206 research outputs found

    “The Soft Power” of European Universities: Gender and Sexuality Policies

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the problematization and conceptualization of influence, as well as the potential for participation of higher education institutions, as educational and scientific centers, in the formation and implementation of gender and sexual policies in modern European countries, which are widely debated and ambiguously perceived in society. Methods. The article conceptualizes the concepts of gender and sexual policy in two senses: as a sphere of the struggle for power, as well as a system of technologies and actions in solving socially important problems. As a theoretical and methodological framework, the principles of social constructionism are used in interpreting the content, meaning and research of technologies for the formation of public representations and culture on issues of intimate and inter-sexual relations. Based on the use of general scientific methods and the heuristic potential of the Overton window concept, a scheme is proposed for explaining and studying the participation of universities in the “promotion” of relevant policies and politics. Results. The heuristic potential of the concept of “Overton’s Window” to the political science problematization, interpretation and explanation of the “soft power” potential of modern universities in shaping, discussing the social and political agenda on sexual and gender culture in Europe is revealed. It is shown that sexual and gender policies in society can be aimed at changing the values, perceptions and norms of the organization of interactions in the relevant areas of life, both at the level of individual practices and social institutions. Social and communicative technologies (informed discussion, events, creation of terms, name-calling) that are (un)intentionally used in the framework of higher education institutions to normalize and politicize ideas, perceptions and values regarding gender issues, the organization of sexual life can be interpreted as important tools for transforming unthinkable practices and beliefs into the category of not only acceptable, eligible on the existence of a pluralism of views, but also dominant in political discourse. Discussion. The issue of the ethical principles of the implementation of the “soft power” strategy by European universities, as well as the political and social sense and consequences of radical transformations in gender and sexual culture and the structure of society, present in the discourses of European academic science and education, remains open and poorly studied

    Soil microorganisms in the urban ecosystems of the russian subarctic (Murmansk region, Apatity)

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    A comprehensive study of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of soil microfungi, bacteria and algae communities in the Apatity city, located in the subarctic zone of Russia, was carried out for the first time. Urban soil samples were taken from various landuse zones (residential, recreational) and compared to arable and forest soils. In the residential zone, a decrease in the number of microfungi in the topsoil horizon to 1.1 thous. CFU/g compared to 22.7 thous. CFU/g in forest soil was revealed. In the residential zone, an increase was found in the number of saprotrophic bacteria to 7.8 million cells g-1 and oligotrophic to 10.9 million cells g-1 compared to 2.6 million cells g-1 and 1.8 million cells g-1 respectively in forest soils. In the recreational zone, the number of soil microorganisms was similar to that in the forest. A decrease in the species diversity of microfungi in the soil of the residential zone and an increase in the diversity of soil algae were revealed. Among the dominant species of fungi in urban soils, atypical species, including pathogenic ones for humans (Penicillium dierckxii, Stachybotris echinatus, Fusarium sp.), were found. In the algal community, diatoms, yellow-green algae, and cyanobacteria appeared in urban soils in comparison with forest soil. As a result of changes in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of soil microbial communities, a decrease in the enzymatic activity of soils has been noted. This may indicate a weakening of the ecosystem functions of urban soils and an increase in the degree of toxicity for living organisms and humans

    Quality of life of patients with different forms of hemophilia on the example of Nizhny Novgorod region

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    It is important for public health to monitor and improve the health indicators of the population using the system of patient's quality of life (HRQoL) assessment regardless of the nosology of the disease. The use of HRQoL assessment provides health authorities with a tool for additional analysis of the performance of health services and for making decisions about funding priorities. The definition of HRQoL is one of the decisive factors in the calculation of QALYs because it measures the effectiveness of medical treatment in terms of how much it prolongs and/or improves patients' lives. The aim of the study is to determine the QALYs of hemophilia patients in Nizhny Novgorod region by means of electronic questionnaire using the SF-36 questionnaire. Methods. A validated SF-36 short form questionnaire was used in the study, which was distributed to adult patients with hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease of Nizhny Novgorod region together with a short form of informed voluntary consent. Twenty-eight people participated in the questionnaire. Calculation of general and final indicators of the HRQoL was carried out according to the instructions for processing data obtained with the SF-36 questionnaire. Results. The lowest score among all respondents was for GH "General Health Status" with a mean value of 61.00, and the highest score was for PF "Physical Functioning" with a mean value of 81.43. The study revealed that the majority of the surveyed patients were receiving Emicizumab (42.86 %). After comparing the ranges of values of the final indicators of physical (PH) and mental (MN') health in patients with different forms of hemophilia, the highest values of HRQoL indicators are observed in patients with hemophilia B, and the highest range of extreme values — in patients with hemophilia A. Conclusion. Patients with different forms of hemophilia are determined to have satisfactory values of HRQoL indicators, as all the results obtained in the course of the questionnaire are above the average value of the indicators. Mean HRQoL scores in patients receiving emicizumab are at a similar level compared to patients receiving other LPs, and fluctuations in HRQoL scores in these patients are less marked than in the other patients with hemophilia A

    Economic analysis of the use of drugs for the treatment of hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease

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    Relevance. Therapy of hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease is carried out under the program of 14 VZN due to the use of federal budget funds. The use of funding is increasing in line with the growth of the total number of patients. In 2022,85.99 billion rubles were allocated, which corresponds to a 1.5‑fold increase in funding compared to 2018. The aim of the study was to conduct an economic analysis of the use of drugs for the therapy of hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease. Methods. The materials for the analysis were the dosing regimen of LPs selected on the basis of clinical recommendations, the availability of LPs in the 14 VZN program, and the prices for LPs from the State Register of maximum selling prices for VED drugs. Costs of on demand prophylaxis and treatment regimens for hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease according to clinical recommendations for each INN for all trade names (TN) were assessed. Results. For hemophilia A the number of submitted drugs by INN is 7;IN — 14; of them domestic drugs were submitted — 1. The minimum cost of LPs for prophylaxis is 2 584 764,00 rubles. Coit-DVI (Grifols Therapeutics LLC, USA), and the maximum cost is RUR 9,955,517.21. Advait (Takeda Manufacturing AG, Austria). Forhemophilia B, the number of represented PL — 2 INN; INN — 6; domestic drugs — 2. The minimum cost is RUR 1,559,376.00. Innonafactor (AO Generium, Russia), maximum — 3 079 319,88 rubles for a year course of prophylaxis LP Immunin (TakedaManufacturing, Austria). To stop bleeding in patients with inhibitor form use anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (Feiba, Austria), which is necessary on average 9100 units per 1 patient, and the average cost of application — 430 863,52 rubles or eptacog alpha(activated) (Coagil-VII, Russia) at multiple administration to the patient 6 times a day — maximum cost — 2 739 803,64 rubles or once a day — 293 550,35 rubles. Conclusion. In the structure of drug supply for patients with hemophilia, domestic drugs are represented by 5 names: Octofactor (JSC "Generium", Russia); Agemfil B (FGBU "NMIC Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Russia) and Innonafactor (JSC "Generium", Russia); ArioSaven (LLC "PSK Pharma", Russia) and Coagil-VII (JSC "SG Biotech", Russia). There are no domestic drugs available for the therapy of Willebrand's disease

    Coherent spin relaxation in molecular magnets

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    Numerical modelling of coherent spin relaxation in nanomagnets, formed by magnetic molecules of high spins, is accomplished. Such a coherent spin dynamics can be realized in the presence of a resonant electric circuit coupled to the magnet. Computer simulations for a system of a large number of interacting spins is an efficient tool for studying the microscopic properties of such systems. Coherent spin relaxation is an ultrafast process, with the relaxation time that can be an order shorter than the transverse spin dephasing time. The influence of different system parameters on the relaxation process is analysed. The role of the sample geometry on the spin relaxation is investigated.Comment: Latex file, 22 pages, 7 figure

    Phosphate-modified CpG oligonucleotides induce in vitro maturation of human myeloid dendritic cells

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    Myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the immune response; therefore, the search for compounds that can effectively activate DCs is a needful goal. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) on the maturation and allostimulatory activity of myeloid DCs in comparison with other PAMP and DAMP molecules. For the research, we synthesized known CpG-ODN class C (SD-101 and D-SL03) containing thiophosphate internucleotide groups, and their original phosphate-modified analogues (SD-101M and D-SL03M) with mesylphosphoramide internucleotide groups (M = μ-modification). The effects of CpG-ODN and other activators were evaluated on DCs generated from blood monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IFN-α (IFN-DC) or IL-4 (IL4-DC). Evaluation of the intracellular TLR-9 expression showed that both types of DCs (IFN-DC and IL4-DC) contained on average 52 and 80 % of TLR-9-positive cells, respectively. The CpG-ODNs studied enhanced the allostimulatory activity of IFN-DCs, and the effect of μ-modified CpG-ODNs was higher than that of CpG-ODNs with thiophosphate groups. The stimulating effect of CpG-ODN at a dose of 1.0 μg/ml was comparable (for D-SL03, D-SL03M, SD-101) with or exceeded (for SD-101M) the effect of LPS at a dose of 10 μg/ml. At the same time, IFN-DCs were characterized by greater sensitivity to the action of CpG-ODNs than IL4-DCs. The enhancement of DC allostimulatory activity in the presence of CpG-ODNs was associated with the induction of final DC maturation, which was confirmed by a significant decrease in the number of CD14+DC, an increase in mature CD83+DC and a trend towards an increase in CD86+DC. Interestingly, the characteristic ability of LPS to enhance the expression of the co-stimulatory molecule OX40L on DCs was revealed only for the μ-analogue SD-101M. In addition, CpG-ODNs (SD-101 and SD-101M) had a stimulatory effect on IFN-γ production comparable to the action of LPS. The data obtained indicate a stimulating effect of CpG-ODN on the maturation and allostimulatory activity of human myeloid DCs, which is more pronounced for μ-modified analogs


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    Low-basic Cybber anionites with various functional groups and matrix type are tested for recovery of rhenium from multicomponent sulfuric acid solutions. It is established that anionite SX002 manifests an increased capacity during the sorption from solutions with a low Re content, while anionite ALX220 is applicable to recover Re at its high concentrations in the solution. The ionic background of the industrial solution affects the capacity of sorbents with respect to rhenium. When studying the kinetic characteristics, it is revealed that sorption processes on ionites are limited by the internal diffusion. The tests of ionites as applied to Cr-containing solutions indicate the possibility of using anionites ALX220 and SX002 to recover rhenium.Для извлечения рения из многокомпонентных серно-кислотных растворов опробованы образцы низкоосновных анионитов Cybber с различными функциональными группами и типом матрицы. Установлено, что анионит SX002 проявляет повышенную емкость при сорбции из растворов с низким содержанием Re, а ALX220 применим для извлечения Re при его высоких концентрациях в растворе. Ионный фон технологического раствора оказывает влияние на емкость сорбентов по рению. При изучении кинетических характеристик выявлено, что процессы сорбции на ионитах лимитируются внутренней диффузией. Проверка ионитов на технологических Cr-содержащих растворах свидетельствует о возможности применения анионитов ALX220 и SX002 для извлечения рения

    The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of facial pain in practice

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    Studies have shown that the drug ibuprofen is effective for the relief of pain in the facial area, allowing the continuation of dental treatment. Clinical experience has shown that 87% of patients were satisfied with the result of pain relief.Проведенные исследования показали, что препарат ибупрофен является эффектив-ными для купирования болевого синдрома в лицевой области, что позволяет дальнейшее проведение стоматологического лечения. Клинический опыт показал, что 87% пациентов были удовлетворены результатом снятия болевого синдрома

    Mechanism of Disruption of the Amt-GlnK Complex by PII-Mediated Sensing of 2-Oxoglutarate

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    GlnK proteins regulate the active uptake of ammonium by Amt transport proteins by inserting their regulatory T-loops into the transport channels of the Amt trimer and physically blocking substrate passage. They sense the cellular nitrogen status through 2-oxoglutarate, and the energy level of the cell by binding both ATP and ADP with different affinities. The hyperthermophilic euryarchaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus possesses three Amt proteins, each encoded in an operon with a GlnK ortholog. One of these proteins, GlnK2 was recently found to be incapable of binding 2-OG, and in order to understand the implications of this finding we conducted a detailed structural and functional analysis of a second GlnK protein from A. fulgidus, GlnK3. Contrary to Af-GlnK2 this protein was able to bind both ATP/2-OG and ADP to yield inactive and functional states, respectively. Due to the thermostable nature of the protein we could observe the exact positioning of the notoriously flexible T-loops and explain the binding behavior of GlnK proteins to their interaction partner, the Amt proteins. A thermodynamic analysis of these binding events using microcalorimetry evaluated by microstate modeling revealed significant differences in binding cooperativity compared to other characterized PII proteins, underlining the diversity and adaptability of this class of regulatory signaling proteins