135 research outputs found

    Atraksi Wisata Religi di Masjid Syahbuddin Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

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    This study aimed to investigated religious tourist attraction. Which is a tourist attraction the attractiveness of an attraction so that the tourist interested in visiting the tourist attraction and Also to determine the Syahhabuddin mosque tourist activities in Siak district of Riau province. This study used descriptive qualitative method which describe situation in accordance with the event, the sourcer is the head daily Syahhabuddin mosque and Disparpora Siak district. This study used descriptive qualitative method which describe situation in accordance with the event, the sourcer is the head daily Syahhabuddin mosque and Disparpora Siak district. The result of this study are Syahhabuddin mosque religious tourist attraction showed the historical mosque, the unique architecture , and the adjacent mosque location to the river and Sultan Syarif Khasim II tombs. While the tourist activities in Syahhabuddin mosque itself are prayer, pilgrimage while enjoying the beauty of the Siak river view and following recitation. The result of this study are Syahhabuddin mosque religious tourist attraction showed the historical mosque, the unique architecture , and the adjacent mosque location to the river and Sultan Syarif Khasim II tombs. While the tourist activities in Syahhabuddin mosque itself are prayer, pilgrimage while enjoying the beauty of the Siak river view and following recitation. The study expected to increase knowledge about Syahbuddin mosque as religious tourist attraction, and as consideration for the Syahhabuddin mosque tourism to increase the tourists number enjoyed it. The study expected to increase knowledge about Syahbuddin mosque as religious tourist attraction, and as consideration for the Syahhabuddin mosque tourism to increase the tourists number enjoyed it. Keyword : Religious tourist attraction , Syahhabuddin mosque Keyword : Religious tourist attraction , Syahhabuddin mosqu

    Masjid Besar Kauman Semarang : sebuah Kajian Gaya Arsitektur dan Ornamen

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    Masjid Besar Kauman Semarang which is simply called as Masjid Besar Kauman is an ancient mosque in Central Java which has various characteristics: Javanese,Persian and Arabian.Considering the model of the roof, the mosque exposesits Javanese characteristics; even its triple overlapping roof with the mustaka on the top reminds us to the Masjid Agung Demak. On the other hand, looking at its gate the mosque belongs to Persian and Arabian characteristics. The mosque which was founded by Kyai Adipati Surodimenggolo II is a series of historical development of the mosque in Semarang. In a short time, unfortunately, the mosque was on fire. In 23 April 1889 the mosque was rebuilt by G.I. Blume and Raden Tumenggung Cokrodipuro and by 23 November 1890 the rebuilding of the mosque completely finished. Suchinformation can be seen in the inscription on the sculpture at the mosque gate

    Kidung Rumeksa Ing Wengi (Studi Tentang Naskah Klasik Bemuansa Islam)

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    Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi (precaution at night) is a songcomposed by Sunan Kalijaga. He is one of Walisongo, Islamicmissioner in Java. He is well known because of his skills and wisdomin propagating Islam with its source in Al 'Quran and Al-Hadist bytransforming it into Javanese community through various missionarymedium. One of them is his teaching in Javanese prayers (charms).Prayers in Javanese are often in form of songs or charmssince it is believed has magical power for those who practice it. Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi, this charm is also known as "MantraWedha ". So it called because it could attract magical powers toprotect and cure (Chodjim, 2003: 15).Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi contains theologicalphilosophic message in Dandhang Gula form that consists of nine verses along with performing asceticism and its pragmatic functionspecifically could protect the doer, especially at night. The first jiveverses must be performed at night and the rest four show how toperformance them. Spelling this charm will be protected from theevil spirit, devil, and black magic such as: fortune telling and otherbad-intention people, and could be cured from all diseases

    Perancangan Dan Analisis Pemilihan Jenis Penggerak Mula Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Mikrohidro

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    Topik yang menjadi pembahasan penelitian ini adalah memilih jenis turbin, dengan potensi ketinggian effektif 12 m, kecepatan spesifik 500 rpm dan debit aliran minimum 0.283m³/s dimaksudkan untuk dapat meningkatkan daya listrik yang diperoleh efisiensi maksimalnya. Perhitungan dilakukan pada kecepatan spesifik sehingga didapat jenis turbin air tipe crossflow (aliranSilang) melalui perancangan dan mendapatkan jenis sesuai maka dilakukan analisis jenis penggerak mula pembangkit listrik tenaga air. Dari data sumber energi yang tersedia perhitungan segitiga kecepatan pada aliran masuk dan keluar turbin digunakan untuk mendapatkan gaya, torsi dan daya maksimal pada suatu turbi

    Pengaruh Indeks Saham STI, Taiex, Kospi, Hangseng terhadap Pergerakan Indeks Saham Gabungan pada Bei

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    Along with market development and demand to be more increase efficiency with competitiveness at regional area. Worldwide economy globalization pushes market dynamics and International finance industrial. is price index pacific asia bations stock exchange share (Singapore, Taiwan, korean, hongkong) influential towards movement ihsg in Indonesia effect exchange? Analysis model regression multivariable is used to detect Asia Pacific price index influence towards movement IHSG partially and simultaneous. partially pacific asia bations stock exchange share price index (sti, hanseng, kospi) influential towards IHSG according to significant. index Taiex variable influential not significant towards movement IHSG. simultaneously Asia Pacific bations stock exchange share price index variable (sti, taiex, hanseng, kospi) influential towards IHSG

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Menentukan Penerimaan Beasiswa pada Sdn Pandanwangi 02 Menggunakan Fuzzy C–means Clustering

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    Many poor children drop out of school because they do not have money. Because of the number of children who dropped of school, creating intelligent life, peaceful, open and democratic will not be realized.That poor children be able to go to school need scholarships. To get a scholarship, the student must meet certain criteria that will be used to determine whether the student is deserving of a scholarship or not. The criteria sets are grade report, parent income, number of relativesfrom parents, water bill and electricity bill. Those criterias are requied for Decision Support System (DSS) to take into account all the criteria in order to assist, accelerate and simplify the decision making process

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Penentuan Reward Bagi Mitra Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) (Studi Kasus : PT. Telkom Akses)

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    In the development of the world of work, a reward is an important factor to improve the quality of human resources as well as an appreciation for those with enhancement. Therefore, a company should be careful in performing its assessment. Thus, a decision support system application is required to assist a company in performing the assessment process. Accordingly, the decision-making process uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. Results of the system functionality can run 100% well and as needed, and the result of the system accuracy test are 100%. This indicates that a decision support system can function properly with the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. Keywords: Reward, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Decision Support Syste
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