124 research outputs found

    New concept of solar cycle

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    New data about solar g-modes and fast rotating core of the Sun (Fossat et al., 2017) allow us to assume that the generation of the solar magnetic field occurs not at the base of the convective zone, in tachocline, but much deeper — on the boundary of the solar core, with the period of revolution of 7 days, and the radiative transfer zone (the period of revolution is 27 days). At this level the radial gradient of the angular velocity of solar rotation is extremely large. The magnetic field generated there enters not in the turbulent medium of the convective zone, but in the hydrostatic zone of radiative transfer, which rotates solidly and does not deform the magnetic field. Thus, the magnetic field in this zone turns out to be a force free field. The axial symmetry and force free conditions uniquely determine the solution for the layered structure of the magnetic field in radiative zone. It has the form of concentric embedded layers, the successive output of which on the surface of the Sun draws the development of the solar cycle in all its details.Новые данные о солнечных g-модах и быстровращающемся ядре Солнца (Fossat et al., 2017) позволяют предположить, что генерация магнитного поля Солнца происходит не у основания конвективной зоны в тахоклине, а гораздо глубже на границе солнечного ядра, с периодом обращения семь дней, в то время как период обращения радиативной зоны составляет 27 дней. На этом уровне радиальный градиент угловой скорости вращения Солнца чрезвычайно велик. Генерируемое здесь магнитное поле входит в гидростатическую зону радиационного переноса, которая вращается твердотельно и не деформирует магнитное поле. Таким образом, магнитное поле в этой зоне становится бессиловым. Осевая симметрия и бессиловая природа поля однозначно определяют решение слоевой структуры магнитного поля в радиативной зоне. Оно имеет вид концентрических вложенных слоев, последовательный выход которых на поверхности Солнца описывает развитие солнечного цикла во всех его деталях.Работа поддержана РНФ (проект 15-12-20001)

    Additive decomposability of functions over abelian groups

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    Abelian groups are classified by the existence of certain additive decompositions of group-valued functions of several variables with arity gap 2.Comment: 17 page

    The Structure of the Solar Torches

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    The lecture gives a brief overview of the research of the properties of solar faculae. The available models of faculae and their difficulties are discussed. A new 3D analytical model of the steady facular knot, developed by the author in 2018 in the form of a magnetic “fountain” with numerous thin streams of the plasma mapping the magnetic structure of the facula, is presented.В лекции дается краткий обзор исследований свойств солнечных факелов. Обсуждаются имеющиеся модели факелов и их трудности. Излагается новая 3-мерная аналитическая модель факельного узла, разработанная автором в 2018 г. в виде магнитного «фонтана» со множеством тонких струек стационарных течений плазмы, отражающих магнитную структуру факела.Работа поддержана грантом РФФИ № 18-02-00168

    Baikal-GVD: status and prospects

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    Baikal-GVD is a next generation, kilometer-scale neutrino telescope under construction in Lake Baikal. It is designed to detect astrophysical neutrino fluxes at energies from a few TeV up to 100 PeV. GVD is formed by multi-megaton subarrays (clusters). The array construction started in 2015 by deployment of a reduced-size demonstration cluster named "Dubna". The first cluster in its baseline configuration was deployed in 2016, the second in 2017 and the third in 2018. The full scale GVD will be an array of ~10000 light sensors with an instrumented volume of about 2 cubic km. The first phase (GVD-1) is planned to be completed by 2020-2021. It will comprise 8 clusters with 2304 light sensors in total. We describe the design of Baikal-GVD and present selected results obtained in 2015-2017.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Conference proceedings for QUARKS201

    First- principle calculations of magnetic interactions in correlated systems

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    We present a novel approach to calculate the effective exchange interaction parameters based on the realistic electronic structure of correlated magnetic crystals in local approach with the frequency dependent self energy. The analog of ``local force theorem'' in the density functional theory is proven for highly correlated systems. The expressions for effective exchange parameters, Dzialoshinskii- Moriya interaction, and magnetic anisotropy are derived. The first-principle calculations of magnetic excitation spectrum for ferromagnetic iron, with the local correlation effects from the numerically exact QMC-scheme is presented.Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    A study of the centrally produced baryon-antibaryon systems in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c

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    A study of the centrally produced ppbar, ppbarpi, ppbarpipi and lambda lambda channels has been performed in pp collisions using an incident beam momentum of 450 GeV/c. No significant new structures are observed in the mass spectra, however, important new information on the production dynamics is obtained. A systematic study of the production properties of these systems has been performed and it is found that these systems are not produced dominantly by double Pomeron exchange.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 4 Figure