16,451 research outputs found

    Laboratory Evaluation of Mefluidide Effects on Elongation of Hydrilla and Eurasian Watermilfoil

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    The potential of mefluidide (N-(2,4-dimethyl-5[[trifluromethyl) sulfonyl] amino] phenol) acetamide) to act as a submersed aquatic plant growth regulator was evaluated using a laboratory bioassay system. Main stem elongation of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle) and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) was effectively reduced by mefluidide at low concentrations. The lowest effective concentration of mefluidide that reduced stem length in Eurasian watermilfoil (100 yg a.i./L) was 5 times lower than that for hydrilla (500 yg a.i./L). Short-term net photosynthetic rates of these plants were not affected by mefluidide at concentrations as high as 1000 yg a.i./L. The minimum exposure time required to maintain an inhibitory effect for at least 28 days at a concentration of 500 yg ai.i./L was 3 to 7 days for Eurasian watermilfoil and 7 to 14 days for hydrilla. The results suggest that mefluidide is a more effective growth regulator for Eurasian watermilfoil than hydrilla. Exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA) did not completely overcome the inhibitory effect of mefluidide even when GA was added at a high concentration (10-5 M). In addition, the internodal lengths of stems treated with mefluidide were not reduced as they were when treated with gibberellin synthesis inhibitors. The reduction of main stem elongation by mefluidide appeared to be due to the inhibition of new cell and tissue development at the stem tip rather than from inhibition of GA biosynthesis

    Long String Scattering in c = 1 String Theory

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    We study the scattering of long strings in c = 1 string theory, both in the worldsheet description and in the non-singlet sector of the dual matrix quantum mechanics. From the worldsheet perspective, the scattering amplitudes of long strings are obtained from a decoupling limit of open strings amplitudes on FZZT branes, which we compute by integrating Virasoro conformal blocks along with structure constants of boundary Liouville theory. In particular, we study the tree level amplitudes of (1) a long string decaying by emitting a closed string, and (2) the scattering of a pair of long strings. We show that they are indeed well defined as limits of open string amplitudes, and that our results are in striking numerical agreement with computations in the adjoint and bi-adjoint sectors of the dual matrix model (based on proposals of Maldacena and solutions due to Fidkowski), thereby providing strong evidence of the duality.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figure

    Wilson-Loop Characterization of Inversion-Symmetric Topological Insulators

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    The ground state of translationally-invariant insulators comprise bands which can assume topologically distinct structures. There are few known examples where this distinction is enforced by a point-group symmetry alone. In this paper we show that 1D and 2D insulators with the simplest point-group symmetry - inversion - have a Z≥Z^{\geq} classification. In 2D, we identify a relative winding number that is solely protected by inversion symmetry. By analysis of Berry phases, we show that this invariant has similarities with the first Chern class (of time-reversal breaking insulators), but is more closely analogous to the Z2Z_2 invariant (of time-reversal invariant insulators). Implications of our work are discussed in holonomy, the geometric-phase theory of polarization, the theory of maximally-localized Wannier functions, and in the entanglement spectrum.Comment: The updated version is accepted in Physical Review

    The c=1 String Theory S-Matrix Revisited

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    We revisit the perturbative S-matrix of c=1 string theory from the worldsheet perspective. We clarify the origin of the leg pole factors, the non-analyticity of the string amplitudes, and the validity as well as limitations of earlier computations based on resonance momenta. We compute the tree level 4-point amplitude and the genus one 2-point reflection amplitude by numerically integrating Virasoro conformal blocks with DOZZ structure constants on the sphere and on the torus, with sufficiently generic complex Liouville momenta, and find agreement with known answers from the c=1 matrix model.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures; footnote and references added, typos correcte

    FROST -- Fast row-stochastic optimization with uncoordinated step-sizes

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    In this paper, we discuss distributed optimization over directed graphs, where doubly-stochastic weights cannot be constructed. Most of the existing algorithms overcome this issue by applying push-sum consensus, which utilizes column-stochastic weights. The formulation of column-stochastic weights requires each agent to know (at least) its out-degree, which may be impractical in e.g., broadcast-based communication protocols. In contrast, we describe FROST (Fast Row-stochastic-Optimization with uncoordinated STep-sizes), an optimization algorithm applicable to directed graphs that does not require the knowledge of out-degrees; the implementation of which is straightforward as each agent locally assigns weights to the incoming information and locally chooses a suitable step-size. We show that FROST converges linearly to the optimal solution for smooth and strongly-convex functions given that the largest step-size is positive and sufficiently small.Comment: Submitted for journal publication, currently under revie

    Understanding the great trade collapse of 2008–09 and the subsequent trade recovery

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    This article documents the Great Trade Collapse of 2008–09, as well as the dramatic recovery in trade of 2009–10. The authors consider how three distinct policy actions — fiscal stimulus, funding for trade finance and a commitment to refrain from increasing trade barriers — might have affected both the collapse and recovery.Gross domestic product ; Trade ; Recessions
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