63 research outputs found
Peranan Biomassa Tanaman Kacang-kacangan sebagai Bioremediasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesuburan Kimiawi Ultisol
Peranan Biomassa Tanaman Kacang-kacangan Sebagai Bioremediasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesuburan Kimiawi Ultisol. Ultisol umumnya berkembang dari bahan induk tua dan mempunyai kendala kemasaman tanah yang berhubungan dengan pH kurang dari 5,5 dan adanya aluminium (Al) yang dapat dipertukarkan dalam tanah dalam jumlah cukup besar, defisiensi fosfor dan sebagian unsur makro lainnya. Aluminium merupakan salah satu unsur yang meracun pada tanaman apabila dalam konsentrasi tinggi. Pemberian bahan organik dapat mengurangi tingkat keracunan Al pada tanaman yaitu melalui peningkatan pH tanah, pembentukan kompleks Al dengan bahan humat dan pembentukan kompleks Al dengan asam organik. Pemberikan bahan organik berupa tanaman kacang- kacangan, di samping dapat membentuk kompleks dengan Al juga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Bahan organik yang berasal dari kacang-kacangan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan kimiawi tanah melalui penambahan N, P, S, dan basa-basa tanah (K, Ca, Mg, dan Na) sedangkan bahan organik yang berasal dari tanaman non kacang-kacangan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan fisika tanah yaitu meningkatkan stabilitas agregat, porositas tanah, menurunkan bobot isi dan erosi tanah
Communication of Critical Consciousness in Peasant Movement
Development discourse at grassroots level gave birth to farmers’movement as a counterhegemonic response to the dominant state development. Critical awareness of communication processes plays a major role in sensitizing the farmers on forms of oppression and transforming them into a practical movement. The use of the concept of consciousness raising in the form of channels of communication, forms of communication, and various techniques of awareness can affect awareness, motivation and identity transformation of the participants. This article aims to understand the communication processes generating awareness of the peasant movement in addressing growing issues and their relationships with participation in a collective action. Method of research used is qualitative approach with the case subjects involving 4 groups of farmers SPPQT basis (Serikat Paguyuban Petani Qaryah Thayyibah). The results show that participation in collective action is influenced by the communication process of critical awareness generated by SPPQT through the use of various communication channels both at base level and at the level of public. Critical awareness of communication carried out by SPPQT spawned a variety of critical awareness of participants because participants make different meanings of reality, and instrumental motivation is always inherent in any collective action
Effect of Lime Application on Soil Properties and Soybean Yield on Tidal Land
The problems of soybean cultivation on tidal land are low in soil fertility, aluminum (Al) toxicity and poor availability of macro nutrients. Soil acidity and Al toxicity are often fixed by liming. The research aimed to determine the calculation method of lime requirement and its application method for soybean on tidal land. The research was conducted on tidal land in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Treatment consisted of two factors and arranged in randomize complete block design, replicated three times. The first factor was the method of lime rate calculation: (1) no liming,(2) liming based on10% of Al saturation, (3) liming based on 20% of Al saturation, (4) liming based on 30% of Al saturation, (5) liming based on 0.5 x exchangeable Al, and (6) liming based on 1 x exchangeable Al. The second factor was the method of application: (1) surface,and (2) mixed within 20 cm soil depth. The results showed that liming by mixing dolomite with soil within 20 cm depth resulted in 8% higher plant height compared to that applied on the soil surface. The highest yield was obtained when liming at rate equivalent to 10% of Al saturation was mixed with soil within 20 cm depth
Pengelolaan Kesuburan Lahan Kering Masam untuk Tanaman Kedelai
Pengembangan kedelai, karena luasan lahan ini hampir 29% dari total luas Indonesia. Kendala utama yang terdapat di lahan ini adalah tingkat kesuburan yang rendah, meliputi pH rendah, bahan organik rendah, kahat P, K, Ca dan Mg serta Al-dd, Fe dan Mn yang tinggi yang berpotensi meracuni tanaman. Peningkatan produktivitas lahan kering masam dapat dilakukan dengan (1) mencukupi kebutuhan hara yang berada pada status kahat dengan cara menambahkan masukan pupuk, (2) mengurangi pengaruh negatif dari sifat fisik dan kimia tanah dengan cara menambahkan bahan amelioran atau agen hayati, (3) mengembangkan varietas yang adaptif pada lingkungan masam, dan (4) kombinasi pendekatan 1, 2 dan 3 tersebut di atas. Secara umum, peningkatan produksi pertanian dapat dicapai melalui dua cara, yaitu: (1) memperluas areal pertanian (ekstensifikasi), dengan membuka daerah-daerah baru dan mengusahakan sebagai daerah pertanian, dan (2) meningkatkan produktivitas lahan (intensifikasi) melalui penerapan teknologi inovatif
Variability of Soybean [Glycine Max (L) Merr] Growth in Relation to Chemical Properties of Ultisol From East Lampung
Acidic dry land in Lampung is potential for soybean development area. Low soybean yield in farmer level is one of factor causing its’ low competitiveness. Soil fertility is the main constrain related to low yield of soybean. Objective of the research was to diagnose a cause of poor soybean growth on dry land Ultisol at Sukadana sub District, East Lampung District. Soil and soybean plant samples were collected from farmers’ field at Sukadana ilir village during planting season April – July year 2010. Plant and soil samples were taken when soybean at R1 stage (starting to bloom) using stratified random sampling method. The result showed that variability of soybean growth on Ultisol at Sukadana, East Lampung related to variability of soil pH, exchangeable Al, exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg. The poor soybean growth was due to low soil pH, high exchangeable Al, low exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg.Keywords: Chemical properties, Glycine max, UltisolKeywords: Taufiq A and A Wijanark. 2012. Variability of Soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr] Growth in Relation to Chemical Properties of Ultisol from East Lampung. J Trop Soils 17: 37-43. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.1.37][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2012.17.1.37
Comparison of Two Kinetics Models for Estimating N Mineralization Affected by Different Quality of Organic Matter in Typic Hapludults
N availability in the soil is determined by the rate of mineralization. N mineralization can be estimated using several models. Aim of research is to compare of two kinetics models for estimating N mineralization affected by different inputs of organic matter and soil fertility in Typic Hapludults. Research used completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was land use : (1). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for less than 10 years, and (2). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for more than 30 years. The second factor was type of organic matter: (1). Groundnut biomass, (2). Maize biomass, (3). Groundnut-maize biomass, with ratio of 1:1, (4). Groundnut β maize biomass, with ratio of 2:1, (5). Groundnut β maize biomass, with ratio of 1:2, and (6). Without organic matter. The result shows that based on the value of R2, first-order kinetics equation is more suitable to decribe N mineralization than double-pool kinetics equation because R-square value higher than double-pool kinetics and is positively correlated with N mineralization parameters (N0, k and N0.k)
Sistem Kontrol Dua Tipe Tirai Menggunakan Sensor Cahaya Dan Aplikasi Android Berbasis Arduino Uno
Berkembangnya zaman menuntut seseorang untuk bekerja lebih keras lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, sehingga kurang memiliki waktu yang cukup dalam mengurus keadaan rumah. Pekerjaan rumah sederhana yang sering dilupakan oleh seseorang adalah membuka tirai di pagi hari dan menutup tirai pada malam hari. Tirai berperan penting dalam pencahayaan suatu rumah atau gedung. Oleh karena itu untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam membuka dan menutup tirai rumah maka perlu dibangun sebuah sistem kontrol otomatis berbasis Arduino Uno untuk dua tipe tirai menggunakan sensor cahaya LDR dan dapat pula dikontrol melalui aplikasi berbasis Android. Tirai nantinya akan membuka dan menutup secara otomatis berdasarkan intensitas cahaya yang diterima oleh sensor LDR. Sistem pada aplikasi Android ini berguna untuk mengontrol tirai ketika seseorang jauh dari rumah dan atau pemilik rumah lupa untuk menutup tirai rumahnya
Effect of Amelioration on Growth and Yield of Two Groundnut Varieties on Saline Soil
Productivity of agricultural land in coastal area is limited by salinity. Planting tolerant variety combined with amelioration is an effective management to increase productivity of salt affected land. The objective of this study was to identify effective ameliorant for improving growth and yield of groundnut on saline soil. The trial was conducted on saline soil in Tuban from May to September 2015. The trial consisted of two factors that were arranged in a completely randomized block design, three replications. The first factor was two groundnut varieties (Domba and Hypoma 1). The second factor was six soil ameliorations (control, 120 kg/ha K2O, 2.5 t/ha dolomite, 2,5 t/ha of gypsum, 2.5 t/ha of manure, and 1.5 t/ha of gypsum + 2.5 t/ha of manure). Results showed that Domba and Hypoma 1 varieties could tolerate and completed their life cycle at insitu saline condition. Hypoma 1 was more prospective to be developed in saline condition associated with higher survival as well as better pod setting and seed development than Domba. Combination of gypsum and manure provided better effect than other treatments in improving saline soil, since it reduced exchangeable Na, Na saturation, and EC of soil, and also improved groundnut yield
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