52 research outputs found

    No relationship between baseline salivary alpha-amylase and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Score in drug-naïve patients with short-illness-duration first episode major depressive disorder : an exploratory study

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    Salivary ?-amylase (sAA) activity alternations are observed in major depressive disorder (MDD) being associated with depression severity and its specific psychopathological dimensions with anxiety being attributed to distress. No data is available on sAA in MDD according to Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The exploratory study examines whether and to what extent baseline sAA level is interrelated to the psychopathological features including severity of symptoms and specific psychopathological dimensions. The basal, non-stimulated sAA activity was studied in 20 non-late-life adult, treatment-naïve MDD patients with short-illness-duration and in 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls along with psychometric assessments with Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Significantly lower (p=0.011) sAA activity was observed in MDD as compared to controls. No significant correlations were observed between sAA activity and the total HAMD-17 score as well as with regard to the specific core depression, insomnia, anxiety and somatic HAM-D psychopathological dimensions. No significant correlations were also found between sAA and STAIX-1 and STAIX-2 scores. Low baseline sAA levels in MDD with no correlations between sAA and psychopathological features including severity of symptoms and specific psychopathological dimensions was found

    Premature Destruction of Microbubbles during Voiding Urosonography in Children and Possible Underlying Mechanisms: Post Hoc Analysis from the Prospective Study.

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    The aim of this study is to describe premature microbubbles destruction with contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (ce-VUS) in children using 2nd-generation ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) and to hypothesize about the reason. 141 children (61 females and 80 males) were included in the study, with mean age of 3.3 years (range 4 weeks-16.0 years), who underwent ce-VUS examination between 2011 and 2014. Premature destruction of the microbubbles in the urinary bladder during ce-VUS was observed in 11 children (7.8%). In all these cases the voiding phase of ce-VUS examination could not be performed because of destroyed UCA microbubbles. This was noted in anxious, crying infants and children with restricted voiding. The premature destruction of ultrasound contrast agent during ce-VUS is an underreported, important limitation of ce-VUS, which prevents evaluation of the voiding phase and the establishment of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR). This was particularly noted in crying infants and children

    The posterior communicating artery: morphometric study in 3D angio-computed tomography reconstruction. The proof of the mathematical definition of the hypoplasia

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the morphometry of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), on the basis of angio-computed tomography (CT), and to give proof of the mathematical definition of the term “hypopal sia of the PCoA“.Materials and methods: One hundred 3-dimensional (3D) angio-CT images, performed in adult patients with bilateral reconstruction of the PCoA (200 results) were used tocalculate the morphometry of the vessel.Results: The average length of the vessel on the right side was 14.48 ± 3.47 mm, andon the left side 14.98 ± 4.77 mm (in women 14.75 mm, in men 14.70 mm). The mean of the diameter at the “proximal” point (the junction with P1) on the right side was 1.49 ± 0.51 mm, and on the left 1.46 ± 0.47 mm (in women 1.44 mm and in men 1.51 mm). The mean of the diameter in the “distal” part (the connection with ICA) on the right side was 1.4 ± 0.49 mm, and on the left 1.37 ± 0.41 mm (in women 1.38 mm, and in men 1.39 mm). No statistical correlation between the length and the diameter of the PCoA in relation to the sex and side was shown. On the basis of our measurements, we defined the hypoplasia of the artery as the estimated value less than the average diameter minus the standard deviation. The percentage distribution was as follows: the left artery 15.5%, the right artery 24%, women 11.5%, and the men 9%. Similarly to the above parameters, we have not found any statistical differences. The presence of the foetal origin was noted in 25% of the radiological examinations. The infundibular widening was visualised in 11.5% of cases of 3D reconstructions. The agenesis of PCoA was found in 9% (never bilaterally), and in 1 case the unilateral duplication of the artery was observed. No statistical differences between those parameters in relation to sex and the examined side were revealed.Conclusions: Morphological calculation of the PCoA on the basis of angio-CT from adult patients did not show any statistical differences depending on sex or the investigated side. The presented method of the calculations proved to be useful for the mathematical definition of the term “hypoplasia of the PCoA”

    Morphometric evaluation of the delayed cerebral arteries response to acetazolamide test in patients with chronic carotid artery stenosis using computed tomography angiography

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    Background: The evidence accumulates that the response to acetazolamide test is delayed on the ipsilateral side to stenosis. However, the effect of acetazolamide beyond 30 min after acetazolamide administration remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the diameters of anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs), middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) and posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) before and 60 min after the acetazolamide test. Materials and methods: Seventeen patients with carotid artery stenosis ≥ 90% on the ipsilateral side and ≤ 50% on the contralateral side were enrolled into the study. Diagnosis was based on ultrasonography examination and was confirmed using digital subtractive angiography. In all patients, two computed tomography angiography examinations were carried out; the first was performed before the acetazolamide administration, while the second one was carried out 60 min after injections. Results: In response to the acetazolamide test: PCA diameter diminished in both ipsi- and contra-lateral side to stenosis (from 1.31 to 1.24 mm and from 1.23 to 1.15 mm, respectively), ACA and MCA decreased in the contralateral side to the stenosis (from 1.33 to 1.26 mm and from 2.75 to 2.66 mm, respectively), ACA and MCA increased in the ipsilateral side to the stenosis (from 1.29 to 1.46 mm and from 2.77 to 2.96 mm, respectively). All changes were statistically significant. Conclusions: There were significant differences in reactivity to acetazolamide challenge between the internal carotid artery (ICA) and vertebrobasilar circulation in patients suffering from chronic carotid artery stenosis. Within the ICA territory, ACA and MCA responses vary in the affected and not affected side.


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    Mood disorders are chronic disorders accompanied by cognitive impairment. They impair the adaptability and daily functioning of patients, also during remission and justify implementing pharmacological treatment and psychotherapeutic interactions in these patients to improve their quality of life. The recommended method for assessing the charcter of cognitive deficits in affective disorders is the BAC-A (Brief Assessment of Cognition In Affective Disorders) test battery. This scale is a short, simple instrument of the "paper-and-pencil test" type, based on the BAC (Brief Assessment of Cognition) inventory and the Short Scale for Assessment of Cognitive Functions in Schizophrenia (BAC-S). The BAC-A consists of eight subtests measuring: verbal memory and learning, affective control, working memory, motor functions, verbal fluency, executive functions. This paper presents the Polish version of the BAC-A along with instructions about its use and interpretation. The BAC-A scale is a method designed to monitor the cognitive functioning of people with mood disorders, enabling early detection of existing deficits to improve the effectiveness of the diagnostic and treatment process

    Intracranial region of the vertebral artery: morphometric study in the context of clinical usefulness

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the morphometry of the intracranial segment of the vertebral artery in the context of clinical usefulness. The results were compared with published data available in full-text archived medical journals. Materials and methods: More than 100 digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and 3-dimensional (3D) angio-computed tomography (CT) examinations were used to measure the following parameters: the whole and partial length of V4 in characteristic anatomical points, the diameter in three places (on the level of foramen magnum, in point of exit to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and in the vertebro-basilar junction), the angle of connection to the vertebral arteries, and all anatomical variations including fenestration, duplication, dolichoectasia or absent artery. Results: The left V4 section was predominant over the right artery, which is manifested by length, width, cases of ectasia and fewer cases of hypoplasia. The incidences of V4 ectasia were identified more often than those documented in the accessible literature, and they were found in the natural location of formation of saccular aneurysms. Conclusions: The presented knowledge of anatomical variation and abnormali­ties of vertebral circulation can improve the accuracy and “safety” of the surgical procedures in this region, help to determine the range of surgical approach and avoid associated complications. The radiological examinations using 3D CT, DSA reveal unlimited observation of anatomical structures in contrast to studies based on cadavers, and can complement the morphometry in anatomical preparations

    Teaching bioengineering using computer tools and methods used in electrics and bonds graphs

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    Proponowana w pracy koncepcja nauczania bioinżynierii skierowana jest do studentów kierunków technicznych, na których prowadzone są zajęcia z elektrotechniki i przedmiotów pokrewnych. Student na bazie zdobytej wiedzy i umiejętności może w sposób znany z elektrotechniki badać nieznane mu zjawiska hemodynamiczne, koncentrując się na fizyce zjawisk, a nie na metodzie ich analizy. Biologiczne pomoce naukowe, np. w postaci fragmentów układu krwionośnego, są drogie i ze względów prawno-etycznych dostępne jedynie przez wybrane ośrodki naukowe. W związku z tym badania symulacyjne bazujące na znanych i przetestowanych w analizie obwodów elektrycznych i grafach wiązań metodach oraz narzędziach informatycznych mogą stanowić funkcjonalny i stwarzający szerokie możliwości wykorzystania instrument dydaktyczny. Praca ta została wykonana w ramach projektu “Interdyscyplinarna kadra akademicka na rzecz rozwoju gospodarki opartej na wiedzy” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.The proposed concept of teaching bioengineering is addressed to students of technical faculties where electrotechnics and similar subjects are taught. On the basis of acquired knowledge and skills a student can study hemodynamic phenomena unknown to him in a manner known from electrical engineering. Therefore, students can focus on the physics phenomena and not on the method of their analysis. Teaching aids in the form of fragments of circulatory system are expensive and for of legal and ethical reasons available only through selected research centres. The simulation studies, computer tools and methods of the analysis of electric circuits and bond graph may be functional and potentially useful as educational tool. These tools are known and tested in the analysis of electrical circuits and bond graph. This work was financially supported by the European Community from the European Social Fund within the INTERKADRA project

    The use of the synthesis and analysis of the electrical circuits for determining the brain tissue vascular resistance

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    W pracy przedstawiono schemat obwodowy odwzorowujący przepływ krwi przez tkankę mózgową oraz metodę identyfikacji jego parametrów elektrycznych na podstawie rzeczywistych danych medycznych otrzymanych w wyniku zastosowania nieinwazyjnych procedur zabiegowych. Celem modelowania i identyfikacji jest usprawnienie diagnostyki patologii mózgowych o podłożu naczyniowym. Podczas identyfikacji uwzględniono średnie wartości regionalnego przeływu krwi (rCBF) i ciśnienia tętniczego (MAP), którym w schemacie obwodowym odpowiada stały prąd i napięcie. Dysponując jedynie stałym napięciem i prądem syntezowano obwód prądu stałego, w którym rezystancjom odpowiadają wypadkowe opory naczyniowe warstw skanowanej tkanki mózgowej. Praca została wykonana w ramach projektu „Interdyscyplinarna kadra akademicka na rzecz rozwoju gospodarki opartej na wiedzy” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.In this study, the results of computed tomography perfusion (p-CT) was used to create a model of blood flow through the brain tissue as a constant current circuit. The equivalent electric circuit of the blood flow has been developed on the basis of similarities between electrical engineering and haemodynamics. Created model allows us to determine the additional hemodynamic brain blood flow in the form of resistance. The resistances in circuit are corresponding to vascular resistance for the individual layers and the entire scanned area of the brain. The mathematical model that results from the electric circuit, allows the analysis of the relationship between the layers of p-CT. The purpose of the modeling of brain tissue using an electrical circuit and then the identification of his parameters is a need to improve the diagnosis of cerebral vascular pathology. This work was financially supported by the European Community from the European Social Fund within the INTERKADRA project