66 research outputs found

    Evolution of a model quantum system under time periodic forcing: conditions for complete ionization

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    We analyze the time evolution of a one-dimensional quantum system with an attractive delta function potential whose strength is subjected to a time periodic (zero mean) parametric variation η(t)\eta(t). We show that for generic η(t)\eta(t), which includes the sum of any finite number of harmonics, the system, started in a bound state will get fully ionized as tt\to\infty. This is irrespective of the magnitude or frequency (resonant or not) of η(t)\eta(t). There are however exceptional, very non-generic η(t)\eta(t), that do not lead to full ionization, which include rather simple explicit periodic functions. For these η(t)\eta(t) the system evolves to a nontrivial localized stationary state which is related to eigenfunctions of the Floquet operator

    Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria

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    We study, globaly in time, the velocity distribution f(v,t)f(v,t) of a spatially homogeneous system that models a system of electrons in a weakly ionized plasma, subjected to a constant external electric field EE. The density ff satisfies a Boltzmann type kinetic equation containing a full nonlinear electron-electron collision term as well as linear terms representing collisions with reservoir particles having a specified Maxwellian distribution. We show that when the constant in front of the nonlinear collision kernel, thought of as a scaling parameter, is sufficiently strong, then the L1L^1 distance between ff and a certain time dependent Maxwellian stays small uniformly in tt. Moreover, the mean and variance of this time dependent Maxwellian satisfy a coupled set of nonlinear ODE's that constitute the ``hydrodynamical'' equations for this kinetic system. This remain true even when these ODE's have non-unique equilibria, thus proving the existence of multiple stabe stationary solutions for the full kinetic model. Our approach relies on scale independent estimates for the kinetic equation, and entropy production estimates. The novel aspects of this approach may be useful in other problems concerning the relation between the kinetic and hydrodynamic scales globably in time.Comment: 30 pages, in TeX, to appear in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis: author's email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Space Charge Limited 2-d Electron Flow between Two Flat Electrodes in a Strong Magnetic Field

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    An approximate analytic solution is constructed for the 2-d space charge limited emission by a cathode surrounded by non emitting conducting ledges of width Lambda. An essentially exact solution (via conformal mapping) of the electrostatic problem in vacuum is matched to the solution of a linearized problem in the space charge region whose boundaries are sharp due to the presence of a strong magnetic field. The current density growth in a narrow interval near the edges of the cathode depends strongly on Lambda. We obtain an empirical formula for the total current as a function of Lambda which extends to more general cathode geometries.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, e-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

    Transport across nanogaps using semiclassically consistent boundary conditions

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    Charge particle transport across nanogaps is studied theoretically within the Schrodinger-Poisson mean field framework and the existence of limiting current investigated. It is shown that the choice of a first order WKB wavefunction as the transmitted wave leads to self consistent boundary conditions and gives results that are significantly different in the non-classical regime from those obtained using a plane transmitted wave. At zero injection energies, the quantum limiting current density, J_c, is found to obey the local scaling law J_c ~ (V_g)^alpha/(D)^{5-2alpha} with the gap separation D and voltage V_g. The exponent alpha > 1.1 with alpha --> 3/2 in the classical regime of small de Broglie wavelengths. These results are consistent with recent experiments using nanogaps most of which are found to be in a parameter regime where classical space charge limited scaling holds away from the emission dominated regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 ps figure

    Decay of a Bound State under a Time-Periodic Perturbation: a Toy Case

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    We study the time evolution of a three dimensional quantum particle, initially in a bound state, under the action of a time-periodic zero range interaction with ``strength'' (\alpha(t)). Under very weak generic conditions on the Fourier coefficients of (\alpha(t)), we prove complete ionization as (t \to \infty). We prove also that, under the same conditions, all the states of the system are scattering states.Comment: LaTeX2e, 15 page