12 research outputs found

    Elucidation of the bonding of a near infrared dye to hollow gold nanospheres : a chalcogen tripod

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    Infrared surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is an attractive technique for the in situ detection of nanoprobes in biological samples due to the greater depth of penetration and reduced interference compared to SERS in the visible region. A key challenge is to understand the surface layer formed in suspension when a specific label is added to the SERS substrate in aqueous suspension. SERS taken at different wavelengths, theoretical calculations, and surface-selective sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) were used to define the surface orientation and manner of attachment of a new class of infrared SERS label with a thiopyrylium core and four pendant 2-selenophenyl rings. Hollow gold nanospheres (HGNs) were used as the enhancing substrate and two distinct types of SERS spectra were obtained. With excitation close to resonance with both the near infrared electronic transition in the label (max 826 nm) and the plasmon resonance maximum (690 nm), surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) was obtained. SERRS indicates that the major axis of the core is near to perpendicular to the surface plane and SFG-VS obtained from a dried gold film gave a similar orientation with the major axis at an angle 64°-85° from the surface plane. Longer excitation wavelengths give SERS with little or no molecular resonance contribution and new vibrations appeared with significant displacements between the thiopyrylium core and the pendant selenophene rings. Analysis using calculated spectra with one or two rings rotated indicates that two rings on one end are rotated towards the metal surface to give an arrangement of two selenium and one sulphur atoms directly facing the gold structure. The spectra, together with a space filled model, indicate that the molecule is strongly adsorbed to the surface through the selenium and sulphur atoms in an arrangement which will facilitate layer formation

    Glossary on agricultural landscapes.

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    T he following glossary of terms related to the European agricultural landscape shall serve as a common basis for all parties, working in or on agricultural landscapes. Some of the terms are quite common and sometimes used in our every day language, but they often have different meanings in particular countries. These differences may be a result of varying linguistic developments, history and traditions. The glossary contains 40 terms in seven languages; English, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, and Spanish. Each term begins with an English definition, illustrated by a photograph. If there are differences in meanings and connotations of single countries, they are mentioned in the designated country’s column. This work is to be continued

    Scientific assessment of animal welfare

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    Published online: 11 Dec 2014Animal welfare is a state within the animal and a scientific perspective provides methodologies for evidence-based assessment of an animal's welfare. A simplistic definition of animal welfare might be how the animal feels now. Affective experiences including emotions, are subjective states so cannot be measured directly in animals, but there are informative indirect physiological and behavioural indices that can be cautiously used to interpret such experiences. This review enunciates several key science-based frameworks for understanding animal welfare. The biological functioning and affective state frameworks were initially seen as competing, but a recent more unified approach is that biological functioning is taken to include affective experiences and affective experiences are recognised as products of biological functioning, and knowledge of the dynamic interactions between the two is considered to be fundamental to managing and improving animal welfare. The value of these two frameworks in understanding the welfare of group-housed sows is reviewed. The majority of studies of the welfare of group-housed sows have employed the biological functioning framework to infer compromised sow welfare, on the basis that suboptimal biological functioning accompanies negative affective states such as sow hunger, pain, fear, helplessness, frustration and anger. Group housing facilitates social living, but group housing of gestating sows raises different welfare considerations to stall housing, such as high levels of aggression, injuries and stress, at least for several days after mixing, as well as subordinate sows being underfed due to competition at feeding. This paper highlights the challenges and potential opportunities for the continued improvement in sow management through well-focused research and multidisciplinary assessment of animal welfare. In future the management of sentient animals will require the promotion of positive affective experiences in animals and this is likely to be a major focus for animal welfare science activity in the early twenty-first century.PH Hemsworth, DJ Mellor, GM Cronin and AJ Tilbroo