42 research outputs found

    Analisa Sensitivitas Parameter - Parameter yang Mempengaruhi Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) Perumahan Cluster di Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Perumahan Sari Residence)

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    Pekanbaru is one of the provincial capital in Indonesian that has rapid population growth about 4% each year. One of thedevelopment thing is the rapidly growing field of building construction, especially in the field of housing. Free trade competition in which the selling price as set by the government. It is necessary to identify the parameters that affect the Budget Plan (RAB) in Type of Cluster House development. Sensitivity analysis is needed to determine how sensitive a decision to change the parameters that influence it. Criteria of the largest costs incurred is the cost of home work better than the average yield response of respondents as well as seen from the calculation of the RAB. RAB calculations obtained percentage of the cost of homework on the overall total cost for one (1) of housing units is 61.64%. Retrieved parameters that affect as many as 12 parameters namely: Wall Working, Roof Working, foundation working, concrete working, vast excess soil, deed of sell, Building Permits, Ownership Certificate, Electrical installation, Water Treatment Plan, Mainroad. So we need antisipasif action against these parameters

    Analisis Risiko Pembangunan Jalan Tol Pada Tahap Konstruksi (Studi Kasus Jalan Tol Pekanbaru-Dumai)

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    The existing Pekanbaru-Dumai highway (consist of 2-lane 2-way) is as an important transportation system connecting several cities in the Riau Province. It was forecasted that thehighway would be overcapacity by the year 2015. Hence, the toll road was planned to overcome the problem. However, the investment for the construction of the toll road may involves some level of risks and uncertainties, the risk analyses procedure may put into account for managing the risks. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the project risks (during project construction phase). This study measured the value of the risk probabilities and risk impacts that may occur during this construction phase. The magnitude of each single risk is analyzed and simulated using @Risk software package. In order to obtain data input, the filed survey was conducted in two main stages e.i.; preliminary survey, and detailed survey. Then analyzed was carried out based on stochastic analyses. The result findings were then compared to the parameters published by the Puslitbang Pd-T-01-2005-B, 2005. It was identified that four major risks were influenced during the project construction phase, as follow; risk of the project finance,risk of the project construction, equipment risk and force majeure. The magnitude of the risks that may occur during project construction was identified as a medium risk category, which needs special intention to be preceded.

    Analisa Kelayakan Tarif Pdam Kota Dumai Berdasarkan Pengembalian Biaya Penuh (Full Cost Recovery) Proyek

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    Dumai, one of the largest city in Riau Province, has only served 6% of its total population\u27s needs of water supply, which mean there are only about 16.000 of 280.000 citizen in this city which have been served by PDAM with 80 L/s supplying ability and just 50% efficiency. Therefore, improvements of water supply should be top priority, which means it needs a relatively big amounts of investment based on the feasibility study. In this case, to obtain a proportional investment it needs to analyze the Full Cost Recovery of this project. The ultimate goal of this research is to analyze the Economic Feasibility for PDAM of Dumai city for 25 years later with a turnover provisions at the 20th year. The feasibility study in this research is based on economic analysis with two alternatives; water treatment with 80 L/s capacity up to projection age and raising to160 L/s capacity at the 5th year. This economic analysis uses five indicators; Net Present Value (NPV) of benefit and cost flow,Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Break Event Point (BEP) and sensitivity analysis, whereas the calculation in this study using the approximate estimation. The calculation in this research uses 12% of interest rate and 6% of inflation, and results Rp. 61.098.871.064,- of investments for an 80 L/s capacity water treatment with price Rp. 7.000,-/m3 for a household and Rp 9.000,-/m3 for an industrial consumption with Rp. 4.444.807.908 , - of NPV with 1,135 BCR and 16,829 % IRR. As for the capacity of 160 l / sec obtained an investment of Rp . 99,657,097,694 , - with a tariff of Rp . 5.700 , - for Household and Rp . 8.000 , - for an industrial consumption with Rp6.670.266.335 , - of NPV with 1,122 BCR and 16,433 % IRR with investment feasibility analysis above shows that all the parameters are well worth to be invested

    Analisis Risiko Pembangunan Jalan Tol Pekanbaru - Dumai pada Tahap Konstruksi (Studi Kasus Jalan Tol Pekanbaru - Dumai)

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    Pekanbaru-Dumai highway is now an important highway, the condition of the existing road are consist of 2-lane road 2-way, predictable way Pekanbaru-Dumai will experience overcapacity in Kandis-Dumai section in 2015. To overcome this situation the toll road is planned. The investment of highway construction will always be involved in risk with certain scale, it is necessary to do the risk analysis. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the risk, measuring of risk probability point and risk impact and risk test by performing simulations using @Risk For Excel software. This research was conducted using a survey method and interview with respondents. The survey was conducted in three phases, namely: beginning survey, preliminary survey and detailed survey. Based on research conducted identified four risk factors are financing risk, construction risk, equipment risk and force majeure. These four risks are identified in the medium risk category. The influence level of risk impact to the increase of construction investment budget plan Pekanbaru-Dumai toll roads as a whole amounted to 8.07% (Rp. 1,183 trillion) with risk factor for 0,549 then classified as medium risk. While detaily 15% (Rp. 2,194 trillion) by a factor of 0.685 then risk being classified as at risk. The most sensitive risk is the risk of development

    Analisis Investasi Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Kota Dumai Berdasarkan Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta

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    Construction of water supply system has been implemented Dumai City since 2009. But until 2011 the construction should be done despite stalled cost as much as Rp 180 billion. The cost is only partially physical labor can build transmission and distribution networks in 4 districts. Therefore, the city government plans to continue the development dumai the project. In the government's development plan includes an investor to reduce sourced financing from the state budget. In this study, the system will analyze the cooperation undertaken by making 3 schemes. And each of these schemes will be analyzed in the economy that is based on net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), and payback period (PBP). Economic analysis is performed on each scheme can be stated that the three schemes is feasible, for each of the parameters such as NPV is positive, BCR greater than 1.0 and internal rate of return and the value of the prevailing commercial interest, but the rates obtained are very expensive so the rates are not feasible. but the rates obtained are very expensive so the rates are not feasible. Thus, in the financing of infrastructure development should be done budget sharing the rates obtained becomes smaller

    Studi Kelayakan Investasi Pembangunan Upstream Infrastructure Air Bersih Pdam Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015 - 2035

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    Pekanbaru city is the capital of Riau province consisting of 12 sub-district with a total population in 2013 was 1.018.750 inhabitants. Currently PDAM "Tirta Siak" of Pekanbaru City served 10% of the water demand within the city area. The PDAM production capacity was 620 liters/sec. The purpose of this study are (i) to forecast the water demand in period of 2015-2035, (ii) calculate the investments of upstream infrastructure, and (iii) analyze the upstream infrastructure financial aspects using Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR) method, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Break Even Point (BEP), Payback Period, and Sensitivity Analysis.Result of this studies are (i) Pekanbaru City water demand for 2015 approximate to 4.056 liters/second and continued to rise become 9.176 liters / sec on 2035, (ii) the upstream infrastructure investments is divided into two phases with an investment for phase 1 is Rp. 571.059.228.117 and for phase 2 is Rp.602.641.569.713, and (iii) financial aspects values are BCR 1,37; NPV Rp.900.869.707.831; IRR 15.93% ; payback period is 18 years 4 months and 3 days ; and BEP value is 515.031.471 m3 of water that must be sold

    Identifikasi Parameter dalam Penentuan Prioritas Penangaan Masalah Sistem Drainase di Wilayah Kota Pekanbaru Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hirearcy Process (AHP)

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    Pekanbaru city drainage systems generally use a gravity system that depends on the topography area. The topography that relatively flat causes the rainwater drainage system cannot occur properly. Parameter of drainage system problem handling is planned based on the decision-making system method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which are: Technical, Economical, Environmental, and Social/Cultural. The results of the AHP analysis with using Expert Choice program 2000 found that the most influential criteria in drainage system problem handling is technical criteria, with 47.9% level of technical criteria, economical criteria 30.8%, environmental criteria 11.2%, and the social/cultural criteria 10.2%. Priority areas in the handling of the drainage system is: Purwodadi Ujung Perumahan Teratai Indah with the percentage level of 53,3%, Jalan Soekarno Hatta (Pasar Pagi Arengka intersection) 31%, and Jalan Riau Ujung (Jalan Riau Ujung – Jalan Soekarno Hatta intersection) 15,7%. The most influence sub- criteria in determining the priority handling of the drainage system are: the capacity of the drainage system network, the availability of budget to funding the annual O & M of drainage systems, coverage of area services, and management and maintenance of drainage infrastructure