160 research outputs found

    Face Validation Method Alternatives for Shiphandling Fuzzy Logic Difficulty Model

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    The development of shiphandling difficulty model for ferry is based on the empirical experience through the Master of Ro-Ro ferries. The SHDMF is consisted from two parts which are the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Inference System. Both parts had been validated through internal validation in the form of consistency test for the first part and robustness test for the second part. Further, the external/face validation is required to compare the proposed model with similar model through benchmarking approach. The benchmarking approaches are elaborated for the reliability, validity, possibility, efficiency and effectiveness. Through fuzzy group decision making method, the questionnaire survey is performed to verify the most appropriate approach based on the shiphandling simulator as the most preferred benchmarking tool by experts. Next, the proposed scenario is overviewed and discussed especially related to the advantages and drawbacks of shiphandling simulator. Keywords: shiphandling difficulty, fuzzy group decision making, internal validation Model pengukuran kesulitan pengendalian feri didasarkan pada pengalaman empiris melalui pernyataan nahkoda kapal feri Ro-Ro. SHDMF terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Fuzzy Inference System. Kedua bagian ini telah divalidasi melalui validasi internal dalam bentuk uji konsistensi untuk bagian pertama dan uji kehandalan untuk bagian kedua. Selanjutnya validasi atau wajah eksternal diperlukan untuk membandingkan model yang diusulkan dengan model yang diperoleh dari benchmarking. Pendekatan benchmarking dijabarkan untuk kehandalan, validitas, kemungkinan, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. Melalui metode fuzzy kelompok pembuatan keputusan, survei kuesioner dilakukan untuk memverifikasi pendekatan yang paling tepat dengan simulator pengendalian kapal sebagai alat yang paling disukai oleh para ahli untuk benchmarking. Selanjutnya skenario yang ditinjau-ulang dan dibahas terutama terkait dengan keuntungan dan kelemahan simulator pengendalian kapal. Kata

    Analisa Marketing Mix, Lingkungan Sosial, Psikologi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Online Pakaian Wanita

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    Perilaku keputusan pembelian online sekarang sudah menjadi hal yang umum seperti pembelian offline. Penyajian informasi tentang produk-produk online sudah dapat disajikan secara lengkap melalui fitur-fitur internet dan media sosial yang dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja, artinya tidak dibatasi oleh waktu dan tempat. Pemasar produk online harus mampu atau dapat memperhatikan perilaku keputusan sebagai salah satu informasi dalam menyusun strategi pemasaran. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perlu diperhatikan dan dianalisis melalui informasi sebagai stimulus pemasaran melalui marketing mix, lingkungan social budaya dan psikologi individu merupakan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian online pakaian wanita. Produk pakaian wanita merupakan salah satu produk yang sudah dipasarkan secara online. Konsumen produk ini tentu didominasi oleh konsumen wanita yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang internet, komputer, maupun media online lainnya. Sehingga penelitian untuk mengetahui perilaku kelompok konsumen ini perlu dilakukan. Hasil penelitian dapatdigunakan oleh pemasar untuk merancang strategi pemasaran produk pakaian wanita secara online

    Ekstrak Keladi Tikus (Typhonium Flagelliforme) Fraksi Diklorometanolik dan Ekspresi Caspase-3 dan P21 Cell-Line Kanker Payudara MCF-7

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    The dichloromethanolic fraction of keladi tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme) extract and the expression of p21 and caspase-3 of MCF-7 breast cancer cell-lineBackground: Breast cancer has a high degree of heterogeneity and problems in therapy, such as insensitive to antiproliferation signal and able to escape from apoptosis program. Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd), Blume (Araceae) more commonly known as keladi tikus in Indonesia, often used as alternative in treating cancer, including breast cancer. The objective of study is proving the dichloromethanolic fraction of Typhonium flagelliforme tuber extracts influence on the expression of caspase-3 and p21 of MCF-7 cell-line that have deletion in CASP-3 gene.Methods: This study adapts laboratory experimental in-vitro in cells-line MCF-7, with “post test control group only design” and divided into two groups, were incubated in 5h, 10h and 20h. The control group received no other treatment. The treatment group received the dichloromethanolic fraction of Typhonium flagelliforme tuber extracts in IC50. Starting with cytotoxicity assay using MTT to determine the IC50, followed by Immunocytochemical analysis to observe the expression of p21 and caspase-3.Results: Paired sample T test shows a significant differences in treatment groups compared with the controls (p<0.05), namely an increase in the expression of nuclear p21 and caspase-3 on 20h incubation.Conclusion: There were increased in the expression of caspase-3 and nuclear p21, as well as depleted the cytoplasmic of p21 on MCF-7 cell-line that have deletion in CASP-3 in treatment by tuber extract of Typhonium flagelliforme dichloromethanolic fraction

    Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation to 25(OH)D, IL-17, and HbA1c Level in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is the consequence of autoimmune destruction process of β cells which associated with Th17 activity and low 25(OH)D level. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation toward 25(OH)D level, Th17 activity (IL-17) and glycemic control (HbA1c) in pediatric T1DM. This study was designed as randomized clinical trials (RCT), double-blind, pre and post-test controlled study. Subject was children with T1DM who were divided into two groups: K1: subjects were treated with insulin 0.5–2 IU/day + vitamin D3 2000 IU/day for 3 months, K2: subjects were treated with insulin 0.5–2 IU/day + placebo for 3 months. Levels of 25(OH)D, IL-17 and HbA1c were evaluated after 3 months treatment using ELISA. After 3 months treatment, results showed that 25(OH)D level was significantly higher in K1 compared with K2 (p = 0.00), IL-17 level was significantly lower K1 compared with K2 (p= 0.022). Surprisingly, HbA1c level in K1 was not significantly different with K2 (p = 0.93). Furthermore, in vitamin D-treated group, 25(OH)D level was elevated significantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p = 0.00), IL-17 level was reduced significantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p= 0.001) and HbA1c level was reduced insignificantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p= 0.76). Correlation study showed that there was no correlation between 25(OH)D level with IL-17 level (p= 0.160, r= -0.284) and 25(OH)D with HbA1c (p= 0.62, r= -0.10). This study can be conclude that vitamin D3 supplementation may elevate the 25(OH)D and reduce IL-17 level but did not change HbA1c level in pediatric T1DM

    Evaluation of the changes in working limits in an automobile assembly line using simulation

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    The aim of the work presented in this paper consists of the development of a decision-making support system, based on discrete-event simulation models, of an automobile assembly line which was implemented within an Arena simulation environment and focused at a very specific class of production lines with a four closed-loop network configuration. This layout system reflects one of the most common configurations of automobile assembly and preassembly lines formed by conveyors. The sum of the number of pallets on the intermediate buffers, remains constant, except for the fourth closed-loop, which depends on the four-door car ratio (x) implemented between the door disassembly and assembly stations of the car body. Some governing equations of the four closed-loops are not compatible with the capacities of several intermediate buffers for certain values of variable x. This incompatibility shows how the assembly line cannot operate in practice for x0,97 in a stationary regime, due to the starvation phenomenon or the failure of supply to the machines on the production line. We have evaluated the impact of the pallet numbers circulating on the first closed-loop on the performance of the production line, translated into the number of cars produced/hour, in order to improve the availability of the entire manufacturing system for any value of x. Until the present date, these facts have not been presented in specialized literature. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Evaluasi terhadap Implementasi Program Pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan Perikanan Tangkap di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (Ppn) Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur

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    Program minapolitan yaitu Konsep pembangunana ekonomi local berbasis manajemen wilayah dengan motor penggerak sector kelutan dan perikanan, untuk menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kelutan Perikanan no. 39 Tentang Penetapan Kawasan Mianpolitan, maka salah satu kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai kawasan minapolitan adalah Pelabuhan Perikanan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan dengan basis perikanan tangkap. Tujuna utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kecocokan antara perencanaan dan implementasi dari program pengembangan kawasan minapolitan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Lamongan. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan metode analisa dta secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sample yang digunakan yaitu purposive dan incidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan kuisioner. Dari hasil penelitian, dalam tahap implementasinya, pelaksanaan program pengembangan kawasan minapolitan perikanan tangkap ini belum sesuai dengan perencanaan dan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Baik mengenai proses jalannya program maupun waktu pelaksanaanya, yang disebabkan oleh factor yaitu keterbatasan dana, kurangnya koordinasi dan kerjasama antar stakeholder dan kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat nelayan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daearah hendaknya mencari sumber perdanaan lain yang sah. Perlu adanya peningkatan koordinasi baik antar stakeholder maupun antara stakeholder dan masyarakat

    Intention of Hospital Managers in Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

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    Achieving the implementation of a hospital\u27s vision and mission depends on the strategies that used and the management of human resources. Balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the strategic tools that are in great demand today to be applied in the health sector. The interest or intention in implementing of BSC depends on individual attitudinal factors, subjective norms and behavioral controls that refer to Planned Behavior (TPB). The aim of this study is to determine the intention of hospital managers in implementing the balanced scorecard. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. The methods of data collecting used questionnaires, interviewed and analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results of the 90 samples showed an influence on attitudinal variables, subjective norms and simultaneous behavioral control as indicated by Sig = 0,000. While partially attitudinal variables (Sig = 0.029&lt;0.05), subjective norm (Sig = 0.011&lt;0.05) and behaviour control have effect on intention (Sig = 0.036&lt;0.05)

    Identifikasi Tingkat Kerawanan Bandar Udara Di Indonesia

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    The first priority in the airport business area is safety because the risks of fatality and death rates causing aircraft accidents are higher compared to those of other transportation modes. There is a need to investigate the rate of hazardous airports in Indonesia using a combination of Empirical Bayesian and Regression by calculating of their safety indicators. Based on the analyses it was identified that the overall safety rate of airports in Indonesia was 2,502 events per 100 thousand aircraft movements and this was classified as Safe/Regulated Systems. There was also identified 10 airports considered as hazardous ones, based on the deviation values from the largest to the smallest, namely Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, and Depati Amir, respectively. Keselamatan Penerbangan merupakan hal serius karena risiko kematian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat udara relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan indikator keselamatan penerbangan suatu bandar udara berdasarkan ketentuan International Civil Aviation Organization dan melakukan analisis tingkat kerawanan bandar udara di Indonesia. Penentuan tingkat kerawanan bandar udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi Emperical Bayesian (EB) dan Regression. Dari analisis yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat keselamatan penerbangan di bandar udara Indonesia adalah 2.502 kejadian untuk tiap 100 ribu siklus penerbangan atau events dan diklasifikasi sebagai Safe/Regulated Systems. Tingkat kerawanan 10 (sepuluh) bandar udara, disusun berdasarkan nilai devisasi yang terbesar sampai yang terkecil, adalah Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, dan Depati Amir
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