91 research outputs found

    Monitoring and early detection of internal erosion: Distributed sensing and processing

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    International audienceEarly detection of leakages in hydraulic infrastructures is important to ensure their safety and security. Significant flow of water through the dike can be an indicator of internal erosion and results in a thermal anomaly. Temperature measurements are therefore capable of revealing information linked to leakage. Optical fiber-based distributed temperature sensors present an economically viable and reliable solution for recording spatio-temporal temperature data over long distances, with spatial and temperature resolutions of 1m and 0.05 C, respectively. The acquired data are influenced by several factors, among them water leakages, heat transfer through the above soil depth, seasonal thermal variations, and the geomechanical environment. Soil properties such as permeability alter the acquired signal locally. This article presents leakage detection methods based on signal processing of the raw temperature data from optical fiber sensors. The first approach based on source separation identifies leakages by separating them from the non-relevant information. The second approach presents a potential alarm system based on the analysis of daily temperature variations. Successful detection results for simulated as well as real experimental setups of Electricité de France are presented

    The advantages of the laparoscopic approach in operative management of the destructive acute appendicitis

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 5, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Militar Central, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: În ultimul deceniu apendicectomia laparoscopică a devenit standardul de aur în terapia apendicitei acute (AA). Lucrarea relevă rezultatele apendicectomiilor laparoscopice (AL) în AA pe un lot de 118 de pacienți în perioada anilor 2011-2019 Material și metode: În perioada ianuarie 2011-2019 au fost efectuate 118 de AL. Repartiția după sex a evidențiat o predominarea patologiei la femei în coraport B/F – 1:1.7. Vîrsta pacienților a variat de la 18 pînă la 60 de ani, constituind în medie 32,3±11,5 ani. Intraoperator a fost constatat: AA flegmonoasă (n=87), AA gangrenoasă (n=12), și AA perforată cu abces localizat (n=9), perforația apendicelui cu peritonită generalizată (n=6) și infiltrat apendicular (n=4). Tehnica operatorie AL include: poziționarea trocarelor cu instalarea capnoperitoneului, explorarea cavității peritoneale, secționarea mezoapendicelui, ligatura, secționarea apendicelui, și înlăturarea lui. La 45 pacienți prelucrarea bontului a fost efectuată prin metoda ligaturală, iar la 73 a fost realizată tehnica Semm. Rezultate: Durata medie a intervenției a constituit 47,2±18,1 min. (interval 35-78). Algometria postoperatorie a relevat prezența sindromului algic redus. Mediana perioadei de spitalizare a constituit 3 zile cu reîntoarcerea în cîmpul muncii pînă la 10 zile. Rata comună a infecților plăgilor chirurgicale în cadrul grupului AL a fost de 3,38%. Concluzii: Avantajele AL față de cea clasică sunt: diagnosticul cert în cazurile echivoce; intervenție optimă în apendicele ectopic; dializa peritoneală ”la cerere”; incidența redusă a complicațiilor în plăgile postoperatorii, perioada de recuperare mai rapidă și beneficiul cosmetic.Background: Over the last 10 years the use of videoendoscopic approach has been revolutionary expanded into surgical practice. Mounting evidence supports the use of laparoscopic techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of the destructive forms of appendicitis (DA). This paper reveals the results of laparoscopic appendectomies (LA) in DA on a group of 118 patients over the period of 8 years (2011-2019). Methods and materials: From 2011 until 2019 118 LA were performed. The gender distribution revealed a predominance of the pathology in women with a ratio M / F-1: 1.7. The age of patients varied from 18 to 60 years, averaging 32.3±11.5 years. Intraoperative were found: phlegmonous appendicitis (n = 87), gangrenous appendicitis (n = 12), perforated appendicitis with localized abscess (n = 9), perforated appendicitis with generalized peritonitis (n = 6) and appendiceal mass (n= 4). The LA operative technique includes trocars application and CO2 - peritoneum achievement, transabdominal exploration, skeletization of the appendix, ligatures, appendix base ligation with a pre-knotted Roeder-loop, and appendix removal. The appendix stump was inverted in the cecum according to Semm in 73 patients; the ligature technique was applied in 45 patients. Results: The mean operating time was 47.2±18.1 min (range 35-78). The postoperative algometry revealed a decreased presence of postoperative pain syndrome. The mean length of hospital stay was 3 days. Patients returned to work in less than 10 days. Pooled mean surgical wound infection (SWI) rate within the LA group was 3.38%. Conclusions: The LA provides obvious advantages including: definitive diagnosis in equivocal cases; optimal intervention in ectopic appendix; adequate peritoneal lavage “on demand” following removal of the appendix; reduced SWI rate, rapid recovery and cosmetic benefits

    A new abdominal wall reconstruction strategy for giant incisional hernia

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    Scopul lucrării. Tratamentul chirurgical al herniei incizionale gigante cu “pierdere dreptului la domiciliu” reprezintă o provocare pentru echipa chirurgicală grație riscurilor și complicațiilor perioperatorii asociate manevrei chirurgicale. Scopul studiului este optimizarea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical al herniilor incizionale gigante prin implementarea tehniciii novaționale de reconstrucție peretelui abdominal. Materiale și metode. În perioada 2019-2023 am utilizat tehnica de separare posterioară a componentelor cu eliberarea muşchiului transvers abdominal (TAR) la 12 pacienţi cu hernii incizionale gigante. Repartiţia defectelor parietale conform clasificării EHS (2009): M1W3 (n=1), M2W3 (n=2), M3W3 (n=4), M4W3 ( n=2), M5W3 (n=1) și L2W3 (n=2). Dimensiunea medie a lăţimii defectului parietal a constituit 15,5 cm (interval 12,5-24,5 cm). Tehnica chirurgicală prevede deschiderea tecilor mușchilor drepți abdominali, disecția retromusculară tip Rives-Stoppa, eliberarea componentului fascial transvers medial de la linia semilunară și crearea unui spațiu preperitoneal avascular extins cranial pînă la tendonul central al diafragmului, inferior în spaţiul Retzius şi în plan lateral pînă la psoas. Augmentația protetică prevede crearea planului de rezistența prin montarea plasei chirurgicale de mari dimensiuni în poziție preperitoneală. Rezultate. Durata medie a intervenţiei 140,8±20.1 min (interval 130-187 min). Mediana spitalizării 10 zile (interval 6-22 zile). Complicaţii parietale au fost instalate la 4 pacienţi. Timpul mediu de urmărire a fost 12 luni fără recurenţă. Concluzii. Tehnica de separare posterioară a componentelor completată cu augmentația protetică şi restaurarea liniei albe reprezintă o direcţie inovatoare de reconstrucție a peretelui abdominal. TAR oferă soluția eficientă în tratamentul eventraţiilor voluminoase şi asigură restabilirea structurală și funcțională a peretelui abdominal.Aim of study. Giant incisional hernia repair is a complex and challenging issue due to preoperative risks and high complication rate. The aim of the study is to improve the results of giant incisional hernia repair by implementing an innovative technique of abdominal wall reconstruction. Materials and methods. During the period from 2019 to 2022 we used the posterior component separation technique with transverse abdominis muscle release (TAR) in 12 patients with giant ventral incisional hernias. According to EHS (2009) classification, the hernias were classified as type EHS (2009): M1W3 (n=1), M2W3 (n=2), M3W3 (n=4), M4W3 (n=2), M5W3 (n=1) și L2W3 (n=2).The average width of the defect was 15.5 cm (range 12.5-24.5 cm). The procedure includes a Rives-Stoppa retro-rectus dissection followed by the transversus abdominis release medial to the linea semilunaris and wide plane of pre-peritoneal dissection extended from the subxiphoid are towards the space of Retzius. The prosthetic augmentation of abdominal wall is done by placement of a large surgical mesh in preperitoneal fashion. Results. The mean operating time was 140.8±20.1 min (range 130-187 min). The average length of hospital stay was 10 days (range 6-22 days). We observed 4 cases of various types of wound complications. Patients were evaluated at a median follow up of 12 months without recurrence. Conclusions. Posterior component separation technique with transverse abdominis muscle release augmented by surgical mesh represents a novel approach to ventral hernia. TAR is a versatile technique that provides high-level functionality of the abdominal wall and offers a reliable solution for complex incisional hernias

    Laparoscopic transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach (TAPP) in groin hernia repair: 10 year experience

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 5, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Militar Central, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Abordul laparoscopic în cura herniilor inghinale devine intervenție de elecție pe plan mondial. Rămâne actuală problema standardizării tehnicii chirurgicale şi optimizarii rezultatelor acestui procedeu. Material şi metode: În perioada anilor 2008-2018 în Clinică a fost efectuată cura laparoscopică a herniei inghinale la 415 pacienţi (37 bilateral). Repartiţia herniilor conform clasificării L. M. Nyhus: tip II (n=245), tip IIIa (n=109), tip IIIb (n=30), tip IIIc (n=13), typ IV (n=18). A fost utilizată tehnică transabdominală preperitoneală (TAPP). Rezultate: Durata intervenţiei a constituit in medie 40.8±20.07 minute, fiind mai lungă pentru hernii recidivante 80±40.9 min (60-180) şi bilaterale 75.7±20.5 min (65-140). Mediana spitalizării 3 zile, reîntoarcerea în cîmpul muncii – sub 10 zile. Incidentele intraoperatorii au fost corectate laparoscopic. Conversia efectuată la doi pacienti. Nu au fost constatate cazuri de infecţie în plaga postoperatorie. Aprecierea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical la distanţă a fost realizată la 337 pacienţi. Pentru evaluarea durerii la pacienţii cu diagnosticul hernie inghinală a fost utilizată scala de evaluare numerică NRS-10. În perioada postoperatorie au prevalat pacienţi cu sindrom algic redus (NRS 1-3). Algoparestezia postoperatorie persistentă a fost diagnosticată la 6 pacienţi. Recidiva herniei a fost înregistrată la 3 pacienţi, în ambele cazuri recidiva a fost corectată laparoscopic. Concluzii: Experienţa noastră confirmă posibilitatea utilizării procedeului TAPP la diferite tipuri de hernie inghinală. Acumularea experienţei permite de a lărgi indicaţiile pentru abordul laparoscopic la pacienţii cu hernii bilaterale, glisante şi recurente. Avantajele hernioplastiei laparoscopice sunt: micşorarea sindromului algic postoperator, reintegrarea socioprofesională rapidă şi numărul redus de complicaţii parietale.Background: the transabdominal pre-peritoneal procedure (TAPP) represents one of the most popular techniques used for inguinal hernia repair. The analysis of the reported cases helps to standardize the relatively new laparoscopic technique and to improve the overall results. Methods and materials: The group of 415 patients underwent laparoscopic hernia repair (37 bilateral) for the period 2008-2018. According to L. M. Nyhus classification, the groin hernias were classified as type II (n=245), type IIIa (n=109), type IIIb (n=30), type IIIc (n=13), type IV (n=18). The TAPP procedure was utilized. Results: The mean operating time was 40.8±20.07 minutes, being statistically longer for recurrent hernias 80±40,9 min (range 60- 180) and bilateral hernias 75,7±20,5 min (range 65-140). The average length of hospital stay was 3 days. Patients returned to work in an average of 10 days. The postoperative morbidity rate was 2.2%. The majority of intraoperative incidents (intraoperative hemorrhage n=5) were solved laparoscopically without sequelae. Two cases were converted to Lichtenstein repair. Patients were evaluated at a median follow up of 24 month (range 12-36 month). A total of 337 patients were assesssed for long-term outcomes. Pain was assessed with Numerical Rating Scale (NRS-10). The vast majority of post-operative patients had minor pain manifestation of pain (NRS 1-3). We observed 6 cases of persistent inguinal pain. The hernia recurrence was developed in 3 patients and has been corrected via laparoscopic approach. Conclusions: While laparoscopic hernia repair requires a lengthy learning curve, it represents safe and valid alternative to open hernia repairs and can be effectively used for bilateral, recurrent and sliding hernias. The advantages of laparoscopic repair include less postoperative pain, faster return to normal activities and low wound infection rate

    Mathematical analysis of a model of river channel formation.

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    The study of overland flow of water over an erodible sediment leads to a coupled model describing the evolution of the topographic elevation and the depth of the overland water film. The spatially uniform solution of this model is unstable, and this instability corresponds to the formation of rills, which in reality then grow and coalesce to form large-scale river channels. In this paper we consider the deduction and mathematical analysis of a deterministic model describing river channel formation and the evolution of its depth. The model involves a degenerate nonlinear parabolic equation (satisfied on the interior of the support of the solution) with a super-linear source term and a prescribed constant mass. We propose here a global formulation of the problem (formulated in the whole space, beyond the support of the solution) which allows us to show the existence of a solution and leads to a suitable numerical scheme for its approximation. A particular novelty of the model is that the evolving channel self-determines its own width, without the need to pose any extra conditions at the channel margin

    The abdominal wall reconstruction through components’ separation techniques for large incisional hernia repair

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.5, Universitate de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, IMSPSpitalul Clinic Militar Central, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Managementul chirurgical al herniilor incizionale gigante reprezintă o problema provocatoare şi complexă. Reconstrucţia peretelui abdominal prin procedee de separare a componentelor completată cu augmentarea protetică şi restaurarea liniei albe reprezintă o nouă direcţie în cura chirurgicală a eventraţiilor. Materiale și metode: În perioada septembrie 2017- mai 2019 am aplicat procedeul la 9 pacienţi (6 de sex masculin) cu hernii ventrale incizionale de mari dimensiuni. Dimensiunea medie a lăţimii defectului parietal a constituit 14 cm (interval 12,5- 19,5 cm).Repartiţia herniilor conform clasificării EHS (2009): M1W3 (n=2), M2W3 (n=2),M3W3 (n=2), M5 W3 (n=2 ) și L2W3 (n=1). Tehnica de separare anterioară a componentelor O. Ramirez completată cu plasarea protezei DynaMesh®IPOM a fost realizată la 5 pacienţi. Separarea posterioară a componentelor cu eliberarea muşchiului transvers abdominal (TAR) şi montarea plasei chirurgicale HERNI PRO P2 a fost realizată la 4 pacienţi. Rezultate: Complicaţii parietale au fost instalate la 3 pacienţi. Timpul mediu de urmarire a fost 11 luni fără recidivă. Concluzii: Tehnici de separare a componentelor oferă soluţia delicată pentru tratamentul eventraţiilor voluminoase şi asigură restabilirea funcţionalităţii peretelui abdominal.Introduction: Giant incisional hernia repair is a complex and challenging issue. Modern reconstructive techniques are based on component separation augmented by prosthetic mesh. The recreation of linia alba represents a novel approach to ventral hernia repair. Materials and methods: Between September 2017 and May 2019 we used the component separation techniques in 9 patients (6 males) with giant ventral incisional hernias. The average width of the defect was 14 cm (range 12,5- 19,5 cm). According to EHS (2009) classification, the groin hernias were classified as type M1W3 (n=2), M2W3 (n=2), M3W3 (n=2), M5 W3 (n=2) și L2W3 (n=1). The anterior components separation technique (ACST) was used in 5 patients. ACST was realized by sliding the myofascial rectus flap and placement of prosthetic DynaMesh®IPOM mesh in intraperitoneal position. Posterior component separation with transvers abdominis muscle release (TAR) and HERNI PRO P2 mesh placement in a sublay fashion was used in 4 patients. Results: We observed 3 cases of various types of wound complications. Patients were evaluated at a median follow up of 11 month without recurrence. Conclusions: Modern reconstructive techniques based on component separation offer a solution for successful hernia management and provide high-level functionalityof the abdominal wall

    Preoperative administration of the botulinum toxin type A in large incisional hernia repair

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    Scopul lucrării. Tratamentul chirurgical al herniei incizionale gigante fără pregătirea prealabilă a pacientului poate duce la creșterea progresivă a presiunii intraabdominale și afectarea considerabilă a homeostazei pacientului. Injectarea preoperatorie a toxinei botulinice A (TBA) în mușchii abdominali laterali facilitează relaxarea acestora și reduce riscul apariției sindromului de compartiment abdominal, deși atât regimul optim, cât și doză de administrare a TBA nu sunt încă standardizate. Scopul lucrării este ameliorarea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical al herniilor incizionale de dimensiuni mari prin implementarea tehnicii inovaționale de administrare TBA. Materiale și metode. Am utilizat tehnica de administrare a toxinei botulinice tip A la 4 pacienți cu hernii incizionale gigante. Dimensiunea medie a lăţimii defectului parietal a constituit 18,5 cm (interval 15,5-23,0 cm). Conform clasificării HPW (2016) toți pacienții au fost clasați stadiul IV: H3P1W0 (n=2), H3P1W1 (n=2). 200 Un de toxina botulinica (1,7 Un/ml) administrată în mușchii oblici abdominali (6 puncte bilateral) sub control ecoghidat. Rezultate. Complicații precoce asociate administrării botulotoxinei nu s-au înregistrat. Peste 4 săptămîni după administrarea botulotoxinei a fost constatată reducerea lățimii defectului parietal în mediu cu 6,8 cm (interval 5,5-8,5 cm). La a doua etapă a fost efectuată reconstrucția peretelui abdominal prin tehnica de separare posterioară a componentelor cu eliberarea muşchiului transvers abdominal și augmentație protetică. Complicații parietale au fost notate la 3 pacienți, perioada medie de urmărire a fost 12 luni fără recurenţă. Concluzii. Presupunem că administrarea preoperatorie a TBA este tehnică inofensivă și eficientă când este folosită în tratamentul chirurgical complex a herniilor incizionale de dimensiuni mari.Aim of study. Giant incisional hernia repair without careful preoperative prehabilitation can bring off the progressive increase of intra-abdominal pressure and cause considerable homeostasis impairment. The preoperative administration of the botulinum toxin A (BTA) to the lateral abdominal muscles facilitates muscle relaxation and reduces the risk of the abdominal compartment syndrome. Nowadays the administration of BTA is not standardized, both optimal BTA regimen and optimal dose of BTA remains to be identified. The aim is to improve the results of the large incisional hernia repair on the basis of a novel therapeutic concept of the preoperative BTA administration. Materials and methods. We used the preoperative BTA administration in 4 patients with giant ventral incisional hernias. The average width of the defect was 18.5 cm (range 15.5-23.0 cm). According to HPW classification (2016) all 4 patients were classified as stage IV: H3P1W0 (n=2), H3P1W1 (n=2). 200 Un of BTA (1.7 Un/mL) were injected in the lateral abdominal muscles bilaterally (6 points) under ultrasound guidance. Results. We did not observe any short-term adverse events after administration of BTA. 4 weeks after BTA administration the average width of the parietal defect was reduced by 6.8 cm (range 5.5-8.5 cm). All 4 patients underwent surgical repair of incisional hernia. The posterior component separation technique with transverse abdominis muscle release augmented by surgical mesh was used. We noted 3 cases of various wound complications. Patients were evaluated at a median follow up of 12 months without recurrence. Conclusions. It is possible that preoperative administration of BTA is an efficient and safe procedure when used as an adjunct to abdominal wall reconstruction for large incisional hernia

    Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair: personal experience

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    Catedra chirurgie nr.5, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Militar Central, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Herniile hiatale (HH) simptomatice reprezintă o patologie frecventă, care este supusă tratamentului structurat în etape. HH paraesofagiene şi HH asociate BRGE severă necesită tratament chirurgical. Materiale şi metode: În clinica au fost supuşi tratamentului chirurgical prin abord laparoscopic 167 pacienţi cu HH simptomatice (aa. 2011-2019). Repartiţia HH conform SAGES (2013): tip I (n=135); tip II (n=6); tip III (n=23); tip IV, “upside-down” (n=3). Pacienţii cu HH asociate cu BRGE au fost selectaţi pentru cura chirurgicală în baza criteriilor ghidului SAGES (2010): tratamentul medicamentos ineficient (n=78); alternativa tratamentului medicamentos (n=48); manifestări extra-esofagiene (n=38); BRGE agravată (n=3). Intervenţia a inclus reducerea herniei, identificarea pilierilor şi joncţiunii eso-gastrice, recalibrarea hiatusului esofagian prin crurorafia posterioară şi realizarea valvei anti-reflux. În 141 cazuri a fost realizată fundoplicatura Nissen-Rossetti ”short-floppy”, la 19 pacienţiprocedeul Toupet şi la 7 pacienţi- procedeul Dor. Rezultate: Incidente intraoperatorii rezolvate laparoscopic au inclus: leziuni hepatice (n=4), hemoragie din vasele scurte (n=3), capnotorax (n=3). Leziunea esofagiană (n=1) a servit indicaţie către conversie. Perioada medie a spitalizării a constituit 4 zile. Peste 3 luni după intervenţie rezultatul excelent (scorul modificat Visick) a fost realizat la 11% pacienţi; bun- 70%; sătisfăcător – 16%, nesătisfăcător -3%. 36 pacienţi nu au fost evaluaţi. Disfagie persistentă postoperator la 16 pacienţi a necesitat dilatare endoscopică. Recurenţă semnelor de HH confirmată radiologic a fost constatată în 6 cazuri (3,5%). Concluzii: Avantajele tehnicii chirurgicale laparoscopice sunt evidente în perioada postoperatorie: reducerea sindromului algic, spitalizarea redusă, recuperarea rapidă şi rezultate funcţionale sătisfăcătoare. Abordul laparoscopic al HH voluminoase reprezintă o intervenţie laborioasă, şi necesită experienţă în posedarea tehnicilor laparoscopice avansate.Background: Hiatal hernia (HH) is the common benign medical condition of the stomach and esophagus which needs step-by-step treatment approach. For patients that experience life-limiting symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) despite medical therapy and those diagnosed with paraesophageal hernia, surgical approach should be considered. Materials and methods: The group of 167 patients underwent laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair for the period 2011-2019. Patients who have a HH associated with GERD were selected for interventional procedures based on SAGES guidelines (2010) criteria: medical management failure (n=78); desire for surgery due to quality of life considerations (n=48); presence of extra-esophageal manifestations (n=38) and complicated GERD (n=3). The procedure included reduction of the hernia sac, identification of both crura and the eso-gastric junction, obtaining at least 4 cm of intra-abdominal esophageal length, hiatal closure and laparoscopic antireflux procedure (LARP). LARP was performed as follows: 141 cases according to Nissen- Rossetti ”short-floppy”, 19 according to Toupet, and 7 according to Dor. Results: The majority of intraoperative incidents (bleeding from liver (n=4) and short gastric vessels (n=3), capnotorax (n=3)) were solved laparoscopically without sequelae. The esophageal lesion (n=1) served as an indication to open antireflux procedure. The average length of hospital stay was 4 days. Follow up data were analyzed, based on modified Visick scale, 3 month after surgery: excellent result was obtained for 11% of the patients, good - 70%, satisfactory- 16%, and unsatisfactory – 3 %. 36 individuals have not been evaluated. We observed the persistent dysphagia postfundoplication in 16 patients, these cases underwent the endoscopic dilation of the eso-gastric junction. The HH recurrence developed in 6 patients (3,5%). Conclusions: The advantages of laparoscopic HH repair include less postoperative pain, short length of hospital stay, fast return to normal activities and satisfactory functional results. Although technically challenging, laparoscopic repair of giant HH is a viable alternative to "open" surgical approaches

    Actin Nemaline Myopathy Mouse Reproduces Disease, Suggests Other Actin Disease Phenotypes and Provides Cautionary Note on Muscle Transgene Expression

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    Mutations in the skeletal muscle α-actin gene (ACTA1) cause congenital myopathies including nemaline myopathy, actin aggregate myopathy and rod-core disease. The majority of patients with ACTA1 mutations have severe hypotonia and do not survive beyond the age of one. A transgenic mouse model was generated expressing an autosomal dominant mutant (D286G) of ACTA1 (identified in a severe nemaline myopathy patient) fused with EGFP. Nemaline bodies were observed in multiple skeletal muscles, with serial sections showing these correlated to aggregates of the mutant skeletal muscle α-actin-EGFP. Isolated extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles were significantly weaker than wild-type (WT) muscle at 4 weeks of age, coinciding with the peak in structural lesions. These 4 week-old mice were ∼30% less active on voluntary running wheels than WT mice. The α-actin-EGFP protein clearly demonstrated that the transgene was expressed equally in all myosin heavy chain (MHC) fibre types during the early postnatal period, but subsequently became largely confined to MHCIIB fibres. Ringbinden fibres, internal nuclei and myofibrillar myopathy pathologies, not typical features in nemaline myopathy or patients with ACTA1 mutations, were frequently observed. Ringbinden were found in fast fibre predominant muscles of adult mice and were exclusively MHCIIB-positive fibres. Thus, this mouse model presents a reliable model for the investigation of the pathobiology of nemaline body formation and muscle weakness and for evaluation of potential therapeutic interventions. The occurrence of core-like regions, internal nuclei and ringbinden will allow analysis of the mechanisms underlying these lesions. The occurrence of ringbinden and features of myofibrillar myopathy in this mouse model of ACTA1 disease suggests that patients with these pathologies and no genetic explanation should be screened for ACTA1 mutations