148 research outputs found

    Transfer of coherence from atoms to mixed field states in a two-photon lossless micromaser

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    We propose a two-photon micromaser-based scheme for the generation of a nonclassical state from a mixed state. We conclude that a faster, as well as a higher degree of field purity is achieved in comparison to one-photon processes. We investigate the statistical properties of the resulting field states, for initial thermal and (phase-diffused) coherent states. Quasiprobabilities are employed to characterize the state of the generated fields.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Journal of Modern Optic

    Atom-field transfer of coherence in a two-photon micromaser assisted by a classical field

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    We investigate the transfer of coherence from atoms to a cavity field initially in a statistical mixture in a two-photon micromaser arrangement. The field is progressively modified from a maximum entropy state (thermal state) towards an almost pure state (entropy close to zero) due to its interaction with atoms sent across the cavity. We trace over the atomic variables, i.e., the atomic states are not collapsed by a detector after they leave the cavity. We find that by applying an external classical driving field it is possible to substantially increase the field purity without the need of previously preparing the atoms in a superposition of their energy eigenstates. We also discuss some of the nonclassical features of the resulting field.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Coherence properties of coupled optomechanical cavities

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    In this work we investigate an optomechanical system consisting of two cavities coupled to the same mechanical resonator. We consider each cavity being weakly pumped as well as a small tunneling rate between the cavities. In such conditions, the system can be studied via quantum Langevin equations and the steady state solution can be found perturbatively. In order to ensure that the approximations and methods used to study the system are suitable, the analytical results were compared to numerical simulations. We study the statistical properties of the cavity radiation fields and we show that depending on the values of the parameters of the system, it is possible to modify the spectrum of the cavities and even enhance the sub-Poissonian character of the cavity field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum key distribution using polarized coherent states

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    We discuss a continuous variables method of quantum key distribution employing strongly polarized coherent states of light. The key encoding is performed using the variables known as Stokes parameters, rather than the field quadratures. Their quantum counterpart, the Stokes operators S^i\hat{S}_i (i=1,2,3), constitute a set of non-commuting operators, being the precision of simultaneous measurements of a pair of them limited by an uncertainty-like relation. Alice transmits a conveniently modulated two-mode coherent state, and Bob randomly measures one of the Stokes parameters of the incoming beam. After performing reconciliation and privacy amplification procedures, it is possible to distill a secret common key. We also consider a non-ideal situation, in which coherent states with thermal noise, instead of pure coherent states, are used for encoding.Comment: Inclusion of a discussion about noise not controlled by Eve; inclusion of a figure. A simplified version of this paper was submitted to a Conference in Brazil (XXVII ENFMC) in 16/02/200
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