11 research outputs found

    Konsep Sunnah Menurut Sa'duddin Al-usmani Akar Sejarah dan Dinamikanya

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan konsep sunnah menurut Sa'duddin al-‘Us\ma>ni> ditinjau dari akar sejarah dan dinamikanya. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif karena yang dikaji adalah pustaka tanpa bersandar pada data numerikal. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah content analysis dan menggunakan pendekatan historis. Untuk menganalisis akar sejarah pemikiran Sa'duddin, penulis menggunakan teori epistemologi konsep sunnah menurut Al-Qarad}a>wi. Menurutnya, Ibn Qutaibah adalah ulama pertama yang mengkaji konsep sunnah dan mengklasifikasikannya, dilanjutkan al-Qara>fi, Ibn al-Qayyim hingga ulama kontemporer para ulama pengkaji sunnah kalangan us|}uliyi>n. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep sunnah menurut Sa'duddin berakar pada konsep sunnah menurut usuliyyin klasik hingga kontemporer dengan teori al-sunnah al-tasyri>'iyah dan al-sunnah ghair al-tasyri>'iyah, namun Sa'duddin merumuskan konsep sunnahnya dengan teori al-tas}arrufa>t al-tasyri>'iyah yang ia namakan al-sunnah al-nabawiyah dan al-tas}arrufa>t gair al-tasyri>'iyah

    Kerangka Analisis Sistem Politik indonesia

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    138 hlm. : - ; 20 cm

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Pustakawan melalui Penerapan Otomasi Perpustakaan di Perpustakaan SMKN 3 Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the competence of librarians, which will certainly have a major influence on the development of libraries, supported by a slim-based information technology system, to what extent librarians' competence through the application of automation using window theory contains three indicators, namely: knowledge, skills and attitudes. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with interview techniques. Based on the results, the implementation of this automation system can make it easier for librarians to complete their tasks. The school librarian participates in various activities such as practices that are followed during lectures, training and other seminars organized by the government for those who do not have a library educational background. This can increase the librarian's competence after carrying out these activities. At the time of implementing this automation system, librarians experience several problems, such as unstable internet networks, inadequate computers, and computers that often interfere with data loss, therefore librarians still apply manual systems

    Fuzzy Tracking and Control Algorithm for an SSVEP-Based BCI System

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    Subjects with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) consistently experience decreasing quality of life because of this distinctive disease. Thus, a practical brain-computer interface (BCI) application can effectively help subjects with ALS to participate in communication or entertainment. In this study, a fuzzy tracking and control algorithm is proposed for developing a BCI remote control system. To represent the characteristics of the measured electroencephalography (EEG) signals after visual stimulation, a fast Fourier transform is applied to extract the EEG features. A self-developed fuzzy tracking algorithm quickly traces the changes of EEG signals. The accuracy and stability of a BCI system can be greatly improved by using a fuzzy control algorithm. Fifteen subjects were asked to attend a performance test of this BCI system. The canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was adopted to compare the proposed approach, and the average recognition rates are 96.97% and 94.49% for proposed approach and CCA, respectively. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach is preferable to CCA. Overall, the proposed fuzzy tracking and control algorithm applied in the BCI system can profoundly help subjects with ALS to control air swimmer drone vehicles for entertainment purposes