22 research outputs found

    Search for residual prostate cancer on pT0 radical prostatectomy after positive biopsy

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    Reported incidence of no residual prostate cancer (i.e. pathological stage pT0) on radical prostatectomy ranges from 0.07 to 4.2%. The incidence is higher after neoadjuvant endocrine treatment. The aim of this study was to search for residual cancer on radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens when an initial sampling failed to find the cancer in patients with positive biopsy. Our database of 1,328 consecutive patients whose biopsies and RP specimen were both examined at the Polytechnic University-United Hospitals of the Marche Region between March 1995 and June 2006 was reviewed. The radical prostatectomies were grossly completely sampled and examined with the whole mount technique. We identified eight patients (i.e. 0.6%; three untreated and five hormonally treated preoperatively, i.e. 0.3 and 0.8%, respectively, of the total number of RPs included in the study) with positive biopsy and with no residual cancer in the initial routine histological examination of the RP. The RP of this group of eight was subjected to additional sectioning and evaluation of the paraffin blocks of the prostatectomy, also after block-flipping, immunostaining with an antibody against CAM 5.2, p63, PSA, and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, and DNA specimen identity analysis. There were no cases with a false positive biopsy diagnosis, and cancer was not overlooked or missed in the initial routine histological examination of any of the 8 pT0 RPs. A minute focus of cancer (the diameter was always below 2.0 mm) was found on the additional sections in five. In particular, cancer was found after block-flipping in one of them. In an additional case, cancer was eventually discovered after immunostaining tissue sections for cytokeratin CAM 5.2, for p63 and PSA. In the remaining two cases (one untreated and the other hormonally treated), cancer was not found (0.15% of the 1,328 RPs included in the study); the review of the description of the macroscopic appearance of the RP and of its slides revealed that part of the peripheral zone corresponding to the site of the positive biopsy was missing, i.e. not removed from the patient at the time of the operation at least in one of the two. DNA specimen analysis confirmed the identity of the biopsy and prostatectomy in both. An extensive search for residual cancer reduces the number of pT0 RPs after a positive biopsy from 0.6 to 0.15%. It is recommended to have the needle biopsy reviewed, carefully look again at the radical prostatectomy, do deeper sections and then flip certain paraffin blocks. In addition, atypical foci should be stained for basal cell markers and often AMACR, especially in hormone-treated cases. If a block is missing part of the peripheral zone (capsular incision), this should be commented on. DNA analysis for tissue identity should be performed when the other steps have been taken without finding cancer

    Severe Intraperitoneal Haemorrhage following Suprapubic Catheter Insertion in a Patient Treated with Iloprost

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    Suprapubic catheter (SPC) insertion is a common urological procedure, performed both in the elective and emergency settings. The authors present an unusual case of severe intraperitoneal bleeding following the insertion of an SPC under direct vision, where the use of prostacyclin analogue may have been a contributing factor

    Primary Plasmacytoma of the Kidney

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    Primary renal plasmacytomas are an extremely rare clinical condition. Their management is particularly challenging due to the paucity of evidence, with only just over a dozen previously reported cases. We report a case of a primary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the kidney and performed a review of the literature. The case is presented as a learning point that it is imperative to keep plasmacytic tumours in mind and to include them in the differential diagnosis of anaplastic tumours, even in unusual locations, such as the kidney

    Gonadotropins and prostate cancer: revisited.

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    Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone are called gonadotropins, because they stimulate the gonads – in males the testes and in females the ovaries. They are not necessary for life, but are essential for reproduction. In addition, the association of these hormones with prostate cancer has been the interest of many researchers. Their detection in the human prostate has been investigated using different methods, including immunologic and RT-PCR techniques. In addition, the increasing evidence of paracrine/autocrine functions of the gonadotropic glycoprotein hormones, their allocation to the superfamily of cystine knot growth factors, and luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor gene expression in non-gonadal tissues led many researchers to investigate intraprostatic glycoprotein hormones and their receptor gene expression. We aim in this review to shed light on the physiology of the gonadotropins and their association with prostate cancer and highlight the future possibilities of their use as targets in treating this disease

    Medical and surgical management of priapism

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    Priapism is a pathological condition of penile erection that persists beyond, or is unrelated to, sexual stimulation. Pathologically and clinically, two subtypes are seen—the high flow (non‐ischaemic) variety and the low flow (ischaemic) priapism. The low flow type is more dangerous, as these patients are susceptible to greater complications and the long term recovery of erectile function is dependent on prompt and urgent intervention. Many of the causes of priapism are medical, including pharmacological agents, and as such, priapism should be considered as a medical and surgical emergency