484 research outputs found

    Comparative advantage in Bangladesh crop production

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    "This study uses data from 1996/97 through 1998/99 to examine the relative efficiency of production of crops in Bangladesh and their comparative advantage in international trade as measured by net economic profitability (the profitability using economic, rather than financial costs and prices), and the domestic resource cost ratio, (the amount of value of non-tradable domestic resources used in production divided by the value of tradable products). The economic profitability analysis demonstrates that Bangladesh has a comparative advantage in domestic production of rice for import substitution. However, at the export parity price, economic profitability of rice is generally less than economic profitability of many non-rice crops, implying that Bangladesh has more profitable options other than production for rice export. Several non-cereal crops, including vegetables, potatoes and onions have financial and economic returns that are as high as or higher than those of High Yielding Variety (HYV) rice. The relatively minor role in cropping systems of these crops despite their higher returns, can largely be attributed to high price risks associated with marketing, suggesting the need for further development of agro-processing industries, rural infrastructure, and marketing networks." Authors' Abstract

    Rice price stabilization in Bangladesh

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    To meet its overall objective of ensuring food security for all households, the Government of Bangladesh undertakes several activities: it intervenes in markets to stabilize prices, targets food distribution to poor households and provides emergency relief after natural disasters. This paper provides measures of the variability of domestic and international rice prices, and examines the mix of government intervention and private sector participation in rice markets. The analysis shows that the relatively high degree of price stability achieved in the 1990s was due in large part to private sector imports that stabilized markets following major production shortfalls. Domestic rice procurement contributed relatively little to raising domestic producer prices at harvest time, involved only a small percentage of farmers, and incurred excessive costs following successful harvests because of procurement prices set far in excess of market prices.Price regulation ,Food security South Asia ,Government policy ,Markets Prices ,Rice Bangladesh ,

    Efektifitas Tanaman Serai (Andropogan Nardus L.) sebagai Tanaman Penolak Liriomyza Sp.(diptera : Agromizidae) pada Pertanaman Bawang Merah Lembah Pal

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    The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of the lemongrass plant (Andropogannardus L.) as a repellent pest plant against Liriomyza sp. At shallot cropping in Palu Valley. This study used a randomized block design within which treatments included planting lemongrass plant (PLP) at four weeks (PLP 4), two weeks before (PLP 2) and at the same time (PLP 0) of the shallot crop was planted, as well as control (with no lemongrass planting). Variables observed were the populations of adult Liriomyza sp. and the attack rate of Liriomyza sp. as well as the crop production. The results showed that five and six weeks after the shallots were planted, the population of adult and the attack rate of Liriomyza sp. were lower in the PLP 4 than in the PLP 2, PLP 0 and control treatments. The treatment plant as a crop repellent lemongrass does not affect the production of onion valley hammer.Attack rate, repellent plants, Liriomyza sp. imag

    Prospects of Service Apartment in Chittagong: An Exploratory Study

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    Rapid urbanization has become an acute problem for the country. The rate of urbanization is estimated to be 5-6% annually for Bangladesh(REHAB,2004)About 25% of the people of Bangladesh is now living in urban areas and 34%will be living by 2015(REHAB 2004). 50% by 20259 Singha D., 2004). There is acute shortage of housing supply in all urban areas. Moreover, in a study Consumer Association of Bangladesh (CAB) shows that house rentals in Dhaka have more than doubled (249.62 percent) in last 17 years. In Chittagong the scenario is same. Tenants who are from middle, upper middle and lower middle class are worse victims of the rising trend of house rentals.  The study has investigated the nature of service apartment to fulfill the housing need of the growing number of customers and the boost up the downtrend of housing business. The  researchers have interviewed about 500 respondents from income group ranging from 20thousand and above. Several locations have been identified for service apartments and a good number of findings will help the prospective researchers and developers as well. Keyword: Housing, real estate, service apartment, housing market

    Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Bangladesh

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    Distorted incentives, agricultural and trade policy reforms, national agricultural development, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, F13, F14, Q17, Q18,

    Adopsi Petani terhadap Pelaksanaan Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa Var. Aggregatum L.) di Desa Solove Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aimed to assess the differences in the level of farmers\u27 adoption of Integrated Pest Management component between farmers Alumni Field School Integrated Pest Management (SLPHT) and the farmers who have\u27nt followed the SLPHT onion crop. The research method used in the form of a random survey by interviewing respondents directly to the with to the question that has been presented in the questionnaire. Sample of respondents farmers by 40 people consisting of 20 farmers SLPHT and 20 farmer non-SLPHT. The results showed that the rate of adoption of SLPHT farmers are higher than non-SLPHT farmers with an average value is 14,30 (SLPHT) to 10,25 (Non SLPHT) and there is a significant relationship pbetween the factors that influence the rate of adoption by farmers\u27 adoption SLPHT of the components of IPM relative gain factor (6.73), compatibility (6.99), complexity (10, 65), triabilitas ( 15.38), observability (14.17) and the decision of innovation (9.37)

    Bumper crops, producer incentives and persistent poverty

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    Food aid has played a useful role in Government of Bangladesh efforts to increase food security in the last three decades, adding to foodgrain availability, supplying wheat for targeted distribution to poor households, and helping to finance development projects and programs. However, sustained increases in domestic production of both rice and wheat have increased the likelihood of disincentive effects arising from continued large inflows of food aid. The analysis shows that if good rice harvests continue so that real rice prices remain at their levels of 2000, and if international wheat prices return to their average 1995-99 levels, then public wheat distribution may need to be cut to levels below the current amount of food aid received (650 thousand tons in 2000/2001) to avoid reducing domestic prices below import parity. However, resources will continue to be required for programs that increase access to food by the poor, contribute to increased utilization of food and result in improved nutritional outcomes, even if the need for food aid to increase availability of foodgrains diminishes.Food relief Bangladesh. ,Food security. ,Development projects. ,Rice Prices Bangladesh. ,Wheat Prices. ,
