73 research outputs found

    Investigation of antioxidant activity of nonpolar and semipolar natural compounds of the Persian Gulf Sea Cucumber (Holothuria sp.)by using Oil Stability Index (OSI) method

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    In this investigation, nonpolar and semipolar compounds in sea cucumber (Holothuria sp.) collected from coasts of Lengeh Port were extracted by Bligh &Dyer method. The extraction of nonpolar and semipolar natural compounds was conducted by Hexane and Ether, respectively. After condensation, the prepared samples were injected into gas chromatography machine equipped with mass spectroscopy; and mass spectra obtained, using Eight Peak reference, and Kuats index (KI) and its conformity with standard Kuats index was also assessed. The compounds in Hexane-Ether phases were identified. Based on the results, in the Hexane phase of sea cucumber issue, there were nine compounds including: 2-Octanol (5.23 %), 5-Methyl 2-Hexanol (8.05 %), 2-Nonanol (2.5%), Cyclohexasiloxane, Dodecamethyl (2.09%), 3-Hydroxystearic (1.66%), Methyl Arachidonate (20.65%), 1, 4, 8, Dodecatriene (21.71%), Oleicacid (30.27%), and 1-Dodecanol (2.52%). There were also seven compounds in the Ether phase including: Tetradecane (0.63%), Palmitoleic acid (1.23%), Palmitic acid (1.63%), Oleic acid (40.31%), Stearic acid (3.40%), Methyl Arachidonate (28.62%), and 1, 2- Benzendicarboxlic acid (2-ethyl hexyl) (2.71%). We found that in both phases the main ingredient is Oleic acid. The investigation of antioxidant activity was conducted by the OSI and Rancimat apparatus. We detected no antioxidant activity in the sea cucumber compounds

    Evaluation of the activated carbon prepared from the algae Gracilaria for the biosorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions

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    The batch removal of copper (II) ions from aqueous solution and wastewater using the activated carbon prepared from Gracilaria by acid decomposition was investigated. The effect of pH, biosorption time,adsorbent dose, and metal ions concentration, were considered. The most effective pH was found to be 4.0. The biosorption capacities were solution pH dependent and the maximum uptake for copper with initial concentration 70, 100 and 150 mg l-1 at pH 4.0 were obtained 95.53, 93.72 and 88.84%, respectively. The total metal ions biosorption occurs within 2 h. The equilibrium adsorption data fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Both the models represent the experimental data satisfactorily. The adsorption follows second order kinetic. This study shows the benefit of using activated carbon from marine red algae as a low cost sorbent for the removal of copper from aqueous solution wastewater

    Biotransformacja mircenu z udziałem bakterii Pseudomonas putida PTCC 1694

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    Terpineol and linalool are sources of fragrances providing an unique volatile terpenoid alcohol of low toxicity, and thus are widely used in the perfumery industry. They are also being applied in folk medicine and in aromatherapy, as well as important chemical constituents of the essential oil of many plants. Previous studies have implicated the biotransformation of limonene by Pseudomonas putida. The objective of this research was to study the pathways involved in biotransformation of myrcene by Pseudomonas putida. The culture preparation was done by using such variables as different microbial methods and incubation periods to obtain maximum cells of P. putida for myrcene biotransformation. It was found that myrcene was converted to dihydrolinalool, cis-β-dihydroterpineol, linalool and cis-ocimene-8-oxo in high percentages. The biotransformation products were identified by theoretical study (TS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), ultraviolet visible (UV), gas chromatography (GC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography/ mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Comparison of different incubation times showed that 120 h which was more effective, the major products were dihydrolinalool (4.1%), cis- β-dihydroterpineol (67.6%) and linalool (25.8%). The main compounds comprised 97.5%. The incubation period of 72 h yielded dihydrolinalool (16.7%), cis-ocimene-8-oxo (61.6%), Biotransformation of Myrcene by Pseudomonas putida PTCC 1694 trans-β-dihydroterpineol (8.4%) and β-cadinene (3.5%), with main compounds comprising 86.7%. Incubation for 30 h yielded dihydrolinalool (59.5%), cis-β-dihydroterpineol (25.0%), hexadecanoic acid (12.5%), and the main compounds comprising 97.0%.Terpineol i linalol są związkami zapachowymi należącymi do alkoholi terpenowych. Charakteryzują się wyjątkowo niską toksycznością, dlatego często są wykorzystywane w przemyśle perfumeryjnym, medycynie ludowej oraz aromaterapii. Są głównymi składnikami olejków eterycznych wielu roślin. Poprzednio prowadzone badania dotyczyły biotransformacji limonenu prowadzonej przez Pseudomonas putida. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie możliwości biotransformacji mircenu prowadzonej przez bakterie Pseudomonas putida. W hodowli kultur wykorzystano różne metody mikrobiologiczne oraz okresy inkubacji w celu uzyskania maksymalnego stężenia komórek bakterii Pseudomonas putida zdolnych do biotransformacji mircenu. W trakcie badań stwierdzono wysokie stężenie takich metabolitów biotransformacji mircenu jak: dihydrolinalol, cis-β-dihydroterpineol, linalol oraz 82 A. Esmaeili, E. Hashemi, S. Safaiyan, A. Rustaiyan cis-ocymen-8-okso. Produkty metabolizmu mircenu zidentyfikowano, wykorzystując dane wynikające z rozważań teoretycznych (TS) oraz wykorzystując techniki spektroskopii w podczerwieni (FTIR), promieniowania ultrafioletowego (UV), chromatografii gazowej (GC), spektroskopii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego (NMR) i spektroskopii mas sprzężonej z chromatografią gazową (GC-MS). Na podstawie porównania różnych czasów inkubacji stwierdzono, że 120-godzinna inkubacja jest najbardziej wydajna. Dzięki niej otrzymano dihydrolinalol (16,7%), cis-β-dihydroterpineol (67.6%), linalol (25,8%), które stanowiły 97,5% całego substratu. W czasie 72-godzinnej inkubacji otrzymano 86,7% wszystkich związków: dihydrolinalol (16,7%), cis-ocymen-8-okso (61,6%), trans-β-dihydroterpineol (8,4%) oraz β-kadinen (3,5%). W wyniku inkubacji 30h otrzymano 97% wszystkich związków powstałych w procesie biotransformacji: dihydrolinalol (59,5%), cis-β-dihydroterpineol (25,0%) oraz kwas heksadekanowy (12,5%)