17 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und Integration eines Hochratensputterprozesses für Blei-Zirkonat-Titanat-Dünnschichten

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    Compared to aluminium nitride and zinc oxide, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) has superior piezoelectric properties and is therefore of great interest in microsystems technology. This Paper describes the synthesis of functional piezoelectric PZR thin films using so-called gasflow sputtering (GFS) technique. In addition to other advantages, the GFS process features a very high deposition rate compared to conventional PZT sputter processes. For the characterization of deposited PZT films a series of analysis methods was applied to describe both the properties and the piezoelectric behavior demonstrating the potential of these PZT layers

    Handbau und Psychose

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    Gecorrigeerd via dispenserDiss. Freiburg I. Br.OPLADEN-RUG0