17 research outputs found

    Hubungan Gangguan Pendengaran Dengan Kemampuan Bahasa Pada Anak Sindrom Down

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    Background: Down syndrome is a genetic chromosomal disorder called trisomy. Patients with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome 21. This is because of non-disjunction or aneuploidy of the chromosomes. Increased chromosomal imbalance impact on genetic, mental retardation and disruption of physical functions, intellectual and even physiology. Some of the largest health problems experienced by children with Down syndrome are hearing impairment and impaired language development.Objective: To analyze the correlation between hearing impairment and language development in Down Syndrome children. Methods: This study uses an observational analytic retrospective. Data taken from the medical records of Down Syndrome patients in the dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2008-2015. The data include characteristic of the subject, hearing function on both ears with BERA examination, and examined language development with DDST. Statistical tests performed by Chi-Square test and Fisher's exact test. Results: This study used 32 samples of children with Down syndrome. A total of 8 (25%) us subjects with normal hearing and 24 (75%) is subjects with hearing impairment. Analysis of the relationship beetwen mild hearing impairment and the development of language (DDST) has a value of p = 1.00. Analysis of the relationship beetwen moderate hearing impairment and the development of language (DDST) has a value of p = 0.538. And the analysis of the relationship beetwen severe – profound hearing impairment and the development of language (DDST) has a value of p = 0.569. Conclusion: There is no correlation between hearing impairment and language development in children with Down syndrome

    Bahasa dalam Upacara Larung, Sedekah Laut di Laut Bonang, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupatenrembang, Jawa Tengah

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    This research is intended to describe the form, meaning, and the background ofthe use of language in the Larung Ceremony prayer, Bonang beach offering 2003. Thesubjects of this research are modin (village religious functionary), society, and ceremonyparticipants. The technique of collecting data was carried out by having observation,interview, and documentation. The research instruments were the researcher herselfwith some other instruments such as CD, MP3, camera and field note. The techniqueof data analysis was inductive while the data validity used triangulation.Larung ceremony, Bonang Beach Offering 2003, uses the language reflecting theculture of this region. Culture influences the way of thinking and the attitude of BonangBeach people in using the language, especially when the modin reads the spell of RajahKala Cakra while doing larung. The use of spell reflects the culture of Bonang Beachpeople who were still in Kejawen at that time and believed in the existence of Northbeach ruler.The spell read by the modin is a prayer used to chase any kinds of evil magic thatdisturbs the peace of the fisherman community and in order to get god-given right byhaving abundant sea crop. The symbol completes all aspects of human life, includingthe cultural aspect such as behavior and knowledge. The tradition of doing beach offeringwith various offerings represents certain symbols. Generally Javanese assume thesymbols with the same meaning, only places and kinds of ceremony which are different

    Kondisi Morfometri Dan Komposisi Isi Lambung Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Yang Didaratkan Di Wilayah Prigi Jawa Timur

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    Ikan Cakalang yang ditemukan di PPN Prigi memiliki ukuran yang beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan makan (food habit) ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) berbagai ukuran yang didaratkan di perairan pantai Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek . Sebanyak 68 ekor sampel ikan Cakalang diambil pada bulan September – November 2013 dari pengepul di pantai Prigi, untuk selanjutnya di lakukan pengukuran panjang total, berat tubuh dan analisis hubungan panjang-berat serta analisis isi lambung dengan metode frekuensi kejadian, metode volumetrik dan indeks preponderance. Data yang telah dihitung antara hubungan panjang total ikan dengan berat tubuh semua ikan Cakalang bersifat allometrik negatif dengan nilai b sebesar 2,824. Hasil yang telah didapatkan dari semua perhitungan indeks preponderance organisme ikan yang bernilai sebesar 63,78%. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan indeks preponderance yang didapatkan, ikan merupakan makanan utama bagi ikan Cakalang di wilayah Prigi dengan jumlah total sampel lambung berisi sebanyak 37 lambung. Dari 68 sampel ikan Cakalang yang diperoleh dari wilayah Prigi kisaran panjang total ikan Cakalang yaitu 20 cm - 60,5 cm dengan kisaran berat ikan 250 gram - 4200 gram

    The association of risk factors with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in laryngopharyngeal reflux disease patients

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    Background: Risk factors for laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), such as age, gender, BMI, smoking history and dietary habit affect the severity of LPR. These risk factors have a clinical impact on both social and emotional aspects, which can reduce the quality of life. Thus led the researchers to analyse association between these risk factors with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life for LPR sufferers.Methods: Analytical descriptive research with cross-sectional approach to LPR patients in ENT clinic RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Sixty six samples aged 18-60 years and met the criteria of the researcher were measured using the DASS 21 questionnaire and the RQS questionnaire. Statistical analysis used the chi-square test.Results: Obtained 66 subjects with a mean age of 45.1 years, there were more women than men (75.8%). Analysis of risk factors associated with depression found gender (p=1.000), age (p=1.000), duration of symptoms (p=1.000), BMI (p=0.132), smoking (p=0.452), and diet (p=1.000). Analysis of risk factors with anxiety obtained gender (p=0.340), age (p=0.743), duration of symptoms (p=0.085), BMI (p=0.322), smoking history (p=1.000), and diet (p=1.000). Analysis of risk factors with stress obtained gender (p=0.798), age (p=0.088), duration of symptoms (p=0.324), BMI (p=0.276), smoking history (p=0.606) and diet (p=0.538). Analysis of the gender association related to the quality of life LPR patients (p=0.032).Conclusions: Duration of symptoms, age, BMI, smoking history and diet were not associated with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in LPR sufferers. Gender is not associated with psychiatric symptoms but is related to quality of life

    The Effectiveness of Homelessness and Beggars Handling Related to the Badung Regency Regulation Number 7 of 2016 Concerning Public Order and Peace of the Community

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    The flow of urbanization to Badung Regency and other cities as it gets bigger as the regional economy develops. On the other hand, the opportunities available and the opportunities to try in the city are not able to accommodate urbanization actors because of the limited skills that have in the home area so as to cause one of the problems is the onsling of homeless people and beggars. The formulation of the problem faced is the effectiveness of tackling homelessness and beggars related to the regulation of badung district number 7 in 2016 on public order and community peace, what is done by the badung district government in dealing with homelessness and beggars? The type of research that the author uses in this study is legal research with empirical aspects. Given the effectiveness of tackling homelessness and beggars related to the Badung regency regional regulation number 7 of 2016 concerning public order and public order. Researchers have conducted field research with interviews and observations in several areas of Badung, Jimbaran, Mengwi, Kapal, Nusa Dua districts and several places in Badung regency. The conclusion is that the factors causing the occurrence of vagrants and beggars. Internal factors include poverty, age, low levels of formal education, parental consent, low levels of skills, mental attitudes, while external factors include; hydrological conditions, agricultural conditions, conditions of infrastructure and physical facilities, access to information and business capital, primitive conditions of urban communities, weaknesses in handling vagabonds and beggars in cities. Based on the research results, the effectiveness of tackling homelessness and beggars related to the Badung regency regional regulation number 7 of 2016 concerning public order and public peace, especially in article 27 point 1 regarding each prohibited from carrying out vagrant and beggar activities, busking and trading hawkers on public vehicles, government offices, road junctions / traffic light, parks owned by local governments, schools, hospitals and health centers have been effective, proven to reduce numbers vagrants and beggars in Badung Regency, the efforts made by the Badung regency government in dealing with homeless people and beggars are by taking preventive measures to prevent homelessness and beggars before the occurrence or occurrence of homelessness and beggars and prevention of repressions including; about Secrets, temporary shelter and delegation

    Analisis Kesalahan Morfologi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Riau Semester Lima dalam Menulis Essai Argumentative

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    This study aims to find the students' morphological errors in writing argumentative essay by the fifth semester students of English Study Program of Universitas Riau. The errors that the writer is concerned are in terms of affixes errors. Cluster Random Sampling technique was used to choose the sample. From 88 students of the population which consist of three classes A, B, and C, class B was chosen as the sample. The instrument of this research was in form of essay writing. The essay was about argumentative essay. Five topics were provided for students that they can choose to write. Error analysis method was used to analyze the data. Based on the results, it was found out that the total numbers of students' morphological errors are 148 errors with the division 28 errors in derivational affixes errors and 120 errors in inflectional affixes errors. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that most of the students tend to make these morphological errors because of the intralingual factors. It happens because students have lack of knowledge in deriving and producing new words from morpheme into the new one because of some of English rules that they do not comprehend well yet. It is suggested that teachers or lecturers need to explain more about the English rules and also its exception, because it will help the students in knowing their errors and understanding more about English

    Specifying risk management standard for flood risk assessment: A framework for resources allocation

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    General risk management standard, e.g. ISO 31000:2009, approaches risk as a coin with a pair of two sides, i.e. the threat and the opportunity. However, it is hardly the case of flood events which mainly come as threats. Despite the contrary, this study explores the potential applicability of the available risk management standards specifically for flood. It then also synthesizes the components to result a framework for allocating resources among various strategies to result the optimum flood risk reduction. In order to review its applicability, the framework is then reviewed using several historic flood risk reduction cases. Its results are qualitatively discussed and summarized including the possible improvement of the framework for further applications.Hydraulic Structures and Flood Ris

    Does Ecotourism Contribute to Sustainable Development? A case at In Banyuwangi

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    Sustainable development is a very interesting issue to study, with the emergence of sustainable development in 2015 this has become even sturdier. Environmental problems are one of the 17 goals of sustainable development, which is a consideration aspect for country or region in improving social and economic sectors. Ecotourism emerged in an effort to solve various overlapping problems in realizing development. The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution made by ecotourism in realizing sustainable development on Pulau Merah Beach, Banyuwangi. Pulau Merah Beach has applied the concept of ecotourism to support sustainable development goals. This can be seen from the results of interviews, observations and documentation that we have done. Result of collaboration between site managers and business owners makes Pulau Merah Beach visitor’s rise, which indirectly increases the amount of revenue for tourism site which was managed by the local government and following with direct impact felt by business owners at the Pulau Merah Beach