17 research outputs found

    Locating Temporal Functional Dynamics of Visual Short-Term Memory Binding using Graph Modular Dirichlet Energy

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    Visual short-term memory binding tasks are a promising early marker for Alzheimer's disease (AD). To uncover functional deficits of AD in these tasks it is meaningful to first study unimpaired brain function. Electroencephalogram recordings were obtained from encoding and maintenance periods of tasks performed by healthy young volunteers. We probe the task's transient physiological underpinnings by contrasting shape only (Shape) and shape-colour binding (Bind) conditions, displayed in the left and right sides of the screen, separately. Particularly, we introduce and implement a novel technique named Modular Dirichlet Energy (MDE) which allows robust and flexible analysis of the functional network with unprecedented temporal precision. We find that connectivity in the Bind condition is less integrated with the global network than in the Shape condition in occipital and frontal modules during the encoding period of the right screen condition. Using MDE we are able to discern driving effects in the occipital module between 100-140ms, coinciding with the P100 visually evoked potential, followed by a driving effect in the frontal module between 140-180ms, suggesting that the differences found constitute an information processing difference between these modules. This provides temporally precise information over a heterogeneous population in promising tasks for the detection of AD

    Spectral design of signal-adapted tight frames on graphs

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    Analysis of signals defined on complex topologies modeled by graphs is a topic of increasing interest. Signal decomposition plays a crucial role in the representation and processing of such information, in particular, to process graph signals based on notions of scale (e.g., coarse to fine). The graph spectrum is more irregular than for conventional domains; i.e., it is influenced by graph topology, and, therefore, assumptions about spectral representations of graph signals are not easy to make. Here, we propose a tight frame design that is adapted to the graph Laplacian spectral content of a given class of graph signals. The design exploits the ensemble energy spectral density, a notion of spectral content of the given signal set that we determine either directly using the graph Fourier transform or indirectly through approximation using a decomposition scheme. The approximation scheme has the benefit that (i) it does not require diagonalization of the Laplacian matrix, and (ii) it leads to a smooth estimate of the spectral content. A prototype system of spectral kernels each capturing an equal amount of energy is defined. The prototype design is then warped using the signal set’s ensemble energy spectral density such that the resulting subbands each capture an equal amount of ensemble energy. This approach accounts at the same time for graph topology and signal features, and it provides a meaningful interpretation of subbands in terms of coarse-to-fine representations

    Nonlinear operators on graphs via stacks

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    International audienceWe consider a framework for nonlinear operators on functions evaluated on graphs via stacks of level sets. We investigate a family of transformations on functions evaluated on graph which includes adaptive flat and non-flat erosions and dilations in the sense of mathematical morphology. Additionally, the connection to mean motion curvature on graphs is noted. Proposed operators are illustrated in the cases of functions on graphs, textured meshes and graphs of images