672 research outputs found

    Studies of rf Sputtered CdTe Films Prepared at Different rf Powers

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    Embryonic Ethanol Exposure Affects Early- and Late-Added Cardiac Precursors and Produces Long-Lasting Heart Chamber Defects in Zebrafish

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    Drinking mothers expose their fetuses to ethanol, which produces birth defects: craniofacial defects, cognitive impairment, sensorimotor disabilities and organ deformities, collectively termed as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Various congenital heart defects (CHDs) are present in FASD patients, but the mechanisms of alcohol-induced cardiogenesis defects are not completely understood. This study utilized zebrafish embryos and older larvae to understand FASD-associated CHDs. Ethanol-induced cardiac chamber defects initiated during embryonic cardiogenesis persisted in later zebrafish life. In addition, myocardial damage was recognizable in the ventricle of the larvae that were exposed to ethanol during embryogenesis. Our studies of the pathogenesis revealed that ethanol exposure delayed differentiation of first and second heart fields and reduced the number of early- and late-added cardiomyocytes in the heart. Ethanol exposure also reduced the number of endocardial cells. Together, this study showed that ethanol-induced heart defects were present in late-stage zebrafish larvae. Reduced numbers of cardiomyocytes partly accounts for the ethanol-induced zebrafish heart defects

    Complex cardiac defects after ethanol exposure during discrete cardiogenic events in zebrafish: prevention with folic acid

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    Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) describes a range of birth defects including various congenital heart defects (CHDs). Mechanisms of FASD-associated CHDs are not understood. Whether alcohol interferes with a single critical event or with multiple events in heart formation is not known. RESULTS: Our zebrafish embryo experiments showed that ethanol interrupts different cardiac regulatory networks and perturbs multiple steps of cardiogenesis (specification, myocardial migration, looping, chamber morphogenesis, and endocardial cushion formation). Ethanol exposure during gastrulation until cardiac specification or during myocardial midline migration did not produce severe or persistent heart development defects. However, exposure comprising gastrulation until myocardial precursor midline fusion or during heart patterning stages produced aberrant heart looping and defective endocardial cushions. Continuous exposure during entire cardiogenesis produced complex cardiac defects leading to severely defective myocardium, endocardium, and endocardial cushions. Supplementation of retinoic acid with ethanol partially rescued early heart developmental defects, but the endocardial cushions did not form correctly. In contrast, supplementation of folic acid rescued normal heart development, including the endocardial cushions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that ethanol exposure interrupted divergent cardiac morphogenetic events causing heart defects. Folic acid supplementation was effective in preventing a wide spectrum of ethanol-induced heart developmental defects

    Zebrafish as a Vertebrate Model System to Evaluate Effects of Environmental Toxicants on Cardiac Development and Function

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    Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the modern world that possesses a major threat to public health. Exposure to environmental pollutants during embryonic development is particularly risky. Although many pollutants have been verified as potential toxicants, there are new chemicals in the environment that need assessment. Heart development is an extremely sensitive process, which can be affected by environmentally toxic molecule exposure during embryonic development. Congenital heart defects are the most common life-threatening global health problems, and the etiology is mostly unknown. The zebrafish has emerged as an invaluable model to examine substance toxicity on vertebrate development, particularly on cardiac development. The zebrafish offers numerous advantages for toxicology research not found in other model systems. Many laboratories have used the zebrafish to study the effects of widespread chemicals in the environment on heart development, including pesticides, nanoparticles, and various organic pollutants. Here, we review the uses of the zebrafish in examining effects of exposure to external molecules during embryonic development in causing cardiac defects, including chemicals ubiquitous in the environment and illicit drugs. Known or potential mechanisms of toxicity and how zebrafish research can be used to provide mechanistic understanding of cardiac defects are discussed

    Research Notes : India : Effect of varieties and date of sowing on the growth and yield of soybean

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    The recognition of highly valued soybean in India is well understood by its cultivation of 6 lakhs hectares during 1980-81 (Bhatnagar, 1980-81). Though Assam is famous as a rice growing area, the typical uplands are not properly utilized for rice because of partial to nonavailability of irrigation water. These areas are either partly used for raising rice seedlings or put to summer vegetables

    Research Notes : India : Effects of sowing date and decapitation on green soybeans

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    Green soybean as fresh vegetable is gaining popularity in many of the soybean-producing countries of the world. Soybean as vegetable can be grown easily during rainy season because final product is harvested as immature green seed (Shanmugasundaram et al., 1982). Decapitating at 4-5 trifoliolate leaves has been found to increase the yield by 14 to 22% (Tin, 1982)

    Research Notes : India : Effect of varieties and population densities on the growth and yield of soybean

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    The varieties of a crop with their differential genetical makeup exhibit wide variation in regard to both growth habits and ultimate yield. The main-tenance of optimum plant population will not only provide ample scope for proper growth of a variety but will largely shape the ultimate yield, because the yield of a crop in general is a function of yield per plant and plant popu-lation per unit area. Experimental evidence is available to show that optimum plant populations per unit area for different soybean varieties are not the same (Singh et al., 1974; Narayana, 1976; Reddy and Singh, 1976; Deshmukh et al., 1977)

    Zebrafish retinal stem cell differentiation mechanisms are disrupted by embryonic ethanol exposure

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    poster abstractPrenatal alcohol exposure can lead to a wide range of developmental abnormalities, which are included under the umbrella term fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). To understand the genesis of FASD defects, the zebrafish is important mechanistic animal model, particularly for retinal development. Previous work from our laboratory showed that ethanol treatment during gastrulation through somitogenesis in zebrafish embryos could recapitulate human ocular defects including microphthalmia, optic nerve hypoplasia, and photoreceptor defects. Ethanol-treated embryos showed increased retinal proliferation in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), inner nuclear layer (INL), and ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). Retinoic acid (RA) and folic acid (FA) co-supplementation rescued most ethanol-induced retinal defects, suggesting that nutrient deficiencies contribute to FASD. To better understand the genesis of ethanol-induced retinal cell differentiation defects, effects of ethanol exposure on retinal stem cell populations in the CMZ and Müller glial cell populations were examined. Ethanol treated retinas had an expanded CMZ, and a reduced expression domain for the cell cycle exit marker, cdkn1c. Ethanol treated retinas also showed reduced GFAP-positive Müller glial cells, which are a stem cell population in the central retina. At 72 hpf, the ONL of ethanol exposed fish showed few photoreceptors expressing terminal differentiation markers. Importantly, these poorly differentiated photoreceptors co-expressed the bHLH differentiation factor, neuroD, indicating that ethanol exposure produced immature and undifferentiated photoreceptors. Reduced differentiation along with increased progenitor marker expression and proliferation suggest cell cycle exit disruption due to ethanol exposure. Ethanol exposure severely disrupted Wnt and Notch signaling, which are critical for stem cell behavior and differentiation. These defects were rescued by Wnt signaling agonist, RA, and FA treatments. These results suggest ethanol disrupted retinal cell differentiation mechanisms. Further analysis of underlying molecular mechanisms will provide insight into the ethanol-induced retinal defects and potential therapeutic targets

    Ethanol-induced Retinal Defects are Rescued by Retinoic Acid Supplement in Developing Zebrafish Embryos

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    poster abstractFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is caused by prenatal alcohol exposure, producing a spectrum of defects including facial abnormalities, sensory (visual and auditory) deficits, impaired fine motor skills and learning deficits including mental retardation. Our laboratory has used a zebrafish model for FASD that exposes embryos to ethanol during early development (midblastula transition through somitogenesis). Children diagnosed with FASD frequently show severe eye defects ranging from small eyes, underdeveloped optic nerve, and cataract. Zebrafish embryos exposed to ethanol showed defects similar to human eye birth defects. Presence of ethanol affected the differentiation of many retinal cell types including, retinal ganglion cells and photoreceptors. We hypothesize that ethanol may affect retinal patterning by competing with Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (Raldh), reducing retinoic acid (RA) synthesis and signaling. Co-treatment of embryos with ethanol and 10-9 M RA could rescue the photoreceptor and retinal ganglion cell differentiation defects in the retina. RA plays a crucial role in the dorso-ventral patterning of the retina, and the enzymes involved in RA biosynthesis are expressed in the ventral retina during mid-somitogenesis stage. Our experiments showed that ethanol exposure during that critical time window when Raldh is expressed in the ventral retina causes severe defects in retinal cell specification. No defects were induced by ethanol exposure at the earlier stages. Presence of RA during photoreceptor differentiation could rescue ethanol-induced photoreceptor differentiation defects. Future work will dissect molecular mechanisms underlying ethanol defects, including retinoic acid-mediated eye development mechanisms. Determining the effects of ethanol exposure on retinal morphogenesis and differentiation will help identify potential therapeutic targets for ocular defects in this regrettably frequent birth defect syndrome