37 research outputs found

    Efek Pemberian Bromelain Pada Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Nila Hitam (Oreochromis Niloticus Bleeker)

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    Budidaya ikan nila hitam (Oreochromis niloticus Bleeker) mempunyai prospek yang baik, karena mempunyai kemampuan beradaptasi yang baik. Dalam USAha budidaya memiliki beberapa kendala diantaranya, ketersediaan benih unggul dengan pertumbuhan yang cepat dan kemampuan pengendalian hama penyakit. Pertumbuhan akan terjadi apabila didukung dengan pakan yang memiliki nutrisi dan nilai kecernaan yang tinggi. Bromelain adalah enzim protease yang mempunyai sifat menghidrolisis protein dengan jalan memutuskan ikatan peptida dan menghasilkan protein yang lebih sederhana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian bromelain pada pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila hitam. Rancangan percoban yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan dengan dosis 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm, 400 ppm. Penelitian ini menggunakan wadah jaring dengan diameter 60 cm dan tinggi 90 cm. Bahan uji yang digunakan berupa benih ikan nila hitam berukuran 2-3 cm sebanyak 45 ekor perwadah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bromelain dengan dosis yang berbeda dalam pakan tidak memberi pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila hitam, namun pada setiap perlakuan memperlihatkan adanya pertumbuhan yang diukur dalam setiap minggunya.Kata kunci: Bromelain, Hidrolisis, Nila hitam, Pertumbuhan PENDAHULUANBudidaya ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) mempunyai prospek yang baik, dikarenakan mempunyai kemampuan beradaptasi yang baik diberbagai jenis air, tahan terhadap Perubahan lingkungan, tahan terhadap serangan penyakit, dan bersifat omnivora. Produksi ikan nila di Aceh mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Menurut Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan (2011) produksi ikan nila tahun 2009 berjumlah 32.389 ton dan mengalami kenaikan pada tahun 2010 menjadi 46.191 ton, serta pada tahun 2011 jumlah produksi juga mengalami peningkatan menjadi 48.440 ton.Pembenihan dan pembesaran ikan nila memiliki beberapa kendala diantaranya, kurangnya kesediaan benih unggul dengan pertumbuhan yang cepat dan pengendalian hama penyakit. Terjadinya pertumbuhan apabila adanya kelebihan energi setelah penggunaan untuk pemeliharaan tubuh, metabolisme, dan aktivitas. Pertumbuhan akan terjadi apabila didukung dengan pakan yang digunakan memiliki nutrisi dan nilai kecernaan yang tinggi

    A study on the development of a fishing shipyard in Peukan Bada District, Aceh Besar using fishbone analysis: A short comunnication

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    The People of Peukan Bada generally work as fishermen. The ships used by the Peukan Bada people are generally wooden material. The capture fisheries sector in the Peukan Bada area is currently still small in scale. This can be seen from the type of fishing gear used by ships operating in the waters of Peukan Bada. The problem is that the shipbuilding industry in Peukan Bada is currently not developing following the challenges faced. So it is necessary to develop a fishing boat yard in the area. The purpose of this research is to find out what meters need to be considered in the development process. The method of collecting data used in this study is the survey method. The survey that will be carried out is by directly observing the conditions and assessing factors related to fishing vessels, the data needed to support this research method is primary data. The primary data were obtained from direct observations of various activities carried out in the shipyard and the results of interviews obtained with workers in the shipyard. The data analysis used is Fishing Bone Analysis the result of this research is that this shipbuilding industry has developments that are still far from capacity, potential, needs, and the need for the development of land parameters, human resources, machinery, materials, methods or ways of working, shipping flows and production capacity.

    Penerapan Metode Buzz Group untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan (Ksp) di Kelas XI IPA SMA N 1 Rengat

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    Research on the application of metodh Buzz Group has been conducted to determine the increase in student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product (Ksp) in class XI Science SMAN 1 Rengat. Form of research is experimental research with pretest-posttest design.. The research was conducted on the even semester in academic year 2013/2014. The sample consisted of two classes, namely class XI IPA1 as the experimental class and the class as a class XI IPA2 controls randomly selected after tests of normality and homogeneity test. Experimental class is a class that is treated by applying a metodh of Buzz Group, while the control class was treated to a lecture. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained t > ttable ie 2,34 > 1,67, means that the application of metodh Buzz Group can improve student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product (Ksp) in class XI Science SMAN 1 Rengat. Large increase in the application of methods buzz group on the subject of solubility and solubility product in the experimental class is 8.13%

    The Use of Motode Preview Question Read State and Test (Pqrst) Can Improve Student Achievement on the Subject of Atomic Structure Class X IPA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to increase student achievement on the subject Atomic Structure in class X IPA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This research is a kind of experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. The samples of this research were the students of class X IPA 3 as the experimental class and students of class X IPA 4 as the control class. Experimental class is a class that is applied the use of Metode PQRST while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tarithmetic> ttable is 2,8284 > 1,67, means that the use of metode PQRST can improve student achievement on the subject of atomic structure class X IPA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru, increase learning of 11,2%

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Talking Stick untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Larutan Asam dan Basa di Kelas XI Negeri 2 Bantan

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    This research aims to increase student result of learning on the subject of alkalin acid solution in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Bantan. Form of research is experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, XI IPA2 as an experiment class and XI IPA1 as a control class randomly selected after tests of normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was given to applied Talking Stick while the control class was not. Data analysis technique is used t-test. Based on the results of final processing data use t-test formula obtained tcount>ttable is 2,503>1,67, it means that the applying of Talking Stick can improve student result of learning on the subject of alkalin acid solution in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Bantan. The improvement student result of learning on the subject of alkaline acid solution is 9,45%

    Literature review on shipyard productivity in Indonesia

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    The shipyard industry plays an important role in supporting fishing activities and efforts to fulfill animal protein for humans. It is an industry that has an orientation to produce a product in the form of a ship. There are two types of shipyards, which are offshore buildings and floating buildings - both are used to build new ships and repair old ships. Based on the level of technology used by the shipyard industry, it is divided into modern, traditional, and semi-modern shipyards. Its productivity can see the advantages and disadvantages of a shipyard to ensure this industry remains to exist. Several factors need to be taken into account to increase the shipyard productivity, including land or location, human resources, technology, and materials.Keywords:ProductivityShipyardTechnolog