37 research outputs found


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    The biotechnological methods enable to produce the ‘pure’ lines for the short period of time that intensify the breeding program. Particularly, the anther culture is widely used to obtain double haploid lines (DH lines) in plant breeding. The technology advantage is to fast up essentially the selection of homozygous lines with different morphological traits and high level of uniformity. Contemporary breeding programs are directed at F1 hybrid development; therefore DH lines are in need to serve as the parental form for heterotic hybrid production. Nevertheless, previous data has shown that DH plants have been noticed to produce few seeds on them. To introduce the lines into breeding program for hybrid production and to multiply them, the seed formation of DH lines is worth being studied. The result of assessment of seed generation of DH lines of Broccoli that have been produced from ‘Tonus’ and convariety ‘N1’ is presented in the article There is much difference in morphological traits and both ability to recognize their own pollen and quantity of seeds in the pod among plants produced. Nine DH lines of early maturity were obtained. The differences in seed formation among these lines and between generations were revealed. It was shown the influence of genotype on seed formation in DH lines. It was also noticed the much seed formation in case of geitonogamic pollination in DH lines obtained from cultivar ‘Tonus’. The biological features of flowering in DH lines under conditions of climatic chambers have been studied


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    The study of the correlation relationship between the signs, the informativeness of the indicators makes it possible to conduct a preliminary assessment of the plants and more objectively to identify forms with high economically valuable characteristics. Their integrated assessment will identify the best source material for further selection. In literary sources, information on the correlation in broccoli between yields and its elements are not the same. The purpose of our study was to analyze the contingency of various traits and to identify significant correlation links between quantitative traits in broccoli hybrids (42 samples). They were obtained using doubled haploid lines (DH-line) of early maturity at 2 planting dates (spring and summer). Studies were conducted in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region in field experience in 2015, 2016. Significant influence on growth and development was provided by the developing weather conditions during the growing period. The fluctuation of humidification and temperature conditions differed significantly during the years of study and the time of planting, which is an important circumstance for analyzing the data obtained. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the value of the correlation coefficient and the strength of the correlation relationship between the characteristics (mass, diameter, head height, plant height, vegetation period) are different and depend on the set of test specimens and growing conditions. A significant stable manifestation of positive correlation was revealed during all the years of research and the time of planting between the diameter and mass of the head (r = 0.45-0.96). The variability of the correlation of other economically valuable traits is marked. Изучение корреляционной связи между признаками, информативности показателей позволяет проводить предварительную оценку растений и более объективно выявлять формы с высокими хозяйственно ценными признаками, а их комплексная оценка позволит выделить лучший исходный материал для дальнейшей селекции. В литературных источниках сведения по корреляционным связям у капусты брокколи между урожайностью и ее элементами неодинаковы. Целью нашего исследования был анализ сопряженности различных признаков и выявление значимых корреляционных связей между количественными признаками у гибридов капусты брокколи (42 образца), полученных с использованием линий удвоенных гаплоидов (DH-линий) раннего срока созревания при 2 сроках посадки (весенне-летний и летне-осенний). Исследования проводили в условиях Одинцовского района Московской области в полевом опыте в 2015, 2016 годах. Существенное влияние на рост и развитие оказывали складывающиеся погодные условия в период выращивания. Колебание условий увлажненности и температуры существенно различались в годы исследования и по срокам посадки, что является важным обстоятельством для анализа полученных данных. На основании результатов исследований сделан вывод о том, что величина коэффициента корреляции и сила корреляционной связи между признаками (масса, диаметр, высота головки, высота растения, вегетационный период) различны и зависят от набора испытываемых образцов и условий выращивания. Выявлено значимое стабильное проявление положительной корреляционной связи во все годы исследований и сроки посадки между диаметром и массой головки (r=0,45-0,96). Отмечена изменчивость корреляционной связи других хозяйственно ценных признаков между собой

    Distribution pattern of TLR-2, TLR-4, CD68, CD45R0, interacting with the antigens parodontopatogens in the cells of mucosal gingival in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis

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    The article analyzes the expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4 receptor of epithelial cells, the distribution of CD68 positive cells and CD45R0 positive T lymphocyte inflammatory infiltrate in the compartments of the gums of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of medium severity on the background of the initial course of periodontal treatment. Treatment included pharmacological - machining of teeth, tooth roots, periodontal pockets, teaching oral hygiene using the ruler of 'ASEPTA', eliminating areas for retention of microbial plaque, temporary splinting and prosthetics. An expression is derived clinical benefit. Before treatment was determined by high expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4 on the surface of epithelial cells of the gums, and in the inflammatory infiltrate detected a large number of cells of the immune synapse of participants (CD45R0-T lymphocytes and CD68 + macrophages). After treatment significantly decreased expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4 on the surface of epithelial cells of the gums, while in his own plate of mucous membrane gums preserved population CD68 + macrophages, CD45R0 T lymphocytes, indicating the reduction of the barrier function of the epithelium and capable to run the aggravation of inflammation in the case of excessive growth parodontopatogenov in the area of periodontal pockets.В статье проведен анализ характера экспрессии TLR-2 и TLR-4 рецепторов зпителиоцитов, распределения CD68 позитивных клеток и CD45RO позитивных Т лимфоцитов воспалительного инфильтрата в компартментах десны больных хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом средней степени тяжести на фоне начального курса пародонтологического лечения. Лечение включало фармако - механическую обработку зубов, корней зубов, пародонтальных карманов, обучение гигиене полости рта с использованием линейки средств «АСЕПТА». устранения зон ретенции для микробного налета, временное шинирование и протезирование зубов. Получен выраженный клинический эффект. До лечения определялся высокий уровень экспрессии TLR-2 и TLR-4 на поверхности зпителиоцитов десны, а в воспалительном инфильтрате зафиксировано большое количество клеток участников иммунного синапса (С045Р0-Т-лимф0циты и CD68+ макрофаги). После лечения статистически значимо уменьшилась экспрессия TLR-2 и TLR-4 на поверхности эпителиоцитов десны, при этом в собственной пластинке слизистой оболочки десны сохранились популяции CD68+ макрофагов CD45RO Т лимфоцитов, свидетельствующие о снижение барьерной функции эпителия и способные запустить обострение воспаления в случае избыточного роста пародонтопатогенов в зоне пародонтальных карманов

    Завязываемость семян у растений-регенерантов капусты брокколи различных генотипов при гейтеногамном опылении

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    Relevance. Broccoli cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L.) Alef. var. cymosa Duch.) is widely spread around the world due to its dietetic attribute, preventive and healing effect, cooking simplicity. F1 hybrids production is the main stream in modern crop breeding as they surpass varieties in evenness and yield quality. However, it takes up to 6 years of inbreeding to obtain pure parent lines capable for hybrid creation. Thus biotechnological methods, especially doubled haploids production technology shell be implemented in selection process. 100% homozygous line can be worked out in one generation by this technology. Nevertheless earlier researches revealed such plants low seed set that hinder their application in mass production. Therefore after pollination seed set level identification is an important step in applying lines gained via in vitro process.Materials and methods. Broccoli cabbage regenerated plants produced by isolated microspore in vitro culture method were used as raw material in our study. Flower and bud pollination was held in climate cells.Results. Study of 11 broccoli cabbage DH-lines disclosed genotype influence the ability to set seeds after bud pollination. 93.3% genotype A and 95.5% A1.3 pods were seedless in our experiments. Most genotypes demonstrated 50.3-85.7% seed set level. Low and middle ability to form seeds prevailed mainly. This peculiarity should be considered while dealing with regenerated plants by raising the number of crossings for successful breeding.Актуальность: Капуста брокколи (Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L.) Alef. var. cymosa Duch.) распространена по всему миру благодаря своим диетическим, лечебно-профилактическим качествам и  легкости приготовления. В настоящее время в селекции сельскохозяйственных культур приоритетным  направлением является создание F1 гибридов, которые отличаются от сортов выравненностью и качеством продуктовых органов. Однако, для получения чистых линий, пригодных для создания таких гибридов, требуется затратить до 6 лет на инбридинги. В связи с этим необходимо вовлекать в селекционный процесс методы биотехнологии, а именно технологии получения удвоенных гаплоидов. С помощью них можно получить в одном поколении 100% гомозиготную линию. Но, как показывают более ранние исследования, у таких растений наблюдается низкая завязываемость семян, что затрудняет использование их в производстве. Поэтому важным этапом при работе с линиями, полученными в культуре in vitro, является определение степени завязываемости семян при опылении.Материал и методы. В наших исследованиях исходным материалом являлись растения-регенеранты капусты  брокколи, полученные методом культуры изолированных микроспор in vitro. Опыление цветков и бутонов проводили в камере искусственного климата.Результаты. В результате изучения 11 DH-линий капусты брокколи отмечено влияние генотипа на  завязываемость семян при опылении в бутонах. Выделены генотипы с низкой завязываемостью семян. В генотипах А и А1.3 у 93,3% и 95,5% стручков соответственно отсутствовали семена. У большинства генотипов завязываемость семян составляла 50,3-85,7%. В основном была отмечена низкая и средняя степень завязываемости семян. Поэтому при работе с растениями-регенерантами необходимо учитывать эти особенности и проводить большое количество скрещиваний для получения потомства. 

    RAGE and ICAM-1 differentially control leukocyte recruitment during acute inflammation in a stimulus-dependent manner

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The receptor for advanced glycation endproducts, RAGE, is involved in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory conditions, which is mostly related to its strong activation of NF-κB but also due to its function as ligand for the β<sub>2</sub>-integrin Mac-1. To further dissect the stimulus-dependent role of RAGE on leukocyte recruitment during inflammation, we investigated β<sub>2</sub>-integrin-dependent leukocyte adhesion in <it>RAGE<sup>-/- </sup></it>and <it>Icam1<sup>-/- </sup></it>mice in different cremaster muscle models of inflammation using intravital microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that RAGE, but not ICAM-1 substantially contributes to N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)-induced leukocyte adhesion in TNF-α-pretreated cremaster muscle venules in a Mac-1-dependent manner. In contrast, fMLP-stimulated leukocyte adhesion in unstimulated cremaster muscle venules is independent of RAGE, but dependent on ICAM-1 and its interaction with LFA-1. Furthermore, chemokine CXCL1-stimulated leukocyte adhesion in surgically prepared cremaster muscle venules was independent of RAGE but strongly dependent on ICAM-1 and LFA-1 suggesting a differential and stimulus-dependent regulation of leukocyte adhesion during inflammation in vivo.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that RAGE and ICAM-1 differentially regulate leukocyte adhesion in vivo in a stimulus-dependent manner.</p

    Characterization of tandem repeats in human genome and their role in disease

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    Tandem repeats are short DNA sequences that are repeated head-to-tail. Such repeats occur in great numbers in all genomes, but they have traditionally been considered as non-functional "junk" DNA and they are therefore mostly ignored. However, previous research shows that in yeast cells, tandem repeats often occur in coding and regulatory sequences. The repeats show mutation rates that are 10 to 10,000 fold higher than the rest of the genome. These frequent mutations alter the function and/or expression of genes, allowing organisms to swiftly adapt to novel environments. Hence, repeats may be a common mechanism for organisms to generate variability in certain regions of the genome, while keeping other regions stable. Like other genomes, the human genome is scattered with tandem repeats, many of them within the coding regions of genes. We propose to investigate how variable these repeats are between different closely related individuals, as well as between tissues within one individual. Thirdly, we will investigate if certain variable repeats in the human genome can be linked to specific phenotypes or diseases.status: publishe

    Modern view on physiotherapeutic methods of prevention and treatment hyperesthesia of teeth

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    Purpose. To analyze modern data on physiotherapeutic methods of prevention and treatment of hyperesthesia of teeth.Materials and methods. 30 information sources studied, both domestic and foreign authors from 2002 to 2019, containing information on the use of physiotherapeutic methods in the prevention and treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth, were studied.Results. Today, none of the known methods of physiotherapy is sufficiently effective, safe and able to replace the use of chemical and pharmacological drugs to eliminate the symptoms of dental hyperesthesia. A promising direction may be the development of technologies that use nanoparticles to obturate the dentin tubules of the tooth


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    The biotechnological methods enable to produce the ‘pure’ lines for the short period of time that intensify the breeding program. Particularly, the anther culture is widely used to obtain double haploid lines (DH lines) in plant breeding. The technology advantage is to fast up essentially the selection of homozygous lines with different morphological traits and high level of uniformity. Contemporary breeding programs are directed at F1 hybrid development; therefore DH lines are in need to serve as the parental form for heterotic hybrid production. Nevertheless, previous data has shown that DH plants have been noticed to produce few seeds on them. To introduce the lines into breeding program for hybrid production and to multiply them, the seed formation of DH lines is worth being studied. The result of assessment of seed generation of DH lines of Broccoli that have been produced from ‘Tonus’ and convariety ‘N1’ is presented in the article There is much difference in morphological traits and both ability to recognize their own pollen and quantity of seeds in the pod among plants produced. Nine DH lines of early maturity were obtained. The differences in seed formation among these lines and between generations were revealed. It was shown the influence of genotype on seed formation in DH lines. It was also noticed the much seed formation in case of geitonogamic pollination in DH lines obtained from cultivar ‘Tonus’. The biological features of flowering in DH lines under conditions of climatic chambers have been studied


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    The study of the correlation relationship between the signs, the informativeness of the indicators makes it possible to conduct a preliminary assessment of the plants and more objectively to identify forms with high economically valuable characteristics. Their integrated assessment will identify the best source material for further selection. In literary sources, information on the correlation in broccoli between yields and its elements are not the same. The purpose of our study was to analyze the contingency of various traits and to identify significant correlation links between quantitative traits in broccoli hybrids (42 samples). They were obtained using doubled haploid lines (DH-line) of early maturity at 2 planting dates (spring and summer). Studies were conducted in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region in field experience in 2015, 2016. Significant influence on growth and development was provided by the developing weather conditions during the growing period. The fluctuation of humidification and temperature conditions differed significantly during the years of study and the time of planting, which is an important circumstance for analyzing the data obtained. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the value of the correlation coefficient and the strength of the correlation relationship between the characteristics (mass, diameter, head height, plant height, vegetation period) are different and depend on the set of test specimens and growing conditions. A significant stable manifestation of positive correlation was revealed during all the years of research and the time of planting between the diameter and mass of the head (r = 0.45-0.96). The variability of the correlation of other economically valuable traits is marked