53 research outputs found

    Topology Discovery Using an Address Prefix Based Stopping Rule

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    peer reviewedRecently, a first step towards a highly distributed IP-level topology dis- covery tool has been made with the introduction of the Doubletree al- gorithm. Doubletree is an efficient cooperative algorithm that allows the discovery of a large portion of nodes and links in the network while strongly reducing probing redundancy on nodes and destinations as well as the amount of probes sent. In this paper, we propose to reduce more strongly the load on destinations and, more essentially, the communica- tion cost required for the cooperation by introducing a probing stopping rule based on CIDR address prefixes

    The admissibility of the compulsory gathering of biological material of the defendant as a means of obtaining evidence in Portugal and Brazil

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Direito apresentada à Faculdade de DireitoA colheita compulsória de material biológico do arguido como meio de obtenção de prova envolve um conflito de finalidades do processo penal, têm-se por um lado a realização da justiça e a descoberta de verdade pelo Estado e, do outro, a proteção perante o Estado dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas. Esta dissertação busca analisar o confronto principiológico, tanto no cenário português, quanto no brasileiro, tendo como base teórica a jurisprudência e a doutrina, para concluir se é admissível a determinação coativa do referido exame. No primeiro capítulo do desenvolvimento são traçados conceitos básicos sobre a prova no processo penal e sobre a prova baseada no ADN. No segundo, por sua vez, é analisado o conflito de finalidades envolvido na colheita compulsória sob o aspecto doutrinário, com ênfase na dignidade da pessoa humana, no direito à integridade pessoal, à reserva da intimidade da vida privada, à autodeterminação informacional e à não autoincriminação. Já no terceiro, são estudados alguns dos principais acórdãos dos tribunais portugueses e brasileiros que tratam da temática. Por fim, considerando todos os pontos abordados, é avaliada a admissibilidade da colheita compulsória em Portugal e no Brasil. Conclui-se que há previsão legal suficiente e específica em Portugal, mas não no Brasil. Deve, ainda, ser analisada no caso concreto se é proporcional e necessária a determinação judicial da colheita compulsória, para avaliar-se a legitimidade da restrição de direitos fundamentais do arguido.The compulsory gathering of biological material from the defendant as a means of obtaining evidence involves a conflict of purposes of Criminal Procedure Law, on the one hand there is accomplishment of Justice and the discovery of truth by the State and, on the other, the protection of the fundamental rights of people. This dissertation aims to analyze this principiological confrontation, both in Portuguese, and Brazilian settings, based on jurisprudence and theoretical doctrine, to conclude whether it is permissible the determination of the aforementioned gathering. In the first chapter of development, basic concepts about the gathering of evidence in criminal cases as well as of DNA based evidence are outlined. In the second, the conflict of purposes involved in compulsory gathering is analyzed under the doctrinal aspect, emphasizing on the dignity of the human person, the rights to personal integrity, privacy of private life, informational self-determination and non-self-incrimination. In the third, some of the key rulings of the Portuguese and Brazilian courts which discussed the aforesaid subject are reviewed. Ultimately, considering all the points addressed, the admissibility of compulsory gathering in Portugal and Brazil is evaluated. It is concluded that there is sufficient and specific legal provision in Portugal, but not in Brazil. It should also be examined in the specific case whether the judicial determination of the compulsory gathering is proportional and necessary, in order to assess the legitimacy of the restriction of the defendant's fundamental rights


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    Editor's Note: This is an edited transcription of the general session of the January 1998 Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations 3rd Biennial Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand. Copyright 1998 Western Economic Association International.