43 research outputs found

    Feeling the Earthship house: eliciting a perspective of posterity through immersive virtual reality

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    Purpose: The surging cost of living and shortage of affordable and sustainable homes fuel the global housing crisis. Earthship buildings are marketed as the epitome of affordable and sustainable alternative housing. This paper aimed to elicit the perception of Earthship buildings among youngsters in the United Kingdom using immersive virtual reality technology. Additionally, the impact of virtual reality on perception compared with two-dimensional drawings was investigated in the study. Design/methodology/approach: A three-phase, experiment-based survey was adopted: Phase 1: literature review, Earthship house model conception and the virtual environment creation; Phase 2: two-dimensional drawing-based pre-visualisation survey; Phase 3: virtual reality鈥揵ased post-visualisation survey. Findings: The findings indicated that youngsters had a remarkable, positive change in attitude towards the uptake of the Earthship houses after virtual reality visualisation. In contrast, sustainability experts shared more concerns regarding the concept's viability in the United Kingdom, even after the virtual reality visualisation. However, both youngsters and experts agreed with the pre-eminence of virtual reality over two-dimensional drawings. Originality/value: The lack of awareness about Earthship buildings for posterity was noted in previous studies, which could be attributed to there being very few Earthship buildings in the United Kingdom. The importance of this awareness among youngsters cannot be over-emphasised since youngsters are affected most by the shortage of affordable and sustainable homes. This gap was addressed by enlightening the youth about Earthship houses and imparting awareness through near-real-life virtual reality visualisation

    Embodied Carbon reporting by German real estate institutional investors

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    Background: The building sector is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions across the globe. The European Union pledges to become climate neutral by 2050. To reach this goal, member states will need to account for embodied carbon emissions. Currently, in Germany, there are no regulations that require institutional real estate investors to account for the embodied carbon of their buildings. However, existing voluntary measurement frameworks could be used for embodied carbon accounting. Hence, this is the first systematic study exploring public disclosures by German institutional real estate investors on their embodied carbon emissions to improve the transparency of their emissions.Methods: The study uses a mixed-methods research design. Secondary data was collected using purposive sampling of German institutional real estate investors and investigating their public disclosures via corporate websites. This data was then used to shape exploratory semi-structured interviews with industry experts from those institutions responsible for addressing sustainability issues.Results: While the built environment sector is one of the major contributors of carbon emissions and is under pressure to disclose these in a transparent way in order to evaluate opportunities for reductions, the current public disclosures are limited and lack substance, suggesting that institutional real estate investors in Germany are yet to adequately quantify their environmental impact regarding embodied carbon and, thus, need to improve reporting on their progress towards climate neutrality.Conclusions: This study gives an overview of embodied carbon measuring and accounting tools, current and proposed regulations in Germany, and sets the foundations for best-practice recommendations on embodied carbon accounting across Europe

    Vascular smooth muscle cells enhance immune/vascular interplay in a 3-cell model of vascular inflammation

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    Atherosclerosis is a serious cardiovascular disease that is characterised by the development of atheroma, which are lipid-laden plaques that build up within arterial walls due to chronic inflammatory processes. These lesions are fundamentally attributed to a complex cellular crosstalk between vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), vascular endothelial cells (VECs) and central immune cells, such as macrophages (M筛s), which promote vascular inflammation. The presence of VSMCs exerts both positive and negative effects during atheroma development, which can be attributed to their phenotypic plasticity. Understanding the interactions between these key cell types during the development of vascular inflammation and atheroma will enhance the scope for new therapeutic interventions. This study aims to determine the importance of VSMCs for shaping the extracellular cytokine/chemokine profile and transcriptional responses of VECs (human coronary artery endothelial cells; HCAECs) to activated lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated THP1 M筛s, in a 3-cell model of human vascular inflammation. It is evident that within the presence of VSMCs, enhanced cytokine production was associated with up-regulation of genes associated with vascular inflammation t. Results demonstrate that the presence of VSMCs in co-culture experiments enhanced cytokine production (including CXCL1/GRO伪, IL-6, IL-8 and CCL2/MCP1) and inflammatory gene expression (including genes involved in JAK/STAT, Jun and NF魏B signalling) in HCAECs co-cultured with LPS-stimulated THP1 M筛s. Our results highlight the importance of VSMCs in immune/endothelial cell interplay and indicate that 3-cell, rather than 2-cell co-culture, may be more appropriate for the study of cellular crosstalk between immune and vascular compartments in response to inflammatory and atherogenic stimuli

    Assessment of the soils aplicability for the wood preservatives effectiveness against soft rotting micro-fungi in soil

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    Przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 skuteczno艣ci dw贸ch 艣rodk贸w ochrony drewna stosowanych w 4 klasie zagro偶enia korozj膮 biologiczn膮, czyli w kontakcie z gruntem. W badaniach wyznaczono nominalne skuteczne retencje 艣rodk贸w metod膮 skryningow膮 z u偶yciem gleby sztucznej - wermikulitu i w badaniu w艂a艣ciwym z u偶yciem gleby naturalnej. Badania prowadzono zgodnie z PN ENV 807. Podana w tej normie metoda pozwala okre艣li膰 wymagan膮 retencj臋 艣rodk贸w w rocznych badaniach laboratoryjnych, Dotychczas badania takie, wykonywane wed艂ug PN EN 252, wymaga艂y pi臋cioletnich bada艅 poligonowych.The paper deals with the test results of wood preservatives effectiveness against soft rotting micro-fungi and other soil inhabiting microorganisms for two wood preservative products being used in the 4th class of biological corrosion hazard. Test were carried out in accordance with PN ENV 807. This method allows to determine the required retention of products within one year laboratory tests, while in method based on PN-EN 252 the 5 years period of testing was necessary. The nominal effective retention was found for two wood preservative products by screening method with technical soil called vermiculite and by the test with natural soil

    Estimation of seeding materials suitability in determlnation of biochemical oxygen demand in sewage

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    Biochemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu (BZT) jest jednym z parametr贸w kontrolowanych podczas okre艣lania skuteczno艣ci oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w przez ma艂e domowe oczyszczalnie. W badaniach BZT5 nale偶y wst臋pnie przygotowa膰 pr贸bki 艣ciek贸w do analizy i rozcie艅czy膰 je w r贸偶nym stosunku wod膮 do rozcie艅cze艅 wzbogacon膮 tlenem i zawieraj膮c膮 zaszczep mikroorganizm贸w pochodz膮cy z wody do zaszczepie艅. Przedmiotem bada艅 by艂 dob贸r materia艂u do zaszczepie艅 zapewniaj膮cy w艂a艣ciwy przebieg proces贸w biochemicznego utleniania. W badaniach wykorzystano wody pochodz膮ce ze 藕r贸de艂 naturalnych, 艣cieki surowe ze studzienki na terenie ITB oraz 艣cieki surowe i oczyszczone z ma艂ej domowej oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w zainstalowanej pod Sochaczewem.Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is one of the parameters monitored during determination of effectiveness of small, household-based sewage treatment plants. In testing BOD5 procedure, the sevage samples, after initial preparation for analysis, are diluted in various proportion by dilution water, which is enriched with oxygen and also contains micro-organism seed coming from the seeding water. The subject of tests was to select the seeding materials, which would ensure the proper biochemical oxygenation process. The following samples were used during tests: water coming from natural springs, raw sewage taken from sewage well located in ITB premises, and raw sewage as well as treated sewage from a small, house-based sewage treatment plant near Sochaczew

    Requirements for biocides used in construction industry

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    艢rodki ochrony drewna, farby, masy uszczelniaj膮ce, kleje, spoiwa, materia艂y izolacyjne z tworzyw sztucznych zawieraj膮ce substancje czynne, zapobiegaj膮ce korozji biologicznej zaliczane s膮 do produkt贸w biob贸jczych. Sprzeda偶 i stosowanie takich produkt贸w wymaga uzyskania pozwolenia na obr贸t wydanego przez Ministra Zdrowia. Przedstawiono wymagania, jakie musz膮 spe艂nia膰 producenci, aby uzyska膰 takie pozwolenie.Biocides include wood protective agents, paints, sealing compounds, glues, adhesives and synthetic insulation materials containing active substances to prevent biological corrosion. Sale and use of such products requires obtaining a permit issued the Ministry of Health. The article presents the requirements that shall be met by products to obtain such permition

    Reduction of phosphorus in sewage from household-based sewage treatment plants

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    Zawarto艣膰 fosforu jest jednym z parametr贸w kontrolowanych podczas okre艣lania skuteczno艣ci oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w przez ma艂e przydomowe oczyszczalnie. Przedmiotem bada艅 opisanych w artykule by艂o oznaczanie fosforu og贸lnego oraz wyznaczenie stopnia redukcji fosforu w 艣ciekach oczyszczonych, pochodz膮cych z takich oczyszczalni.Content of phosphorus is one of the parameters monitored during determination of effectiveness of small, household - based sewage treatment plants. The subject of tests described in the paper was to select the optimal parameters for the determination of total phosphorus after peroxodisulfate oxidation and to calculate the reduction index of phosphorus in treated sewage from house-based sewage treatment plant

    Determination of phosphorus in sewage

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    Zawarto艣膰 fosforu jest jednym z parametr贸w kontrolowanych podczas okre艣lania skuteczno艣ci oczyszczania 艣ciek贸w przez ma艂e domowe oczyszczalnie. Przedmiotem bada艅 opisanych w artykule by艂o wybranie optymalnych parametr贸w metody oznaczania fosforu og贸lnego po utlenianiu nadtlenodwusiarczanem oraz wyznaczenie stopnia redukcji fosforu w 艣ciekach oczyszczonych z ma艂ej przydomowej oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w zainstalowanej pod 艁odzi膮 i drugiej, znajduj膮cej si臋 na terenie ITB.Content of phosphorus is one of the parameters monitored during determination of effectiveness of small, household-based sewage treatment plants. The subject of tests described in this paper was to select the optimal parameters for determination of total phosphorus after peroxodisulfate oxidation and the calculation of phosphorus reduction index in treated sewage from household-based sewage treatment plant near 艁贸d藕 and the other located in ITB

    Estimation of the coat protection products effectiveness against mould fungi and alga

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    Wyst臋powanie mikroorganizm贸w na elewacjach jest zwi膮zane z termomodernizacj膮 obiekt贸w i stosowaniem w systemach ocieple艅 polimerowych materia艂贸w elewacyjnych. Aby wyeliminowa膰 korozj臋 biologiczn膮, stosuje si臋 materia艂y z dodatkami 艣rodk贸w ochrony pow艂ok przed glonami i ple艣niami. W roku 2008 zosta艂y wydane normy PN-EN 15457 i PN-EN 15458 pozwalaj膮ce oceni膰 skuteczno艣膰 dzia艂ania tych 艣rodk贸w. Badania wed艂ug tych norm nie uwzgl臋dniaj膮 bada艅 starzeniowych pow艂ok, co w przypadku materia艂贸w elewacyjnych mo偶e znacz膮co wp艂ywa膰 na ocen臋 odporno艣ci pow艂oki. W artykule por贸wnano wyniki bada艅 pow艂ok malarskich i tynk贸w poddawanych i nie poddawanych 艂ugowaniu w wodzie.The appearance of microorganisms on the elevation is related to the thermal modernization of the construction works and with using polymeric elevation materials in these systems. To eliminate the biological corrosion, the materials with the addition of coat protection products against mould and fungi are used. In 2008 the PN-EN 15457 and PN-EN 15458 standards were emitted. They allow to estimate the effectiveness of those products. However, the tests carried out according to these standards are not taking into account the ageing tests of coats, what, in case of elevation materials may affect the reliable estimation of their resistance. Test results of paints and plasters submitted and not-submitted to leaching in water are compared in paper