929 research outputs found

    The Ingalls-Thomas Bijections

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    Given a finite acyclic quiver Q with path algebra kQ, Ingalls and Thomas have exhibited a bijection between the set of Morita equivalence classes of support-tilting modules and the set of thick subcategories of mod kQ and they have collected a large number of further bijections with these sets. We add some additional bijections and show that all these bijections hold for arbitrary hereditary artin algebras. The proofs presented here seem to be of interest also in the special case of the path algebra of a quiver.Comment: This is a modified version of an appendix which was written for the paper "The numbers of support-tilting modules for a Dynkin algebra" (see arXiv:1403.5827v1

    Human summating potential using continuous loop averaging deconvolution: Response amplitudes vary with tone burst repetition rate and duration

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    Electrocochleography (ECochG) to high repetition rate tone bursts may have advantages over ECochG to clicks with standard slow rates. Tone burst stimuli presented at a high repetition rate may enhance summating potential (SP) measurements by reducing neural contributions resulting from neural adaptation to high stimulus repetition rates. To allow for the analysis of the complex ECochG responses to high rates, we deconvolved responses using the Continuous Loop Averaging Deconvolution (CLAD) technique. We examined the effect of high stimulus repetition rate and stimulus duration on SP amplitude measurements made with extratympanic ECochG to tone bursts in 20 adult females with normal hearing. We used 500 and 2,000 Hz tone bursts of various stimulus durations (12, 6, 3 ms) and repetition rates (five rates ranging from 7.1 to 234.38/s). A within-subject repeated measures (rate x duration) analysis of variance was conducted. We found that, for both 500 and 2,000 Hz stimuli, the mean deconvolved SP amplitudes were larger at faster repetition rates (58.59 and 97.66/s) compared to slower repetition rates (7.1 and 19.53/s), and larger at shorter stimulus duration compared longer stimulus duration. Our concluding hypothesis is that large SP amplitude to short duration stimuli may originate primarily from neural excitation, and large SP amplitudes to long duration, fast repetition rate stimuli may originate from hair cell responses. While the hair cell or neural origins of the SP to various stimulus parameters remains to be validated, our results nevertheless provide normative data as a step toward applying the CLAD technique to understanding diseased ears

    Utjecaj fitobiotičkog svetog bosiljka (Ocimum sanctum) na proizvodnju i zdravlje tovnih pilića

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    Various types of phytobiotics have been recently used in poultry production systems to avoid the development of drug resistance and tissue residues. One such phytobiotic is holy basil or tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), an aromatic plant with multiple therapeutic functions. The powder or extract of tulsi is rich in essential oils and organic acids, which have positive effects on the physiological functions. It has been extensively used in medicine to treat many health issues. Moreover, in poultry industry, dietary tulsi has been recommended for the enhancement of general health conditions with promising results. Enrichment of broilers diets with tulsi improved the growth rate, carcass characteristics, and gut health, relived stress, and modulated the immune response and some biochemical blood parameters. This review article presents in details the different influences of dietary tulsi on these parameters in broilers.Različite se vrste fitobiotika odnedavna rabe u sustavu proizvodnje peradi i da bi se izbjegao razvoj otpornosti na lijekove i njihovih ostataka u tkivu peradi. Jedan od tih fitobiotika je sveti bosiljak ili tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), aromatična biljka s viÅ”estrukim terapijskim djelovanjem. Prah ili ekstrakt svetog bosiljka bogat je esencijalnim hlapljivim uljima i organskim kiselinama koje imaju pozitivne učinke na fizioloÅ”ke funkcije tjelesnih organa, stoga je raÅ”iren u uporabi u medicini za liječenje brojnih zdravstvenih problema. U peradarskoj industriji, prehrambeni sveti bosiljak preporučen je za poboljÅ”anje općeg zdravstvenog stanja s dobrim rezultatima. Uporaba svetog bosiljka u prehrani tovnih pilića rezultirala je poboljÅ”anjem stope rasta, kvalitetom mesa, zdravlja želudca, smanjenjem stresa, kao i moduliranjem imunoloÅ”kog odgovora i nekih hemato-biokemijskih parametara. Stoga, ovaj pregledni članak detaljno predstavlja različite utjecaje prehrambenog svetog bosiljka na navedene parametre u tovnih pilića

    Long-term exposure to xenoestrogens alters some brain monoamines and both serum thyroid hormones and cortisol levels in adult male rats

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    AbstractThe present study was designed to examine the effect of long-term treatment with the phytoestrogen soy isoflavone [(SIF); 43mg/kg body weight/day] and/or the plastics component bisphenol-A [(BPA); 3mg/kg body weight/day] on some monoamines in the forebrain and both serum thyroid hormones and cortisol levels of adult rats. Significant increases in serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) level, and significant decreases in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) level and 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio, were observed after treatment with SIF or BPA. Level of dopamine (DA) was increased in SIF-treated group and decreased in BPA-treated group. Activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) was decreased in all treated groups. The level of serum thyroid hormones (fT3 and fT4) was increased after treatment with SIF and decreased after exposure to BPA, while cortisol level was increased in all treated groups. It may be concluded that long-term exposure to SIF or BPA disrupts monoamine levels in the forebrain of adult rats through alteration in the metabolic pathways of amines and disorders of thyroid hormones and cortisol levels
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