29 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Levels of Select Minerals in Scalp Hair Samples with Estimated Dietary Intakes of These Minerals in Women of Reproductive Age

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate daily intake of minerals and concentrations of minerals in hair in women of reproductive age. The study included 77 menstruating women, aged 35.9 ± 9.7 years. Subjects were divided into three groups according to age. All women were healthy. Hair samples were taken from several points of the occipital scalp. The content of minerals in hair samples was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Dietary intake of the analysed minerals was assayed on the basis of dietary intake interviews from three preceding days and evaluated using the dietetic computer programme. It was shown that calcium and iron daily intake by the women was below the recommended value. Only few women had low concentrations (below reference values) of magnesium, copper and zinc in hair. Statistically significant differences were shown between age groups. Generally, the concentrations of minerals in hair in the younger (19–30 years) and the older women (41–50 years) were higher than in hair of middle-aged women (31–40 years). The content of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc in daily diets of women correlated inversely with copper level in their hair. Food products with good bioavailability of iron and calcium should be recommended for women of childbearing age in all age groups

    Zawartosc skladnikow mineralnych w racjach pokarmowych wybranych grup mieszkancow Olsztyna

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    The concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese in human food rations has been determined. The whole-day food rations (CRP) from a hospital and an orphanage, rations without supper (RP) from a creche and a kindergarten and dinner-only food rations (RO) from school and university canteens were analysed. The material was sampled two times for 5 days in spring and autumn 1991. Insufficient magnesium supply and considerable deficiency of iron, copper and zinc have been stated in the CRPs and RPs. The correct proportion of sodium to potassium was found in the hospital CRPs only. The meals prepared for children were characterised by very high sodium content

    Radioactive caesium content in selected food products.Part I.Radioactive caesium content in dried milk[1987-1988]

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    W pełnym i odtłuszczonym mleku w proszku wyprodukowanym w okresie jesiennym 1987 i zimowym 1988 w wybranych zakładach mleczarskich z terenu całego kraju oznaczano zawartość radiocezu; stwierdzono poziom zróżnicowany i wyższy w porównaniu do danych sprzed 1986 roku.The content of radioactive ceasium in dried and dried skimmed milk from selected daires was double determined. The highest content was found in samples from milk from OSM Siedlce (98 Bq/kg) and skimmed milk from Radzyń Podlaski and Ostrołęka, (the former 90, the latter 62 Bq/kg). The lowest level of radioactive caesium was obserwed in samples from dried milk from Sieradz, Słupsk, Września, Olecko and Elbląg (about or below 10 Bq/kg). Although those levels of contamination with radioceasium didn't exceed values recommended by FAO they were determined as high for year 1987/88 as compared milk datas from previous 1985 year

    Bioaccumulation of minerals in muscle tissue of rainbow trout in dependence on breeding conditions

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    Chów pstrąga wymaga szczegółowej wiedzy dotyczącej warunków produkcji oraz czynników chemicznych i biologicznych obecnych w środowisku. Zarówno opłacalność produkcji, jak i wpływ systemu produkcyjnego na środowisko przyrodnicze powinny być uwzględnione przy wyborze optymalnej technologii gospodarowania wodą w chowie pstrąga. W krajach o ograniczonych zasobach wodnych, do których należy Polska, wskazana jest oszczędność wody, co prowadzi do doskonalenia metod produkcji rybackiej o zmniejszonym zużyciu wody. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu jakości wody oraz technologii chowu pstrąga na biokoncentrację wapnia, magnezu, sodu i potasu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2010 i 2011. Do badań wytypowano 2 gospodarstwa pstrągowe (województwo pomorskie). W pierwszym gospodarstwie stosowano system z jednokrotnym przepływem wody, a w drugim obiekcie - system recyrkulacji wody. Stwierdzono, że wody zastosowane w obiektach hodowlanych spełniały wymagania dla wód śródlądowych odpowiednich do hodowli ryb łososiowatych. W badanych obiektach technologia chowu wpływała istotnie na biokoncentrację magnezu, sodu i potasu w wodzie, natomiast nie miała wpływu na bioakumulację metali w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga. Jakość wody wpływała na bioakumulację metali w mięśniach pstrąga.Breeding of rainbow trout needs detailed knowledge on production conditions and chemical and biological parameters of the environment. Both profitability of production and influence of production system on nature should be considered during selection the optimal water management in trout breeding technology. In countries of limited water resources, including Poland, water saving is suggested what leads to improving the methods of fishing production of decreased water consumption. The aim of the water was to assess the influence of water quality and type of breeding technology on bioaccumulation of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in meat muscle of rainbow trout. Research was performed in 2010 and 2011. Two trout farms were selected for the experiment (in pomorskie voivodeship). In one farm system of through-flow of water was applied and in the other - water recirculation. It has been found that water used in both farms for fish breeding fulfilled Polish legal demands for inland waters suitable for salmonids breeding. Type of breeding technology significantly influenced concentration of magnesium, sodium and potassium in water, and had no influence on bioaccumulation of the metals in muscle tissue. Content of the metals in muscle tissue significantly depended on water quality

    Biomass as a Renewable Source of Energy

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    In this paper state of art on known and potential biomass sources is reviewed. The review will consider energy dedicated crops and waste types that are already applied for clean energy purposes as well as potential ones. The resources can be applied for biofuels, bioethanol, methane, hydrogen production by means of various processes (methane fermentation, pyrolysys etc). The environmental and economical benefits of biomass application as a renewable energy source are also described

    Influence of farming technology on bioaccumulation of calcium, magnesium and sodium in muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) / Wpływ technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)

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    Polska należy do krajów o ograniczonych zasobach wodnych, w których wskazana jest oszczędność wody m.in. poprzez doskonalenie metod produkcji rybackiej o zmniejszonym zużyciu wody. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu jakości wody oraz technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego. Badania przeprowadzono wiosną i jesienią 2011 roku w 2 gospodarstwach pstrągowych z województwa pomorskiego stosujących odmienne technologie chowu: z jednokrotnym przepływem wody oraz z systemem recyrkulacji wody. W badanych obiektach technologia chowu miała istotny wpływ na stężenie magnezu i sodu w wodach odpadowych, natomiast nie miała wpływu na zawartość badanych metali w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczoweg

    Sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment

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    The economic, environmental and social development should not degrade the environment but it should leave it for the next generations in the state that it is presently or even better. The principle of sustainable agriculture is to cover the human needs for food without damage to the environment. The aim of the article was to research the farmers’ awareness of the principle of sustainable agriculture and balanced fertilization and their influence on the environment. Among 100 farmers of the Tczew district (Poland) there was done questionnaire research on the determination rates of nitrogen fertilizers and on the regulation of fertilizers usage in Poland. Most of farmers declared a good knowledge of good agricultural practices and of balanced fertilization and the awareness of threats issuing from their activities. At the same time in Poland since the announcement of the Nitrate Directive of the former European Common Market (1992) up till now (2013) the application of nitrogen fertilizers doubled and the yield of wheat increased only by 15%, which means the increase of environmental burden with this chemical element

    Environmental factors influence milling and physical properties and flour size distribution of organic spelt wheat

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    Spelt grain harvested at four organic farms in Poland were assessed for physical and milling properties and flour size distribution. The spelt grain was diversified in relation to the majority of tested milling quality parameters. The environmental conditions had a significant impact on thousand kernel weight, vitreousness, PSI, kernel ash content, specific energy of milling and the particle size distribution of flour. The values of specific energy of milling, coefficient of grinding efficiency, rupture force and rupture energy in the spelt from the organic farms were significantly lower than common wheat. The highest spelt flour yield was obtained of kernels cultivated on ecological farm with semi-coherent and very dry soil was similar to that of common wheat; the milling yield of the spelt originating from other farms was by 9.5% to 12.7% less than from the wheat one. The greatest differences in PSD between the tested flours were detected for the values over 40 μm. The content of this fraction was determined in the range of app. 1% to almost 4.5%; the flour from common wheat contained app. 2.8% of this fraction