5 research outputs found

    Baboon-to-human liver transplantation

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    Our ability to control both the cellular and humoral components of xenograft rejection in laboratory experiments, together with an organ shortage that has placed limits on clinical transplantation services, prompted us to undertake a liver transplantation from a baboon to a 35-year-old man with B virus-associated chronic active hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Liver replacement was performed according to conventional surgical techniques. Immunosuppression was with the FK 506-prednisone-prostaglandin regimen used routinely for hepatic allotransplantation, to which a daily non-myelotoxic dose of cyclophosphamide was added. During 70 days of survival, there was little evidence of hepatic rejection by biochemical monitoring or histopathological examination. Products of hepatic synthesis, including clotting factors, became those of the baboon liver with no obvious adverse effects. Death followed a cerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage that was caused by an angioinvasive aspergillus infection. However, the underlying cause of death was widespread biliary sludge that formed in the biliary tree despite a seemingly satisfactory choledochojejunostomy. During life and in necropsy samples, there was evidence of the chimerism that we believe is integral to the acceptance of both xenografts and allografts. Our experience has shown the feasibility of controlling the rejection of the baboon liver xenograft in a human recipient. The biliary stasis that was the beginning of lethal infectious complications may be correctable by modifications of surgical technique. In further trials, the error of over-immunosuppression should be avoidable. © 1993

    The Biological Basis of and Strategies for Clinical Xenotransplantation

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    Population pharmacokinetics of recombinant factor XIII in cynomolgus monkeys

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    Hemostasis in humans and other animals is a complex process that controls blood loss after a vascular injury. Factor XIII (FXIII) stabilizes clots primarily by cross-linking fibrin, thus protecting a newly formed clot from fibrinolysis by plasmin. Congenital deficiencies in humans involving FXIII are associated with delayed bleeding and wound healing and severe spontaneous hemorrhaging. These symptoms can be alleviated by intravenous administration of enriched FXIII plasma fractions. Circulating plasma FXIII is found as a heterotetramer that dissociates in the presence of calcium and thrombin into an active dimer and 2 inactive monomers. The recombinant FXIII under investigation is the active dimer alone. A 3-compartment, nonlinear population pharmacokinetic model was implemented in NON-MEM V and then used to analyze data from preclinical studies in cynomolgus monkeys. The model simultaneously describes endogenous production of dimer (0.622 μg kg−1 hr−1) and monomer (12.1 μg kg−1 hr−1), and the administration of recombinant dimer. The model incorporates the rate and extent of complexation of recombinant dimer with available endogenous monomer (6.59 mg−1 kg hr−1) to form the heterotetramer. Half-lives for dimer, heterotetramer, and monomer (3.33 hours, 2.83 days, and 3.94 hours for A2, A2B2, and B, respectively) were estimated, along with their variability in the population studied