45 research outputs found

    Used cooking oil as a source for biodiesel blend

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    With the depleted world petroleum reserves and increase demand for oil as a fuel, it has become imperative to investigate the possibility of using non-fossil fuel as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. Therefore, this paper describes the experimental investigation on possibility of producing biodiesel from used cooking oil and their properties, characteristics and performance as a blended biodiesel for diesel engine at constant speed. Properties analysis of biodiesel from used cooking oil in accordance to the ASTM D6751 specification showed that it fulfilled the requirements of a biodiesel fuel specification. Comparison also conducted between the ordinary diesel as a standard fuel and several set of blended biodiesel range from I% to 5% volume of biodiesel. The properties of blended biodiesel were not much different to the properties of conventional diesel fuel except the density and specific gravity. The density of diesel is 0.8358 gm/cc and the biodiesel is 0.8723 gm/cc. For blended biodiesel, it's slightly increased from 0.8363 gm/cc for I% to 0.8385 gm/cc for 5%. The results from Detroit Deisel Engine performance test showed that the blending fuel sample produced almost the same performance characteristics as compared to conventional diesel. As a result, blended biodiesel with used cooking oil is suitable to be used up to 5% as a fuel for diesel engine at constant speed and gives the same engine performances as conventional diesel fue

    Effect of Interphase Region and Neighboring Particles on Electric Field Intensity within Nanocomposite Systems

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    Recent works show that the presence of the interphase surrounding nanoparticles can improve the dielectric properties of nanocomposites. Also, neighboring particles in the nanocomposites affect the electric field distribution. Therefore, the objective of this paper to model and analyze the effect of onedimensional (1D) nanofillers towards the electric field distribution when the interphase and neighboring are taken into account inside the nanocomposite system. By using Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) 4.2 software, a model of nanocomposites system consists of polymer matrix, nanoparticle filler with interphase and neighboring particles is modeled under the electrostatic problem module. Electric field intensity is observed with different distance between adjacent nanoparticles and interphase region permittivity values. The result obtained show that the presence of the interphase with various permittivity value will result in distorted electric field intensity surrounding a nanoparticle. Furthermore, the electric field intensity also affected when adjacent nanoparticles displaced between each other within nanocomposites

    Distribution Voltage in DC Micro-grid System based Solar PV Topologies Configuration in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    In the past few decade, longhouse communities in the rural area of Sarawak has been experienced the limitation of electricity supplies. Due to geographic of Sarawak, supply electricity to these rural areas from utility grid through transmission lines also will only results in many losses, the initiation of utilize solar as prime sources is favourable solution. The implementation of DC microgrid system for this area will achieved, as the solar PV system is a DC source to generate electrical supply for appliances in longhouse communities. However, the tropical climate and geographical in Sarawak such as the inconsistent solar radiation, changing temperatures, high humidity and heavy rainfall will be the main restrain to implement solar DC microgrid system. Thus, this paper proposes a comprehensive study about the voltage distribution of DC microgrid configuration in order to investigate system the reliability and efficiency. The configuration of DC micro-grid model has been designed using MATLAB Simulink and an experimental presenting the Simulink also has been developed for validation purposes. The obtained simulation and experimental results confirm that the proposed configuration of the ring system with multiple-sources is more reliable and efficient than radial system with multiple-source configuration in terms of DC voltage distribution at different buses. Thus, the proposed configuration is more reliable according to voltage distribution at each buses

    A feasibility study of low-power laser trepanning drilling of composite using modified DVD writer

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    In the present study, laser cutting of cotton fiber composite laminate is experimented using a modified DVD writer drive. A 250 mW diode laser is initially extracted from a DVD writer drive, and then regulated by a custom-made laser driver circuit designed using a Proteus® software. Experimental tests are carried out using multi-pass laser trepanning drilling at different drilling speeds and standoff distances (SODs). The cut quality is evaluated by measuring the extent of both oxide and resolidified resin regions. It was discovered high speed of trepanning drilling and positive SOD significantly improve cutting region quality. Furthermore, positive and negative SODs require relatively high number of passes at different drilling speeds. From SEM micrographs, it is found out that the crack formation and fiber protruding happen in thedrilling area due to thermal stresses and matrix vaporization

    Оценка инновационной деятельности медицинских учреждений Казахстана

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    The article considers main tendencies of development of health of the Republic, the analysis of innovative activity of Kazakhstan medicine. The article reveals the essence and necessity of introduction of innovative technologies, which in modern conditions is one of the priority factors of organizational culture change. The ever-changing conditions in the world lead to the emergence of new health professions and, according, is not only innovative approaches to education and competencies of professionals, but also to diversify the existing medical staff, who will be able to solve the burning problems faced by medical institutions.У статті розглянуто основні тенденції розвитку охорони здоров'я в Республіці, здійснено аналіз інноваційної діяльності в медицині Казахстану. Розкрито сутність та необхідність впровадження інноваційних технологій, що в сучасних умовах є одним із пріоритетних напрямів зміни організаційної культури. Визначено, що умови сьогодення призводять до появи нових медичних професій, що дозволяє диверсифікувати медичний персонал та спрямувати його на вирішення актуальних проблем медичних установ.В статье рассмотрены основные тенденции развития здравоохранения в Республике, осуществлен анализ инновационной деятельности в медицине Казахстана. Раскрыта сущность и необходимость внедрения инновационных технологий, что в современных условиях является одним из приоритетных направлений изменения организационной культуры. Определено, что условия настоящего приводят к появлению новых медицинских профессий, что позволяет диверсифицировать медицинский персонал и направить его на решение актуальных проблем медицинских учреждений

    Оценка инновационной деятельности медицинских учреждений Казахстана

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    The article considers main tendencies of development of health of the Republic, the analysis of innovative activity of Kazakhstan medicine. The article reveals the essence and necessity of introduction of innovative technologies, which in modern conditions is one of the priority factors of organizational culture change. The ever-changing conditions in the world lead to the emergence of new health professions and, according, is not only innovative approaches to education and competencies of professionals, but also to diversify the existing medical staff, who will be able to solve the burning problems faced by medical institutions.У статті розглянуто основні тенденції розвитку охорони здоров'я в Республіці, здійснено аналіз інноваційної діяльності в медицині Казахстану. Розкрито сутність та необхідність впровадження інноваційних технологій, що в сучасних умовах є одним із пріоритетних напрямів зміни організаційної культури. Визначено, що умови сьогодення призводять до появи нових медичних професій, що дозволяє диверсифікувати медичний персонал та спрямувати його на вирішення актуальних проблем медичних установ.В статье рассмотрены основные тенденции развития здравоохранения в Республике, осуществлен анализ инновационной деятельности в медицине Казахстана. Раскрыта сущность и необходимость внедрения инновационных технологий, что в современных условиях является одним из приоритетных направлений изменения организационной культуры. Определено, что условия настоящего приводят к появлению новых медицинских профессий, что позволяет диверсифицировать медицинский персонал и направить его на решение актуальных проблем медицинских учреждений


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    Introduction: Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a matrix factorization method for data dimension reduction. ICA has been widely applied for the analysis of transcriptomic data for blind separation of biological, environmental and technical factors affecting gene expression. This study aimed to analyze cancer data using the ICA for identification and comprehensive analysis of reproducible signaling pathways and molecular signatures in cancer. Materials and Methods: In this study, four independent cancer transcriptomic datasets GSE26886, GSE69925, GSE32701and GSE21293 (Affymetrix) from GEO databases were used. R Bioconductor and Matlab have been used for normalization. A bioinformatics tool «BiODICA - Independent Component Analysis of Big Omics Data» was applied to compute independent components (ICs). Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and ToppGene uncovered the most significantly enriched pathways. Construction and visualization of gene networks and graphs were performed using the OFTEN method, Cytoscape and HPRD database. Results: The correlation graph between decompositions into 30 ICs was built with absolute correlation values exceeding 0.15. Clusters of components - pseudocliques were observed in the structure of the correlation graph. Top 500 most contributing genes of each ICs in pseudocliques were mapped to the PPI network to construct signaling pathways for gene interaction. Some cliques were composed of densely interconnected nodes and included components common to most cancer types, while others were common to some of them. Conclusion: The results of this investigation may reveal potential biomarkers of carcinogenesis, functional subsystems in the tumor cells, and helpful in predicting the early development of a tumor


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    Introduction: One whole human genome, provided by next generation sequencing platforms, in raw format takes 20 to 50 GB. In the course of bioinformatics analysis and data analysis, the data volume increases to 300-500 GB per genome. with an increase in the number of samples, the occupied volume increases. Such a large amount of data required for the analysis of whole genomes demands powerful computing power in the form of servers and data warehouses combined into clusters. We at Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology have developed and launched Q-Symphony bioinformatics computing system called (“Qazaq Symphony of Bioinformatics”) for bioinformatics analyses of solving large scale genomic datasets. Materials and methods: The Q-Symphony bioinformatics computing system consists 12high-performance HPE servers: 1control node, 8 compute nodes, 1fat-memory compute node, and 2storage nodes. The system runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The management node controls access to user profiles, data warehouse and Moab Workload Manager. The total number of processing cores is 172, the total amount of RAM is 3072GB, and the total storage capacity is 198 TB, a peak performance of the system of 7.3 TFlops. All nodes use high-speed Infiniband network connections, which allow the data exchange between nodes at 100 Gbps speed. The computational capabilities of the Q-symphony system allow us to evenly distribute resources for each task performed, monitor the load on processor and memory resources in real time, and queue and execute sequentially large lists of tasks. Results: Benchmark measurements performed on Q-symphony system showed an increase of subtasks execution from 15 to 54 times compared to standard solutions built on similar computational processors. Conclusion: The presence of Q-Symphony, well-established and proven bioinformatics methods will make it possible to successfully analyze large-scale human genomic data and determine structural genomic variants and carry out complex comparative and population analysis