3,225 research outputs found

    A vapor generator for transonic flow visualization

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    A vapor generator was developed for use in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT). Propylene glycol was used as the vapor material. The vapor generator system was evaluated in a laboratory setting and then used in the TDT as part of a laser light sheet flow visualization system. The vapor generator provided satisfactory seeding of the air flow with visible condensate particles, smoke, for tests ranging from low subsonic through transonic speeds for tunnel total pressures from atmospheric pressure down to less than 0.1 atmospheric pressure

    An experimental study of tip shape effects on the flutter of aft-swept, flat-plate wings

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    The effects of tip chord orientation on wing flutter are investigated experimentally using six cantilever-mounted, flat-plate wing models. Experimentally determined flutter characteristics of the six models are presented covering both the subsonic and transonic Mach number ranges. While all models have a 60 degree leading edge sweep, a 40.97 degree trailing edge sweep, and a root chord of 34.75 inches, they are subdivided into two series characterized by a higher aspect ratio and a lower aspect ratio. Each series is made up of three models with tip chord orientations which are parallel to the free-stream flow, perpendicular to the model mid-chord line, and perpendicular to the free-stream flow. Although planform characteristics within each series of models are held constant, structural characteristics such as mode shapes and natural frequencies are allowed to vary

    An experimental and analytical investigation of the effect of spanwise curvature on wing flutter at Mach number of 0.7

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    An experimental and analytical study was conducted at Mach 0.7 to investigate the effects of spanwise curvature on flutter. Two series of rectangular planform wings of aspect ration 1.5 and curvature ranging from zero (uncurved) to 1.04/ft were flutter tested in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT). One series consisted of models with a NACA 65 A010 airfoil section and the other of flat plate cross section models. Flutter analyses were conducted for correlation with the experimental results by using structural finite element methods to perform vibration analysis and two aerodynamic theories to obtain unsteady aerodynamic load calculations. The experimental results showed that for one series of models the flutter dynamic pressure increased significantly with curvature while for the other series of models the flutter dynamic pressure decreased with curvature. The flutter analyses, which generally predicted the experimental results, indicated that the difference in behavior of the two series of models was primarily due to differences in their structural properties

    HIV-1 Vpr Causes Synaptodendritic Damage in Neurons

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    HIV weakens the immune system by infecting and destroying T-cells, leaving the body vulnerable to infection and the development of AIDS. Conventional treatments for HIV, such as combined anti-rectroviral therapy (cART), fail to prevent the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND). Neurological dysfunction has been directly related to the invasion of HIV in the central nervous system (CNS). HIV produces neurotoxic proteins, such as the Viral Protein R (Vpr), which contribute to HAND. Astrocytes are the most abundant cells in the brain and an important HIV target. We hypothesize that astrocytes expressing Vpr will cause neuronal damage in our co-culture system. Primary astrocytes were transfected with Vpr plasmid or control (pEGFP or mock) using electroporation. Astrocytes were then co-cultured with cortical neurons. At 48 and 72 hours we collected the primary astrocytes to confirm the Vpr expression via western blot analysis. We then measured structural damage in the neurons using immunofluorescence for cytoskeletal (MAP2, f-actin) and synaptic (synaptophysin) damage. Preliminary results showed strong staining of filamentous actin and MAP2 with weak detection of synaptophysin. The positive control for neurotoxicity (2.8µM acrylamide) showed substantial damage to the cellular structure. Results for Vpr expression are pending. After confirming that the immunofluorescence assays are working with our controls, we expect to detect any synaptodendritic damage in the neurons caused by Vpr in our upcoming experiments

    Pressure measurements on a rectangular wing with a NACA0012 airfoil during conventional flutter

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    The Structural Dynamics Division at NASA LaRC has started a wind tunnel activity referred to as the Benchmark Models Program. The primary objective of the program is to acquire measured dynamic instability and corresponding pressure data that will be useful for developing and evaluating aeroelastic type CFD codes currently in use or under development. The program is a multi-year activity that will involve testing of several different models to investigate various aeroelastic phenomena. The first model consisted of a rigid semispan wing having a rectangular planform and a NACA 0012 airfoil shape which was mounted on a flexible two degree-of-freedom mount system. Two wind-tunnel tests were conducted with the first model. Several dynamic instability boundaries were investigated such as a conventional flutter boundary, a transonic plunge instability region near Mach = 0.90, and stall flutter. In addition, wing surface unsteady pressure data were acquired along two model chords located at the 60 to 95-percent span stations during these instabilities. At this time, only the pressure data for the conventional flutter boundary is presented. The conventional flutter boundary and the wing surface unsteady pressure measurements obtained at the conventional flutter boundary test conditions in pressure coefficient form are presented. Wing surface steady pressure measurements obtained with the model mount system rigidized are also presented. These steady pressure data were acquired at essentially the same dynamic pressure at which conventional flutter had been encountered with the mount system flexible

    NACA0012 benchmark model experimental flutter results with unsteady pressure distributions

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    The Structural Dynamics Division at NASA Langley Research Center has started a wind tunnel activity referred to as the Benchmark Models Program. The primary objective of this program is to acquire measured dynamic instability and corresponding pressure data that will be useful for developing and evaluating aeroelastic type computational fluid dynamics codes currently in use or under development. The program is a multi-year activity that will involve testing of several different models to investigate various aeroelastic phenomena. This paper describes results obtained from a second wind tunnel test of the first model in the Benchmark Models Program. This first model consisted of a rigid semispan wing having a rectangular planform and a NACA 0012 airfoil shape which was mounted on a flexible two degree of freedom mount system. Experimental flutter boundaries and corresponding unsteady pressure distribution data acquired over two model chords located at the 60 and 95 percent span stations are presented

    The New Heavy Gas Testing Capability in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel

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    The NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT) has provided a unique capability for aeroelastic testing for over thirty-five years. The facility has a rich history of significant contributions to the design of many United States commercial transports and military aircraft. The facility has many features which contribute to its uniqueness for aeroelasticity testing; however, perhaps the most important facility capability is the use of a heavy gas test medium to achieve higher test densities. Higher test medium densities substantially improve model building requirements and therefore simplify the fabrication process for building aeroelastically scaled wind-tunnel models. The heavy gas also provides other testing benefits, including reduction in the power requirements to operate the facility during testing. Unfortunately, the use of the original heavy gas has been curtailed due to environmental concerns. A new gas, referred to as R-134a, has been identified as a suitable replacement for the former TDT heavy gas. The TDT is currently undergoing a facility upgrade to allow testing in R-134a heavy gas. This replacement gas will result in an operational test envelope, model scaling advantages, and general testing capabilities similar to those available with the former TDT heavy gas. As such, the TDT is expected to remain a viable facility for aeroelasticity research and aircraft dynamic clearance testing well into the 21st century. This paper describes the anticipated advantages and facility calibration plans for the new heavy gas and briefly reviews several past test programs that exemplify the possible benefits of heavy gas testing

    Transonic shock-induced dynamics of a flexible wing with a thick circular-arc airfoil

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    Transonic shock boundary layer oscillations occur on rigid models over a small range of Mach numbers on thick circular-arc airfoils. Extensive tests and analyses of this phenomena have been made in the past but essentially all of them were for rigid models. A simple flexible wing model with an 18 pct. circular arc airfoil was constructed and tested in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel to study the dynamic characteristics that a wing might have under these circumstances. In the region of shock boundary layer oscillations, buffeting of the first bending mode was obtained. This mode was well separated in frequency from the shock boundary layer oscillations. A limit cycle oscillation was also measured in a third bending like mode, involving wind vertical bending and splitter plate motion, which was in the frequency range of the shock boundary layer oscillations. Several model configurations were tested, and a few potential fixes were investigated

    Flutter clearance flight tests of an OV-10A airplane modified for wake vortex flight experiments

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    The envelope expansion, flight flutter tests of a modified OV-10A aircraft are described. For the wake vortex research program, the airplane was modified to incorporate three forward-extending instrumentation booms, one extending forward from each wing tip and one from the right side of the fuselage. The booms were instrumented with sensors to measure the velocity and direction of local air flow. The flutter test results show that the modified OV-10A aircraft is free from flutter at speeds up to 330 KEAS at 5000 feet altitude