29 research outputs found
The CRISPR/Cas9 system sheds new lights on the biology of protozoan parasites
The CRISPR/Cas9 system, a natural defence system of bacterial organisms, has recently been used to modify genomes of the most important protozoa parasites. Successful genome manipulations with the CRISPR/Cas9 system are changing the present view of genetics in parasitology. The application of this system offers a major chance to overcome the current restriction in culturing, maintaining and analysing protozoan parasites, and allows dynamic analysis of parasite genes functions, leading to a better understanding of pathogenesis. CRISPR/Cas9 system will have a significant influence on the process of developing novel drugs and treatment strategies against protozoa parasites
Comparison of DNA methods defined in UV-Vis spectrometry with a 2 mm and 10 mm light beam passing through the cuvette
Wi臋kszo艣膰 danych pochodz膮cych z pi艣miennictwa prezentuje rutynowo dwa parametry dotycz膮ce izolat贸w DNA, a mianowicie jego st臋偶enie oraz zanieczyszczenie bia艂kami. Bardzo wa偶nym parametrem cz臋sto pomijanym w doniesieniach naukowych jest zanieczyszczenie pr贸bek DNA odczynnikami do izolacji. Zanieczyszczenia te mog膮 hamowa膰 dzia艂anie polimerazy DNA i enzym贸w restrykcyjnych. W ocenie spektrofotometrycznej istotne znaczenie ma droga optyczna kuwety, poniewa偶 przy 10 mm nie zawsze mo偶liwy jest pomiar badanych parametr贸w DNA. Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie metod膮 spektroskopii UV-Vis parametr贸w DNA wyizolowanego za pomoc膮 dw贸ch komercyjnych zestaw贸w przy dw贸ch drogach przechodzenia wi膮zki 艣wiat艂a przez kuwet臋 (2 mm i 10 mm) oraz wzgl臋dem dw贸ch r贸偶nych pr贸b 艣lepych, tj. wody i buforu, w kt贸rym zosta艂o zawieszone DNA.Most of the data in this literature presents two parameters that routinely isolate DNA, namely its concentration and level of protein contamination. A very important factor that is often overlooked in scientific reports is contamination of DNA samples with isolation reagents. These impurities can inhibit the activity of a DNA polymerase and restriction enzymes. When assessed spectrophotometrically the optical path of the cuvette is of great importance, because at 10 mm, it is not always possible to measure the parameters of DNA. The aim of this study was to determine the method of UV-Vis spectroscopy parameters for the DNA isolate using two commercial kits on two paths passing a beam of light through a cuvette (2 mm and 10 mm) and the two different blind tests of water and a buffer in which the DNA was suspended
Inhibitory proteaz na powierzchni cia艂a pszcz贸艂 (Apis mellifera L.) w klatce i w ulu
The aim of the work was to determine the activity of protease inhibitors sampled from
the body surface of bee workers kept in a natural hive environment and in a cage. The samples
were collected for five weeks. 40 cage samples and 50 hive samples were gathered, each containing
10 bees. Hydrophilic (water-treated) and hydrophobic (Triton-rinsed) proteins were isolated
from the insects. The samples containing washed-out proteins were tested as follows: the
activity of aspartic and serine protease inhibitors by the Lee and Lin method; electrophoretic
analysis of proteins in a polyacrylamide gel for protease inhibitor detection by means of the modified
Felicioli method; and in vivo tests of antifungal and antibacterial activity using the double
application method. The cage environment had a destabilizing effect on the natural protease inhibitor
system causing radical variation in its activity, which was not the case with the hive environment.
The samples were not found to be active in relation to M. luteus and E. coli. The cage
bees were less resistant to microorganisms. The results of the in vivo microorganismal test confirmed
the fact of weaker protease inhibitor activity in the washed-out body-surface samples of
the cage bees that was also observed in in vitro biochemical analyses. The results of cage-based
analyses of non-specific apian resistance should be treated with caution when used in reference
to hive bees.Okre艣lono aktywno艣膰 inhibitor贸w proteaz wyizolowanych z powierzchni cia艂a robotnic
utrzymywanych w naturalnym 艣rodowisku ula oraz w klatce. Pr贸by pobierano przez pi臋膰
tygodni, pozyskuj膮c 40 pr贸b z klatek i 50 pr贸b z ula, w ka偶dej po 10 pszcz贸艂. Z owad贸w wyizolowano
bia艂ka hydrofilne (przy u偶yciu wody) oraz hydrofobowe (przy u偶yciu tritonu). Pr贸bki
z wyp艂ukanymi bia艂kami poddano nast臋puj膮cy moznaczeniom: aktywno艣膰 inhibitor贸w proteaz asparaginowych
i serynowych wg metody Lee i Lina; analiza elektroforetyczna bia艂ek w 偶elu poliakrylamidowym
do wykrywania inhibitor贸w proteaz wg zmodyfikowanej metody Felicioliego;
aktywno艣膰 przeciwgrzybowa i antybakteryjna w testach in vivo metod膮 p艂ytek dwuwarstwowych.
艢rodowisko klatki dzia艂a艂o destabilizuj膮co na system naturalnych inhibitor贸w proteaz wywo艂uj膮c
du偶e wahania ich aktywno艣ci, co nie zdarzy艂o si臋 w ulu. W pr贸bkach nie zaobserwowano aktywno艣ci
wobec M. luteus i E. coli. Pszczo艂y w klatce mia艂y s艂absz膮 oporno艣膰 przeciwko
mikroorganizmom. Wyniki testu z mikroorganizmami in vivo potwierdzi艂y s艂absz膮 aktywno艣膰
inhibitor贸w proteaz w pr贸bkach wyp艂ukanych z powierzchni cia艂 pszcz贸艂 w klatkach, wykazan膮
r贸wnie偶 w analizach biochemicznych in vitro. Uzyskane w klatkach wyniki bada艅 oporno艣ci nieswoistej
pszcz贸艂 nale偶y ostro偶nie odnosi膰 do pszcz贸艂 w ulu