4,827 research outputs found

    Correlations in optically-controlled quantum emitters

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    We address the problem of optically controlling and quantifying the dissipative dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in a set-up of individual quantum emitters under external laser excitation. We show that both types of correlations, the former measured by the quantum discord, are present in the system's evolution even though the emitters may exhibit an early stage disentanglement. In the absence of external laser pumping,we demonstrate analytically, for a set of suitable initial states, that there is an entropy bound for which quantum discord and entanglement of the emitters are always greater than classical correlations, thus disproving an early conjecture that classical correlations are greater than quantum correlations. Furthermore, we show that quantum correlations can also be greater than classical correlations when the system is driven by a laser field. For scenarios where the emitters' quantum correlations are below their classical counterparts, an optimization of the evolution of the quantum correlations can be carried out by appropriately tailoring the amplitude of the laser field and the emitters' dipole-dipole interaction. We stress the importance of using the entanglement of formation, rather than the concurrence, as the entanglement measure, since the latter can grow beyond the total correlations and thus give incorrect results on the actual system's degree of entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, this version contains minor modifications; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Regulated star formation in forming disk galaxies under ultraviolet radiation background

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    We perform radiation hydrodynamics simulations on the evolution of galactic gas disks irradiated by ultraviolet radiation background. We find gas disks with N_H > 10^21 cm^-2 exposed to ultraviolet radiation at a level of I_21=1 can be self-shielded from photoheating, whereas the disk with N_H < 10^21 cm^-2 cannot. We also find that the unshielded disks keep smooth density distribution without any sign of fragmentation, while the self-shielded disks easily fragment into small pieces by self-gravity, possibly followed by star formation. The suppression of star formation in unshielded disks is different from photoevaporation effect, since the assumed dark halo potential is deep enough to keep the photoheated gas. Presence of such critical threshold column density would be one of the reason for the so-called down-sizing feature of present-day galaxies.Comment: 12pages, 10figures, ApJ accepte

    Canonical aspects of strangeness enhancement

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    Strangeness enhancement (SE) in heavy ion collisions can be understood in the statistical model on the basis of canonical suppression. In this formulation,SE is a consequence of the transition from canonical to the asymptotic grand canonical limit and is predicted to be a decreasing function of collision energy. This model predictions are consistent with the recent NA49 data on Λ\Lambda enhancement at plab=40,80,158p_{lab}=40, 80, 158 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of Quark Matter 2002 (Nantes, France

    Strange Particle Production in p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb Interactions from NA49

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    Recent NA49 results on Lambda, Antilambda, Xi- and Antixi+ production in minimum bias p+p and centrality selected p+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/c, and the results on Lambda, Antilambda, K+ and K- production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40, 80 and 158 A GeV are discussed and compared with other available data. By comparing the energy dependence of Lambda and Antilambda production at mid-rapidity a striking similarity is observed between p+p and A+A data. This is also seen in the energy dependence of the Lambda/pi ratio. K+/pi at mid-rapidity is affected in a similar way, due to the associated production of K+ together with Lambda particles. The observed yields increase faster than the number of wounded nucleons when comparing p+Pb to p+p. As already observed in A+A collisions, the increase is larger for multistrange than for strange baryons and for baryons than for anti-baryons.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, To appear in proceedings of Strange Quark in Matter 2001-A Flavourspace Odyssey, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 24-29. Sept. 200

    A study of random laser modes in disordered photonic crystals

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    We studied lasing modes in a disordered photonic crystal. The scaling of the lasing threshold with the system size depends on the strength of disorder. For sufficiently large size, the minimum of the lasing threshold occurs at some finite value of disorder strength. The highest random cavity quality factor was comparable to that of an intentionally introduced single defect. At the minimum, the lasing threshold showed a super-exponential decrease with the size of the system. We explain it through a migration of the lasing mode frequencies toward the photonic bandgap center, where the localization length takes the minimum value. Random lasers with exponentially low thresholds are predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Radiation Hydrodynamical Instabilities in Cosmological and Galactic Ionization Fronts

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    Ionization fronts, the sharp radiation fronts behind which H/He ionizing photons from massive stars and galaxies propagate through space, were ubiquitous in the universe from its earliest times. The cosmic dark ages ended with the formation of the first primeval stars and galaxies a few hundred Myr after the Big Bang. Numerical simulations suggest that stars in this era were very massive, 25 - 500 solar masses, with H II regions of up to 30,000 light-years in diameter. We present three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical calculations that reveal that the I-fronts of the first stars and galaxies were prone to violent instabilities, enhancing the escape of UV photons into the early intergalactic medium (IGM) and forming clumpy media in which supernovae later exploded. The enrichment of such clumps with metals by the first supernovae may have led to the prompt formation of a second generation of low-mass stars, profoundly transforming the nature of the first protogalaxies. Cosmological radiation hydrodynamics is unique because ionizing photons coupled strongly to both gas flows and primordial chemistry at early epochs, introducing a hierarchy of disparate characteristic timescales whose relative magnitudes can vary greatly throughout a given calculation. We describe the adaptive multistep integration scheme we have developed for the self-consistent transport of both cosmological and galactic ionization fronts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for proceedings of HEDLA2010, Caltech, March 15 - 18, 201

    Cortical Laminar Necrosis associated with Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome

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    Cortical laminar necrosis has been rarely observed in osmotic demyelination syndrome. We report a 32-year-old female patient who became comatose after the rapid correction of hyponatremia. There were high signal intensities in the pons and bilateral deep gray nuclei on T2-weighted MRI images, and linear hyperintensities along the cerebral cortices on T1-weighted images with a diffuse gyriform enhancement. MR spectroscopic findings showed a decrease of the N-acetyl aspartate peak and an increase in those of the lipid and lactate complex. The case demonstrates that a severe form of osmotic demyelination syndrome accompanying cortical laminar necrosis can result from the rapid correction of hyponatremia
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