10 research outputs found

    Temporal variations of phosphorus uptake by soil microbial biomass and young beech trees in two forest soils with contrasting phosphorus stocks.

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    The objective of this study was to determine temporal variations of phosphorus (P) uptake by young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) and soil microorganisms in two forests with contrasting P stocks with the aim to better understand P dynamics in forest ecosystems. For this purpose, we conducted a mesocosm experiment and determined P uptake by F. sylvatica, total soil microbial biomass (SMB) and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) at the root tip based on P-33 labeling at five times during the year. Furthermore, we measured EMF community composition, potential acid phosphatase activity (APA), and abundance of bacterial acid phosphatase (phoN) genes. The results showed that plant P uptake was elevated in summer and autumn in the mesocosms from the P-poor site, while it was elevated only in autumn in the mesocosms from the P-rich site. P uptake by SMB was higher in the organic layer at the P-poor site than in the organic layer at the P-rich site throughout the year, underlining the importance of the microbial P pool in the organic layer of P-poor forests. The finding shows that the SMB was able to compensate for the lower P availability in the soil of the P-poor site. The EMF community composition was very variable over the year, and plant P uptake seemed to be independent of EMF community composition. Despite the high species turnover in the EMF community, the potential APA was high throughout the year, indicating functional redundancy of the microbial community with respect to P mineralization. Taken together, our results show important differences in temporal patterns of P uptake by F. sylvatica and the SMB as well as in the total partitioning of P between the SMB and F. sylvatica across the sites. Moreover, decreasing P availability in forests would not only change the size of P stocks and of P cycling rates, but would also affect temporal dynamics of P uptake and the overall partitioning of P between different biotic compartments

    Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management

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    [EN] This study examines brands' vulnerability to fake news. The rapid spread of online misinformation poses challenges to brand managers, whose brands are cocreated online, sometimes to the detriment of the brand. There is a need to identify the information sources that are likely to be trustworthy and to promote positive consumer attitudes toward brands. The data for this study were taken from a Flash Eurobarometer of 26,576 respondents across 28 European countries. Cluster analysis and partial least squares structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data and unveil users' attitudes toward fake news. The findings show that users' attitudes toward fake news differ among European countries. Younger and tech-savvy users are more likely to recognize fake news and are consequently able to evaluate digital information sources without relying on policy interventions to limit the impact of fake news. Brand managers can use the findings of this study to better understand different kinds of users' susceptibility to fake news and reshape their social media branding strategies accordingly. It is hoped that this paper will encourage further research on brand management in relation to fake news and promote the widespread adoption of best practices in social media communication.Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, Grant/Award Numbers: IDB/00685/2020 CEEAplA, UIDB/04521/2020 Advance/CSGBorges-Tiago, T.; Tiago, F.; Silva, O.; Guaita Martínez, JM.; Botella-Carrubi, D. (2020). Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management. Psychology and Marketing. 37(9):1171-1184. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.2134911711184379Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211-236. doi:10.1257/jep.31.2.211ASSAEL, H. (2005). 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