19 research outputs found

    Aromaticity in cyanuric acid

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    This study analyzes the aromatic nature of cyanuric acid (hexahydrotriazine) and some of its derivatives, in terms of aromatic stabilization energy (ASE) and electronic behavior. The simplest molecule (C3N3O3H3) is the most aromatic item out of the entire set, but some of the others also display aromatic character. The structure of all the rings is analyzed considering their molecular orbitals as well as studying the inductive effect

    Interplay between N∙∙∙H, N∙∙∙X and π∙∙∙X interactions in the complex pairing of pyrazine with hypohalous acids: A NBO and QTAIM (quantum theory of atoms in molecules) analysis

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    The theoretical calculations of the complexes formed by pyrazine (PZ) with hypohalous acids (HOX; X= F, Cl, Br and I) have been carried out at the MP2/6-311++G(2d,2p) computational level. PZ and HOX molecules could have three different types of interactions including hydrogen bond (N∙∙∙H) and halogen bonds (N∙∙∙X, p∙∙∙X). The nature of halogen atom has a small effect on the hydrogen bonds, whereas it imposes a great impact on the halogen bond interactions. The strength, properties and nature of interactions were analyzed using natural bond orbital (NBO) and atoms in molecules (AIM) theories