimensional optical lattice with five fermions per site, i.e. the s-band is completely filled and the p-band with three-fold degeneracy is half filled. We show that, for repulsive interaction between fermions, the system will exhibit spin-3/2 antiferromagnetic order at low temperature. This conclusion is obtained in strong interaction regime by strong coupling expansion which yields an isotropic spin-3/2 Heisenberg model, and also in weak interaction regime by Hatree-Fock mean-field theory and analysis of Fermi surface nesting. We show that the critical temperature for this antiferromagnetism of a p-band Mott insulator is about two orders of magnitudes higher than that of an ss-band Mott insulator, which is close to the lowest temperature attainable nowadays

    Superfluidity in Three-species Mixture of Fermi Gases across Feshbach Resonances

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    In this letter a generalization of the BEC-BCS crossover theory to a multicomponent superfluid is presented by studying a three-species mixture of Fermi gas across two Feshbach resonances. At the BEC side of resonances, two kinds of molecules are stable which gives rise to a two-component Bose condensate. This two-component superfluid state can be experimentally identified from the radio-frequency spectroscopy, density profile and short noise measurements. As approaching the BCS side of resonances, the superfluidity will break down at some point and yield a first-order quantum phase transition to normal state, due to the mismatch of three Fermi surfaces. Phase separation instability will occur around the critical regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    High yield fabrication of chemically reduced graphene oxide field effect transistors by dielectrophoresis

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    We demonstrate high yield fabrication of field effect transistors (FET) using chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO) sheets suspended in water assembled via dielectrophoresis. The two terminal resistances of the devices were improved by an order of magnitude upon mild annealing at 200 0C in Ar/H2 environment for 1 hour. With the application of a backgate voltage, all of the devices showed FET behavior with maximum hole and electron mobilities of 4.0 and 1.5 cm2/Vs respectively. This study shows promise for scaled up fabrication of graphene based nanoelectronic devices.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Space charge limited conduction with exponential trap distribution in reduced graphene oxide sheets

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    We elucidate on the low mobility and charge traps of the chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO) sheets by measuring and analyzing temperature dependent current-voltage characteristics. The RGO sheets were assembled between source and drain electrodes via dielectrophoresis. At low bias voltage the conduction is Ohmic while at high bias voltage and low temperatures the conduction becomes space charge limited with an exponential distribution of traps. We estimate an average trap density of 1.75x10^16 cm^-3. Quantitative information about charge traps will help develop optimization strategies of passivating defects in order to fabricate high quality solution processed graphene devices.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Rubidium resonant squeezed light from a diode-pumped optical-parametric oscillator

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    We demonstrate a diode-laser-pumped system for generation of quadrature squeezing and polarization squeezing. Due to their excess phase noise, diode lasers are challenging to use in phase-sensitive quantum optics experiments such as quadrature squeezing. The system we present overcomes the phase noise of the diode laser through a combination of active stabilization and appropriate delays in the local oscillator beam. The generated light is resonant to the rubidium D1 transition at 795nm and thus can be readily used for quantum memory experiments.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure
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