944 research outputs found

    Chaoticity without thermalisation in disordered lattices

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    We study chaoticity and thermalization in Bose-Einstein condensates in disordered lattices, described by the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (DNLS). A symplectic integration method allows us to accurately obtain both the full phase space trajectories and their maximum Lyapunov exponents (mLEs), which characterize their chaoticity. We find that disorder destroys ergodicity by breaking up phase space into subsystems that are effectively disjoint on experimentally relevant timescales, even though energetically, classical localisation cannot occur. This leads us to conclude that the mLE is a very poor ergodicity indicator, since it is not sensitive to the trajectory being confined to a subregion of phase space. The eventual thermalization of a BEC in a disordered lattice cannot be predicted based only on the chaoticity of its phase space trajectory

    Supersolid phases of dipolar bosons in optical lattices with a staggered flux

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    We present the theoretical mean-field zero-temperature phase diagram of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with dipolar interactions loaded into an optical lattice with a staggered flux. Apart from uniform superfluid, checkerboard supersolid and striped supersolid phases, we identify several supersolid phases with staggered vortices, which can be seen as combinations of supersolid phases found in earlier work on dipolar BECs and a staggered-vortex phase found for bosons in optical lattices with staggered flux. By allowing for different phases and densities on each of the four sites of the elementary plaquette, more complex phase patterns are found.Comment: 11 pages; added references, minor changes in tex

    Finite-momentum Bose-Einstein condensates in shaken 2D square optical lattices

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    We consider ultracold bosons in a 2D square optical lattice described by the Bose-Hubbard model. In addition, an external time-dependent sinusoidal force is applied to the system, which shakes the lattice along one of the diagonals. The effect of the shaking is to renormalize the nearest-neighbor hopping coefficients, which can be arbitrarily reduced, can vanish, or can even change sign, depending on the shaking parameter. It is therefore necessary to account for higher-order hopping terms, which are renormalized differently by the shaking, and introduce anisotropy into the problem. We show that the competition between these different hopping terms leads to finite-momentum condensates, with a momentum that may be tuned via the strength of the shaking. We calculate the boundaries between the Mott-insulator and the different superfluid phases, and present the time-of-flight images expected to be observed experimentally. Our results open up new possibilities for the realization of bosonic analogs of the FFLO phase describing inhomogeneous superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Joint Deep Modeling of Users and Items Using Reviews for Recommendation

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    A large amount of information exists in reviews written by users. This source of information has been ignored by most of the current recommender systems while it can potentially alleviate the sparsity problem and improve the quality of recommendations. In this paper, we present a deep model to learn item properties and user behaviors jointly from review text. The proposed model, named Deep Cooperative Neural Networks (DeepCoNN), consists of two parallel neural networks coupled in the last layers. One of the networks focuses on learning user behaviors exploiting reviews written by the user, and the other one learns item properties from the reviews written for the item. A shared layer is introduced on the top to couple these two networks together. The shared layer enables latent factors learned for users and items to interact with each other in a manner similar to factorization machine techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that DeepCoNN significantly outperforms all baseline recommender systems on a variety of datasets.Comment: WSDM 201

    Are Dutch Skylarks partial migrants? Ring recovery data and radio-telemetry suggest local coexistence of contrasting migration strategies

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    In recent years, Skylarks Alauda arvensis have undergone dramatic population declines in many European countries. Evidence exists for deteriorating conditions during the breeding season, but little is known about the situation during the rest of the annual cycle. Here we use two approaches to test if the Dutch breeding population of Skylarks consists of resident and/or migratory individuals. First, we present an analysis of ring recoveries from the Dutch Ringing Centre "Vogeltrekstation". Out of 25 recoveries, 12 Skylarks were resident in winter, 10 migrated and three were classified as probable migrants. Resident birds were accompanied during winter by birds from northern and eastern Europe. Very limited natal and breeding dispersal recorded in the same dataset suggests that our results were not influenced by long dispersal distances. Next, we compared these results to a local radio-telemetry study in the northern Netherlands. During two different years we equipped a total of 27 Skylarks from a breeding population with radio-transmitters and followed them during the subsequent winter. Four birds were found to winter locally. Out of 23 individuals that we did not find in winter, 14 returned in the following breeding season to the study area, all with a working transmitter, suggesting that they wintered outside our study area. Two ring recoveries of birds from the same study population indeed showed migration to south-west Europe. Based on these two lines of evidence, we conclude local coexistence of a resident and a migrant strategy in Dutch Skylarks. The findings of our study are important for the planning of conservation efforts, as we can only protect this rapidly declining species when we know their behaviour and whereabouts throughout the entire annual cycle

    Three-dimensional single roughness element in a turbulent boundary layer, A

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    CER65-HT-VAS-73.October 1965.Includes bibliographical references (page 8).Prepared for U.S. Army Research Grant.Under grant DA-AMC-28-043-64-G-9

    Kinetic models of ion transport through a nanopore

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    Kinetic equations for the stationary state distribution function of ions moving through narrow pores are solved for a number of one-dimensional models of single ion transport. Ions move through pores of length LL, under the action of a constant external field and of a concentration gradient. The interaction of single ions with the confining pore surface and with water molecules inside the pore are modelled by a Fokker-Planck term in the kinetic equation, or by uncorrelated collisions with thermalizing centres distributed along the pore. The temporary binding of ions to polar residues lining the pore is modelled by stopping traps or energy barriers. Analytic expressions for the stationary ion current through the pore are derived for several versions of the model, as functions of key physical parameters. In all cases, saturation of the current at high fields is predicted. Such simple models, for which results are analytic, may prove useful in the study of the current/voltage relations of ion channels through membranes

    Pokrovsky-Talapov Model at finite temperature: a renormalization-group analysis

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    We calculate the finite-temperature shift of the critical wavevector QcQ_{c} of the Pokrovsky-Talapov model using a renormalization-group analysis. Separating the Hamiltonian into a part that is renormalized and one that is not, we obtain the flow equations for the stiffness and an arbitrary potential. We then specialize to the case of a cosine potential, and compare our results to well-known results for the sine-Gordon model, to which our model reduces in the limit of vanishing driving wavevector Q=0. Our results may be applied to describe the commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in several physical systems and allow for a more realistic comparison with experiments, which are always carried out at a finite temperature

    Electrostatics of ions inside the nanopores and trans-membrane channels

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    A model of a finite cylindrical ion channel through a phospholipid membrane of width LL separating two electrolyte reservoirs is studied. Analytical solution of the Poisson equation is obtained for an arbitrary distribution of ions inside the trans-membrane pore. The solution is asymptotically exact in the limit of large ionic strength of electrolyte on the two sides of membrane. However, even for physiological concentrations of electrolyte, the electrostatic barrier sizes found using the theory are in excellent agreement with the numerical solution of the Poisson equation. The analytical solution is used to calculate the electrostatic potential energy profiles for pores containing charged protein residues. Availability of a semi-exact interionic potential should greatly facilitate the study of ionic transport through nanopores and ion channels
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